To the Blue King’s Castle

by Prasenjit Gupta

Prasenjit Gupta: Writings and Translations

To the Blue Kings Castle: Adventures in the Underground Forest is a story book for young children, middle-aged children, and other children usually called grown-ups.

A delightful adventure tale chock-full of hair-raising twists and turns, fabulous and frenetic wordplay, memorable characters of utter genius and perfectly simple magic, and nonsense poetry of the highest caliber (if there’s any such thing), this charming novel is reminiscent of the masterworks of Lewis Carroll and Frank L. Baum and the verse of Edward Lear.

Strongly recommended for word lovers, layabouts and vagabonds, philosophers and fabulists, people who can spell, people who drink milk on Wednesdays, adults who love children, children who tolerate adults, dogs with good reading skills, armadillos who don’t care, Chinese nuns, Peruvian monks, soothsayers from Serendip, tuskers from Tuscaloosa, Chatterjees from Chattanooga, baskers in sunshine, lazy people, fundamental mentalists, dentally talented lentil tillers, trapeze artists, trapezoid painters, corporate executives, corpulent cuties, the deciduous as well as the evergreen, bird lovers, lovebirds, fish eaters, vegetarians, lady’s fingers, and all other known creatures and unforeseen eventualities. If you belong to one of these groups (and especially if you don’t), get this book and dive right in!

“Ritu goes shopping to an ordinary mall and stumbles upon the most extraordinary adventure! She . . . finds herself in a forest where she meets the resident magician and his assistant Blanc-Noir. What happens thereafter is a magic maze of adventure and thrill. Prasenjit Gupta’s first book for children, which starts with Ritu’s mother pestering her to clean her room, takes a turn where anything is possible. For more twists in the tale, get reading!” — The Telegraph

To the Blue King's Castle (India: from Flipkart; U.S.: from Parabaas)