Consciousness: Is it Beyond Physics?

Can consciousness be defined based on the Quantum theory? Well! my intuition says it may, but rigorous modifications and physical understanding of QFT will be needed which is lacking currently.

Unlike the current quantum mind theories, my initial analysis and intuition say that the mind is definitely built upon quantum systems, but it does not generate consciousness. Rather, consciousness is a mysterious field present throughout the universe that can be accessed by our mind. In fact, my theory (which is a newborn now) also has the potential to explain free will and qualia. At present, it is difficult to say if this approach is dualistic or monistic. It depends on what you mean by consciousness.

There are several theories in the literature that attempt to explain this mysterious reality. Dvaita (dualism, it says mind or consciousness and body are separate) and Advaita (oneness or monism, as also described in Mandukya Upanishad) are two distinct and opposite theories. There are numerous versions of philosophies by various visionaries in both these domains due to the dilemma in the basic definition and perception of consciousness. In the former, we most commonly have Samkhya philosophy (pure consciousness (Purusa) is separate from Prakriti (matter, including mind)), Dvaita Vedanta (God (Isvara) and the universe are two distinct realities), and Cartesian Duality (Descartes' version of mind and body distinction, with mind being universal). Following the latter, we have Advaita Vedanta (describe only brahman and nothing else), Materialism (this is the most followed version where the interactions within the brain create everything and there is nothing called consciousness), and Quantum theories of Mind (including the famous Orch OR theory by Nobel Laureate Roger Penrose and Hameroff, which is based on the quantum process within neurons (microtubules, to be specific)).

Recently, there has been a spike in the number of scientists moving towards the philosophy of Panpsychism (everything is conscious and by considering elementary particles to be conscious the emergent consciousness of life can be learned).

Firstly, what consciousness really is? needs to be put in a proper way. The questions such as How reddish is the red color? How sweet is the smell of the flower? mislead the notion of consciousness. This awareness and sense of surroundings can very well be controlled by our individual minds created by our brains. It needs to be understood that everything around is basically a field (matter fields, EM fields, energy fields, and so on). Also, based on quantum theory, everything is probabilistic. It is here that consciousness comes into the picture. It is the fundamental entity that is the source of life, defines the future (what will be happening next?), connects our mind with others, gives us the capability of dreaming, and does many more things that no physical field can possibly do. Any specific part of the mind that gets uncontrolled/extreme access to this consciousness leads to some currently unexplainable mental conditions.

It should be noted clearly that consciousness is not about the active state of mind. In practice, we use this word commonly for being in a state of awakeness which is not correct. Neuroscientists show that by tapping some specific points in the brain, specific feelings or senses can be switched on or off. But they wrongly interpret it as controlling consciousness. Think of any complex electrical system (analogous to the brain) which is analyzing several parameters. Now, if you tamper with specific parts of the circuit, the corresponding parameter (senses or feelings) will not be analyzed. This in no way means that it was the source. The whole electrical system (brain or mind) is running because of the main power supply (analogous to consciousness).

Consciousness is some kind of a mysterious field. For instance, we now know that something has mass only when it interacts with the Higgs field (photons and gluons do not interact, so they do not have mass). Similarly, it could be this mysterious conscious field that our mind interacts with to gain access to reality. From Quantum Field Theory, we understand that every interaction leads to the emergence of a distinct quasiparticle (such as phonons, plasmons, magnons, etc.). "Soul" could be the quasiparticle emerging from mind-consciousness interaction. Therefore, mind, body, soul, thoughts, decisions, and experiences are personal (individual) but not consciousness, which is universal.

As every unique nanoscale interaction within and between quantum materials and light requires specific conditions to strengthen itself, strong mind-consciousness interaction needs yoga, meditation, and lifestyle to build those favorable conditions. This, in the words of Vedanta and Buddhism, is interpreted as accessing different levels of consciousness. When we are in the medical state of coma, our mind has a very weak interaction with this field which makes us unaware of the reality around us. When we die, the mind no more has the power to interact with this field.

What do we mean by nothing or emptiness? What are dreams? Why cannot we recall any part of our life that took place before a certain age (mostly, before 3 years)? When exactly does life enter the child inside the mother's womb? Have you ever noticed that sometimes you just started thinking or talking about someone and at that same moment the person enters? Have you ever felt that being around specific people gives a strong positive or negative vibe? What are all these? Can they be explained through physics? Yes! definitely. I am working on it.

Here, I have only given the gist of my building theory that needs heavy mathematical and experimental proofs. Sticking to personal opinions is not the way science is dealt with. I am open to modifications and corrections to develop a robust theory that answers everything. Please feel free to discuss more or share your views on this with me.