Are you a Freshman or Sophomore? Read This and Follow.

Okay! So, here you are trying to find the right path to follow that will aid you to become a Researcher in the near future. From what I have experienced and observed, dividing your four academic years into the following stages will definitely prove advantageous.

  • Freshman year: This is the year of transition from school life to college life. You will take some time to adjust to this environment. Do not worry about your far future now, just don't. Trust me! I have been the person who has always planned for several years into the future. But, it will not help in your first year. Relax, make friends (good ones, just don't get carried away by the crap around you), and, most importantly, focus on every single course in the curriculum. Never neglect the latter or else you will regret it later. The courses in your first year are the fundamentals. You may have the feeling that you know or it is not needed for your path, but try to go beyond the class. You will realize it while taking advanced courses (plan those courses now). Try to learn as many things as you can. Do not restrict yourself to one single topic at this stage. Find out about the softwares/tools required in your stream and learn them. Most importantly, learn how to write proper mail (This is something that the majority of students need to work on). This is all you need to do. Be the Receiver! Grow.

  • Sophomore year: Now is the time you try to do something in several sub-fields in your domain of interest. For instance, my domain was ECE. I chose to do projects in the fields of Image-processing and ML-enabled electronic systems, Robotics, Embedded Systems, Nanoelectronics, Laser-based devices, and Plasmonics. Although I was sure of my true interest since my school days, I practically did something in all of these to be certain about my interest and make sure that I do not regret my decision later just because I had not tried other things. When you try different things, not only do you get to know which one interests you most, but also you get to think about and connect things from different fields. This lacks in many researchers. Do some internships during the summer break in a related field if possible. There are many opportunities for summer internships at premier science and engineering institutes in India (VSRP, ICTS, IITs, SRFP, CeNSE), Austria (IST), Japan (OIST), Singapore (NTU/NUS), Taiwan (TEEP, TIGP), Saudi Arabia (KAUST), and other open programs (MITACS, Charpak, CERN, SN Bose program, etc.). Remember! by this time you also must make yourself known to the professors with whom you would want to carry out a mini-research project. Be the Jack of all trades! Expand.

  • Junior year: By this time you must be aware of the topics you are interested in. It might not be very specific, actually, it should not be specific. For instance, I was well aware that I want to work in a field with a fusion of condensed matter physics and photonics. I began my research work at the end of my sophomore year on a topic that was available to me in my research group back then. This year is to learn the whys and hows of graduate research, know what it takes to be a researcher, and strengthen your mind before you enter that phase of your life. Also, start preparing for GRE and TOEFL and get rid of them. Finally, begin preparing a list of groups where you would like to apply for your Ph.D. (just make the list, this will in no way be any close to your final list). Be a Seeker! Learn.

  • Senior year: This is a hectic year. You will have no time to waste. If you do, then sorry you are rejected! Before even entering your senior year, if your college has the option, go for the research internships during the summer break. Mostly, a research institute and not a company. It is the time to work, work, and connect. Keeping mailing professors for a semester-long research internship. Never lose hope. Never. Do not compare yourself to anyone else. This is the worst thing you could do to yourself. If you are from an institute like mine, which has no great recognition, then you will have to make more effort. Your mails will get unnoticed most of the time, with no reply 90% of the time, but still, you will need to look for that one positive reply. You just need one, my friend, just one. The same is the case when you will apply for Ph.D. positions. For details on how to apply and other things about applications, look at the section below. Finally, always have a solid backup plan at every step of your life. Analyze the assumptions you are making before taking any step and never rely on your friends on this matter. Be Persistent! Resolute.