Hey! Welcome. This is... 

Pranshoo Upadhyay

Are you sure you are at the right place?? If yes, then you are of course someone with an inquisitive and research-oriented mind. Please feel free to contact me if you like what you see and read here. Thank you!!

Yes! this guy is me. 

Let me introduce myself. I am Pranshoo Upadhyay, an ardent lover of Physics with a B. Tech. in Electronics and Communication Engineering. 

I am pursuing my Ph.D. (Fall 2022) in the field of Quantum Science and Technology at the University of Maryland, College Park. I am in Prof. Hafezi's group which is affiliated with Joint Quantum Institute (JQI), Quantum Technology Center (QTC), QuICS, and IREAP. Here, my current interest is to explore novel light-induced quantum phases in TMD heterostructures in both bosonic and fermionic regimes.

Before this, my four years of undergraduate studies were at the Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design, and Manufacturing,  Jabalpur. There, I was involved with the group of Prof. Pravin Kondekar to design and model hybrid steep-slope FETs for low-power and high-speed applications. Negative Capacitance and Mott-Peierls insulator-metal transition were studied, modeled, and simultaneously utilized to achieve a hybrid device with extraordinary enhancements.

Later, I was with the Centre for 2D Materials Research and Innovation (2DMRI), Department of Physics, IIT Madras, under the supervision of Dr. Pramoda K. Nayak as a Project Associate from August 2021 to April 2022. My work spanned several experimental sub-fields, including Topological insulator heterostructures, Thermoelectricity and Excitonics in Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), and Hybrid hetero-systems (0D/1D structures on 2D TMDs).

If you want to know more about my academic life, then please check out my Resume here. Else, continue reading.

I am an explorer, 24/7, not only in my field of study but also in my daily life. I love to explore people and that enables me to enhance my insight into life. 

The ultimate goal that I seek is to bring Mind, Consciousness, and Quantum Field theory on a single platform. Wait! Let me be honest that I am nowhere close to understanding any of these three domains currently. I have just stepped into the world of research (merely 3 years) and am focused on initially gaining a fundamental understanding of these three domains individually.

"Never say NO to a possibility until you can PROVE, without any assumptions, that it can never happen."

To reach what I crave, I currently need to dig into various types of nanoscale interactions. These interactions result in a sea of quasi-particles, such as excitons, polaritons, magnons, phonons, skyrmions, and the list goes on. An understanding of these interactions will help me better understand and visualize QFT while dealing with the emergence of intriguing quantum phases and developing quantum tools. It will also build a strong base to proceed toward the field of MIND with a QFT approach. Later, my aim will be to try to introduce consciousness compatible with a modified version of QFT (maybe as some complex energy field(s)). This ultimate goal will also require the development of quantum simulators and sensors which, as I just mentioned, will be my initial focus.

It's a long journey ahead. I hope to meet, discuss, and work with inquisitive and analytical minds. Also, make true life-long friends along the way.