

With my experience in product design/development and human factors engineering, I aim to improve the comfort, safety, and productivity of systems by designing/evaluating interventions. I have worked on design/development projects such as: wearable assistive devices, passive exoskeleton mechanisms, bipedal robotic system, interiors of driver's compartment, masks/respirators, and hydraulic systems of industrial vehicles; and evaluation-based projects: movement alterations in stroke patients, estimating impact of surgical table design on health of nurses. Often, my research includes conducting experiments using sensing equipment and by recruiting human subjects to understand biomechanical and perceived effects of the interventions in consideration.

Research Interests

Human Factors      Product Design      Biomechanics      Wearable Devices      Assistive Technologies      Signal Processing


Evaluating Industrial Exoskeletons

Industrial Exoskeletons are wearable assistive devices that aim to reduce the risk of injury. These devices are in early implementation phases, and need thorough evaluation. Conducting detailed assessment often helps in gaining insights on their impact on the health of wearers. 

Movement of Stroke Survivors

Survivors of Stroke have a higher risk of injury while performing activities of daily living due to affected neuro-musculoskeletal systems. Analyzing alterations in their movement patterns can be beneficial in identifying affected body functions leading to more effective rehabilitation.

Industrial Vehicle Seating

Interiors of industrial vehicles that are not ergonomically designed can affect driving comfort and performance. Incorporating adjustability in the design of  seating features can help in improving comfort experienced by drivers belonging to a wider range of anthropometric measurements.

Interactions in Virtual/Augmented Reality

Performing gestures or body movement while simply viewing digital elements in virtual (VR), or augmented reality (AR) may increase physical workload, cause discomfort, and reduce performance. Effective ergonomic evaluations to assess physical demands during VR/AR tasks can be beneficial in developing guidelines on interface/interaction design. 

Surgical Tray Table Design

Nursing personnel often perform repetitive lifting/lowering of surgical instrument trays in operating room.  A comparative assessment with a new table design showed pathways towards effective tray arrangement, and safer lifting/lowering practices on both tables.

List of Publications

Journal Articles

1. Kuber, P. M., Kulkarni, A. R., Rashedi,. E. (2024) Machine Learning-Based Fatigue Level Prediction for Exoskeleton-Assisted Trunk Flexion Tasks Using Wearable Sensors. Applied Sciences.

2. Abdollahi, M., Kuber, P. M., Rashedi, E,. (2024) Dual Tasking Affects the Outcomes of Instrumented Timed up and Go, Sit-to-Stand, Balance, and 10-Meter Walk Tests in Stroke Survivors. Sensors.

3. Kuber, P. M., Godbole, H., Rashedi,. E. (2024) Detecting Fatigue During Exoskeleton Assisted Trunk-Flexion Tasks: A Machine Learning Approach. Applied Sciences.

4. Abdollahi, M., Rashedi, E., Kuber, P. M., Kazempour, B., Jahangiri, S., Dombovy, M., Azadeh-Fard,. N. (2024) Post-Stroke Functional Changes: In-depth Analysis of Clinical Tests and Motor-Cognitive Dual-Tasking by Wearable Sensors. Bioengineering.

5. Abdollahi, M., Rashedi, E., Jahangiri, S., Kuber, P. M., Azadeh-Fard,. N. Dombovy, M., (2024) Fall Risk Assessment in Stroke Survivors: A Machine Learning Model Using Detailed Motion Data from Common Clinical Tests and Motor-Cognitive Dual-Tasking. Sensors.

6. Kuber, P. M., Rashedi, E. (2023). Alterations in Physical Demands During Virtual/Augmented Reality-Based Tasks: A Systematic Review. Annals of Biomedical Engineering.

7. Kuber, P. M., Alemi, M. M., & Rashedi, E. (2023). A Systematic Review on Lower‑Limb Industrial Exoskeletons : Evaluation Methods , Evidence , and Future Directions. Annals of Biomedical Engineering.

8. Abdollahi, M., Kuber, P. M., Shiraishi, M., Soangra, R., & Rashedi, E. (2022). Kinematic Analysis of 360◦ Turning in Stroke Survivors Using Wearable Motion Sensors. Sensors. 22 (1), 385. 

9. Kuber, P. M., Abdollahi, M., Alemi, M. M., & Rashedi, E. (2022). A Systematic Review on Evaluation Strategies for Field Assessment of Upper-Body Industrial Exoskeletons: Current Practices and Future Trends. Annals of Biomedical Engineering.

10. Thakur, K., Kuber, P. M.,  Abdollahi. M., E Rashedi., (2022). Why multi-tier surgical instrument table matters? An ergonomic analysis from mento-physical demand perspectives. Applied Ergonomics.

11. Kuber, P. M., Rashedi, E. (2022). Investigating effects of adjustability features in the design of forklift backrests: a pilot study. International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics.

12. Kuber, P. M., & Rashedi, E. (2021). Designing a New Forklift Backrest: Role of Adjustability in Improving Operator Comfort. Ergonomics in Design.

13. Kuber, P. M., & Rashedi, E. (2020). Product Ergonomics in Industrial Exoskeletons: Potential Enhancements for Workforce Safety and Efficiency. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science. 

14. Kuber, P., & Kolhe, S. (2017). Biomechanical Analysis of Human Gait for Bipedal Robotic Applications. International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, V6(07), 176–179. 

15. Kuber, P., Kolhe, S., Kulkarni, P., & Kulkarni, P. (2016). Estimation of Zero Moment Point using Centre of Gravity based Method. International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, V5(10), 100–102.

Conference Papers

1. Kuber, P. M., & Rashedi, E.* (2023). Understanding Differences in Muscular & Perceived Demands During Exoskeleton Use in Intermittent Bending. IISE Annual Conference and Expo 2023. (Podium Presentation)

2. Abdollahi, M.*, Kuber, P. M., Pierce, M., Cristales, K., Dombovy, M., Lalonde, J., & Rashedi, E. (2023). Motor-Cognitive Dual-Task Paradigm Affects Timed Up & Go ( TUG ) Test Outcomes in Stroke Survivors. 2023 11th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER). (Podium Presentation)

3. Abdollahi, M.*, Kuber, P. M., Hoang, C., Shiraishi, M., & Soangra, R. (2022). Can a Single Motion Sensor Identify Lower Limb Movement Limitations of Stroke Survivors in 360˚ Turning? International Stroke Conference 2022 (Podium Presentation)

4. Kuber, P. M.*, & Rashedi, E. (2021). Towards Reducing Risk of Injury in Nursing: Design and Analysis of a New Passive Exoskeleton for Torso Twist Assist. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care. (Poster Presentation) (Poster Presentation)

5. Kuber, P. M.*, & Rashedi, E. (2020). Assessing the Ergonomic Benefits of a New Adjustable Forklift Backrest. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 2020 Annual Meeting, 976–980. (Podium Presentation)

6. Kuber, P. M.*, & Rashedi, E. (2020). Preparing Future Human Factors Engineers for Developing Ergonomic Products using Computer Aided Design and Prototyping. 2020 ASEE St. Lawrence Section Annual Conference Proceedings, (April), 220–221. (Podium Presentation)

7. Abdollahi, M.*, Kuber, P. M., Hoang, C., Shiraishi, M., & Soangra, R. (2021). Kinematic Assessment of Turning and Walking Tasks Among Stroke Survivors by Employing Wearable Sensors and Pressure Platform. 2021 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC), 6635–6638. (Podium Presentation)

8. Thakur, K.*, Kuber, P. M., Abdollahi, M., Wenker, D., Kandrikar, M., & Rashedi, E. (2021). Assessing the Ergonomic Design of a New Back Table for Perioperative Nurses. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care. (Poster Presentation)

9. Uniyal, A., Kuber, P. M.*, Lobos, A., Magyar, M., & Rashedi, E. (2021). Development of a New Reusable and User-Centric General-Use Mask for Averting Respirator Supply Crisis in the Healthcare Sector. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care. (Poster Presentation)

10. Abdollahi, M.*, Kuber, P. M., Hoang, C., Shiraishi, M., Soangra, R., & Rashedi, E. (2021). Comparing The Kinematics of Stroke Survivors and Healthy Individuals in a 360-degree Turning Task using Inertial Measurement Units. European Society of Biomechanics. (Podium Presentation)


1. Kuber, P. M. (2020). Design and Development of an Ergonomic Hybrid Forklift Seat [Rochester Institute of Technology].

2. Kolhe, S., Kuber, P., Kulkarni, P., & Kulkarni, P. (2016). Development of Kinematic Mechanism for Legged System.



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