eZDSP (TMS320F28335) Digital Spectrum
eZdsp™ F28335 board with Code Composer Studio DSK tools and power supply
Initial setup to interface MATLAB and CCS for TMS320F28335 -
1) Install CCS6.0.1
2) Install Control suite.
3) Install DSP/BIOS
4) If window 10 ,go in system -> Advance System Setting -> Environmental Variables -> user variables -> NEW ->
Put : name = DSP_2833x_INSTALDIR
Path = C:\ti\controlSUITE\device_support\f2833x\v140
5) also at same place : in system variables - NEW ->
Put : name = FLASH_2833x_API_INSTALLDIR
path = C:\ti\controlSUITE\libs\utilities\flash_api\2833x\28335\v210
6) Commands on MATLAB command prompt - xmakefilesetup (not available form 2018b onward - tool-chain approach explain on page)
7) Deselect the - "display operational configuration only" in the dialog box " Xmakefile user configuration "
8) Select - ticcs_c2000_ccsv5
9) now click on apply and select the folders ccsv6.
10) check in the Tool Directory in same dialog box for other file address.
11) Now go to simulink model.
12) Get Hardware support packages on MATLAB .
13) Open Simulink and go in Model configuration parameter and select hardware implementation.
14) Select there TI Delphino F2833x
15) Target hardware resources - Select IC F28335.
16) In External mode : configure com port.
17) IN code generation -> System Target file -> select ert.tlc
18) Install Cygwin
19) Alos install add on in MATLAB : mingw-w64
CCS Configuration
1) Download CCS studio software
2) Double click on CCS to start and click on following menu: view -> target configuration, and create new target configuration
3) Now in this select the debugger are you using in case of eZDSP board following two debugger are available - i. Digital spectrum eZDSP usb emulator ,ii. XDS1000v2 emulator .
4) Select your DSP controller series e.g. TMS320F28335 .
5) Now save the configuration and test the connection. Then launch the configured configuration and then by right clicking on the configuration connect the board.
6) With the help of properties find the location of the configuration .ccxml file and use it in the matlab interfacing.
How can I use the XDS100v2's second port as a serial port (UART)?
Ensure that there is a physical connection between the FTDI Port B TX and RX pins and your target serial device and then follow these steps:
Click Start, Right click on My Computer, and select Properties
Navigate to the Hardware tab of the System Properties dialog box and select Device Manager
In the list of devices, expand the group titled Universal Serial Bus controllers and look for a device named TI XDS100 Channel B
Right click on this device and select Properties
On the Advanced tab of this dialog box, ensure that the box labeled "Load VCP" (virtual COM port) is checked. Click OK when you are done.
Unplug and replug the XDS100v2
After the XDS100V2 has been re-connected, look for a group called Ports (COM & LPT) in Device Manager. Expand this group and look for an entry labeled USB Serial Port (COMXXX).
The COM number associated with this port is the one you want to use in Hyperterminal, PuTTy, or your favorite terminal application.
Choose a Serial Communication Interface for PIL Simulation
The Embedded Coder Support Package for Texas Instruments C2000 supports serial communication interface for PIL over SCI-A.
After establishing a serial connection, find the COM port associated with the target hardware.
For more information on how to configure the Virtual COM port refer to this page. Note the COM port number of the USB Serial Port showing in your Windows Device Manager under Ports "(COM & LPT)"
1. Connect the target hardware to your host machine
2. Enable the settings for running PIL on Serial
Set the COM Port as obtained above and replace the 'COM1' in the following command with the correct Serial port corresponding to your controlCARD:
Set the baud rate for PIL communication by entering the baud rate as
Enable PIL over serial by the following command:
C2000 Package of MATLAB uses XDS100v1 Emulator for Programming
C2000 & ARM Cortex Package of MATLAB uses XDS100v2 Emulator for Programming
checkEnvSetup('ccsv5', 'F28335', 'check') - (doesn't support after MATLAB 2018b)
Hardware Implementation Pane: Texas Instruments C2000 Processors