Electric Motor Latest Research
https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/10623860: Maximum Efficiency Per Torque Control of IPMSM Based on Loss Criterion Acquisition
Computer-Aided Design of Electric Drives with FEA Software | SpringerLink : good paper for the motor design for BLDC motor systematic process
Software-Defined Power Electronics: Converter Configuration, Control, and Optimization | SpringerLink : book on adavnce power electronics control strategies.
- [PDF] " From model-based to data-driven control: Applications to self-balancing robots : model based to data driven control very good to read.
Skewing effect on the PMSM motor :
Analysing the Impact of Skewing Techniques for Cogging TorqueReduction in PM Synchronous Motor Design for Electric Vehicles | Nirma University Journal of Engineering and Technology - it reduces the cogging torque of the motor as skewing there are multiple methods to do it.Linear Parameter Varying Control for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor-Based Electrified Powertrain
e-Bike Motor Design based on Analytical and Finite Element Performance Mapping
Design and implementation of a torque vectoring control for Formula Student Driverless application: https://webthesis.biblio.polito.it/31777/1/tesi.pdf
Some Important Relevant Sites:
3 Phase inverter Animation -: PowerElectronics/VSI_motor_3phase_conduction_states.ipynb at main · bingsen-wang/PowerElectronics · GitHub