Who We Are

We are a collaboration of practitioners and researchers from more than 30 conservation organizations, as well as individuals, who have joined forces to improve the prairie reconstruction process. 

PRI Vision

Prairie reconstructions are biologically diverse, ecologically functional, resist invasion by non-native plants, and are cost-effective to manage.

PRI Mission

To build an engaged community of practice who work together to overcome uncertainties through all phases of prairie reconstruction.

The work of PRI is guided by the PRI Advisory Team (PRIAT), whose members encompass diverse experiences and areas of expertise, including seasoned practitioners, subject matter experts, and researchers. Current PRIAT members (May 2023).

Amanda McColpin (Coordinator), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Contractor

Angela Begosh (Science Coordinator), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Megan Benage, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources 

Daniel Cariveau, University of Minnesota 

Jessica Dowler, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Pauline Drobney, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, retired

James Ellis, Illinois Natural History Survey, University of Illinois 

Rebecca Esser, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 

Ian Lane (Data Manager), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 

Diane Larson, U.S. Geological Survey 

Craig Maier, Tallgrass Prairie and Oak Savanna Fire Science Consortium 

Justin Meissen, UNI Tallgrass Prairie Center

Alyssa Nyberg, The Nature Conservancy

Amy Symstad, U.S. Geological Survey 

Benjamin Walker, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

PRIAT Charter

PRIAT Charter_06.01.2021.pdf

PRI Fact Sheet
