Results. No methane was detected. Probing the clear northern summer season allowed us to reach 1tag_hash_107 upper limits of around 10 pptv (20 pptv at 2tag_hash_108), with an annual mean of the smallest upper limits of 20 pptv. Upper limits are controlled by the amount of dust in the atmosphere, which impairs detection performance around the equator and during the southern spring and summer seasons. Observations performed near Gale crater yielded 1tag_hash_109 upper limits of up to four times less than the background values measured by the Curiosity rover during the corresponding seasons.

However, no part of the global methane picture has been corroborated by the TGO. Korablev et al. (2019, hereafter K19) described the first methane campaign conducted by two independent teams using the two TGO infrared spectrometers, ACS (Atmospheric Chemistry Suite) and NOMAD (Nadir and Occultation for MArs Discoveries), between solar longitude (Ls) 164 and 241 of Martian year (MY) 34, which is from April to October 2018. TGO measurements indicated that methane was absent above a 50 parts per trillion by volume (pptv) level on average (the minimum upper limit was found to be 12 pptv), which is 10 to 1 000 times smaller than other reported detections. This upper limit was later corroborated by an additional study conducted with NOMAD encompassing a period comparable to that presented here, reporting a minimum upper limit of 60 pptv for methane (Knutsen et al. 2021), in line with K19. K19 stressed the difficulty in reconciling TGO upper limits with MSL detections, as these latter implied that background methane was only emitted inside or around Gale crater for no more than 25 yr to remain under the detection level of TGO, neglecting the contribution of spikes which could only shorten this duration.

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ACS spectra and their associated best fits for two orbits (7067 and 9513) that occurred during the aphelion period of MY35. Diffraction orders 178, 182, and 184 are displayed for each orbit. Order 178 allows the retrieval of CO2 that is then used to compute CH4 upper limits in relative abundance. Order 182 hosts the strongest lines of the tag_hash_1103 band system and yields the smallest upper limits. The noisier order 184 possesses a distinct double-lobe absorption feature that can be used to discriminate the presence of CH4 at a level that is around five times higher than in Order 182. Notional CH4 absorptions (20 and 100 pptv for order 182, and 100 and 500 pptv for order 184) against the observed spectra and centred around the strongest feature of each order are indicated in the small insets.

An overviewof the main characteristics of the entire dataset is given in Fig. 4. The latter consists of 11 700 spectra from which retrieval attempts yielded upper limit values clustering in the 10 to 100 pptv range. Of these values, 0.5% were found below 10 pptv, while 67% were found in the 10 to 100 pptv range and 32.5% above 100 pptv (as shown in Fig. 5).

Annual evolution of the best 1tag_hash_111upper limits (clipped at 100 pptv) derived at each occultation and plotted as a function of Solar longitude (Ls). Upper limit symbols (downward arrows) are coloured depending on their latitude. The values reported by MSL inWebster et al. (2018) concerning the background detections of methane are shown as filled stars (MY32), circles (MY33), and squares (MY34) with their associated error bars.

Locations of all the ACS detection attempts close to Gale crater with their corresponding information given in the table on the right. Red circles correspond to the location where the upper limit was inferred, while the red line extending from it corresponds to the track of the LOS tangent point projected on the surface while its altitude was drifting in the 0 to 50 km altitude range. The displayed spectrum corresponds to the closest approach that revealed a CH4 upper limit of ~100 pptv and that is compared to a synthetic CH4signature of 100 and 500 pptv.

This new dataset further confirms that no methane is detected by ACS in the Martian atmosphere. While the previous report by K19 suggested a global absence of methane above a value of 50 pptv, the present dataset with its sampling of the aphelion season produces even smaller upper limits (see Fig. 10), and is characterised by a value of ~20 pptv when averaging all the minima of upper limits shown in Fig. 10.

Mesoscale simulations (Pla-Garcia et al. 2019) suggested that the crater is not strongly isolated at any time of year. The 2019 spike of 19 ppbv recorded by MSL did not occur when ACS was measuring close to Gale. The closest ACS measurement in space and time occurred 4 days later on orbit 7067 (see Fig. 9) at a latitude of 39S and a longitude of 150E, that is ~2000 km away from the centre of Gale crater. At that time, ACS reported an upper limit of 13 pptv. If a volume equivalent to 20 ppbv of methane inside Gale was diluted radially in all directions towards the ACS sampled location, then ~20 pptv could have been measured by ACS, which is not in strong contradiction to its upper limit of 13 pptv, considering the assumptions made about methane dilution in this case.

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\nUnder the Developer Tab, select the Label ActiveX Element and insert it on the slide. Select the Label, click on Properties. Change its name to counter and the caption to 0.\n","image":""},{"@type":"HowToStep","url":"https:\/\/\/how-to-make-points-counter-scoreboard-in-powerpoint\/","name":"Step 2: Insert Shapes","text":"Insert two shapes below the counter, one to decrease and the other to increase the counter.","image":""},{"@type":"HowToStep","url":"https:\/\/\/how-to-make-points-counter-scoreboard-in-powerpoint\/","name":" Step 3: VBA Macro Code","text":"Double click the Counter ActiveX Element to open the Visual Basic Editor. Copy and paste the following VBA Macro Code: ","image":""}], "totalTime":"PT5M"} Sub PlusOne ()counter.Caption = (counter.Caption) + 1End SubSub MinusOne ()counter.Caption = (counter.Caption) - 1End SubSub ExitAndReset()counter.Caption = 0ActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.View.ExitEnd Sub We need to run the above VBA Macro codes when we click on the triangle shapes in Slide Show Mode. To do this, select the shape, go to Insert | Actions | Run Macro | PlusOne (or) MinusOne

PFTBA (C12F27N) is the most potent greenhouse gas known so far. It is available as a gas standard at a certified concentration of 980 pptv in an N2 matrix and was dynamically diluted in order to determine the Limits-of-Detection (LoDs).

A petri dish wetted with FTOH (C8H5F13O) was used to create an initial indoor air concentration of 6.7 ppbv in an office room of about 30 m (LxWxH: 410x250x290 cm; RT: 23-26C; two walls consisting of windows) with low ventilation.

8.8 min after the start of the experiment the petri dish was removed. Subsequently the indoor air was monitored for 48 h at an increased integration time (set from initially 1 s to 30 s). 20 min into the experiment the measured concentration dropped to 50% and about 5 h later to 10% of the initial 6.7 ppbv. Interestingly, 24 h after the start direct sunlight warmed the surfaces in the room, which caused an instant concentration increase by a factor of 2.3. Opening the windows for a short time and thus venting the room after 48 h resulted in only a short dip in FTOH concentration, with 85 pptv being present after 63 h. This is still five times higher than the already elevated (due to previous experiments) background of 17 pptv at the beginning of the experiment. 0852c4b9a8

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