Simran loves Bollywood romances so much so that her life has begun to resemble one. With her awesome job as an art director in films and a "Mr. Perfect" fianc, Raj, she lives a dreamy life. But then comes Jay, who brings a fresh joy into her life. Jay is an assistant to a director who is famous for his love story films, but Jay himself is repulsed to romances and is a firm disbeliever of love. He initially chides Simran for her obsession with romance, and Simran also has a bad impression of him, but soon after, the two become friends while working on Veer's next.

Among Indian critics, Sukanya Verma of Rediff praised the lead performances and rated the movie 3.5/5 saying, "It's Sonam and Imran's collective persona and their free-flowing chemistry that makes all the difference. Although the pair deserve better than an amateurishly written romance to scoop out their terrific potential as a combination".[8] Gaurav Malani of IndiaTimes rated the movie 3/5 and said, "If you hate love stories this one's certainly not for you. Which means this ends up being another love story and that too a dull one!"[9] Nikhat Kazmi of Times of India also praised the lead performances, but found the plot predictable and rated the movie 3/5 saying, "Thematically, I Hate Luv Storys is extremely simplistic, uni-layered and terribly predictable."[10]

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I hate cheesy stuff but that's just me. I love romance if it goes alongside the plot and makes sense/the characters have chemistry, I just don't find it interesting when it IS the plot, or when it seems inorganic. Especially your run of the mill white hetero movies plots. It's almost condescending to hear how difficult and beautiful and unique this epic love story between an upper class white woman and a lower middle class white man is... like come on. Or when two characters are put together simply because... every single movie ever needs a romance plot, I guess? Fuck if I know.

I like romance in general and there have been some romance novels that I've liked. It's the fact that our media is over saturated with romance that irritates me. You don't need to pair everyone in every story. We don't need 80% of the music on the radio to be about romance. There are so many other kinds of relationships and dynamics that are interesting to explore but hardly anyone does and that's frustrating. And when every story you hear the motivation for every main character is their love for a significant other, it can make you feel isolated and less human when it's not a motivation in your life.

Radio music is different. You can't skip a song you find annoying. Most of the time, it's not even my radio, but someone else, so I can't go turn it off. You have to listen to the same couple of songs over and over again because they're popular at the time. Most popular songs seem to be about romance. Songs about friendship, family, or just other things in life, like traveling, hobbies, heck, the weather or whatever, are very rare in comparison. It's like the commercial. It gets repetitive. And after a while, it gets tiring in its repetitiveness.

I don't mind a well constructed romance story where you care for the characters and their relationship, so I'm more likely to enjoy watching it in a tv series. Having romance randomly added to action films or whatever is just jarring though, there's no need for it.

Music is where it's most obvious. So many people think that their love story is somewhat special, so they totally have to write a song about it. In the end the lyrics of their song are exactly like in most of the four gazillion love songs which are already there. It's not as special as they want the audience to believe it is. When you look at it from an outsider's perspective and you discover that this song could be directed towards almost anyone, there's no "special" appeal to it.

I just find a lot of romance films to be either cheesy, schmaltzy, overly dramatic, or just plain boring. (or just stupid in the case or romantic comedies....) I can count on my hand the amount of times I've bothered with the romance genre if it isn't a side-plot to another genre. Also, I tend to find most love songs to ring of false emotion. The only love songs I enjoy, are the heartbreaking songs or the songs with true emotion and musical skill. Needless to say, nothing under American pop qualifies for me, or American music in general. Except for Kamelot (who plays in more so in the vein of European power metal anyway)

As another weird thing, I actually enjoy romance more once we are past the falling in love phase and have an established couple. Will they won't they is another trope I hate. (If it is that difficult of deciding if you want to do it, you properly shouldn't, stupid characters.)

The thing I'm most bitter about is the movie adaptation of 'Crusade in Jeans', based on a Dutch children's book. That book was one of my all-time fav childhood books, but the movie managed to ruin it completely by putting in romance which has no place whatsoever in that story. In the book there's the main character, a 16 y/o guy, who meets a 16-19 y/o guy, and 10 y/o girl, who become his friends. These 2 characters are quite essential for the plot, but for some dark, mysterious reason, the filmmakers decided to replace the guy and girl with a 16 y/o girl, who of course will be the love interest of the main character. Why, I ask you.

Famous title of a not-so-famous, but trendy, young and ubercool bollywood film. As it goes in the movie, imran khan doesnt believe in love stories but likes to flirt around, till he actually falls in love with a girl and then goes all-out to woo her. In midst of it all, there are heartbreaks, sweet moments, funny moments, and of course, songs and dance.

So Simran was this cute looking girl having short hair which she always crowned with a white hairband. She was fair, chirpy and basically had the right features and proportions to be overall termed as an attractive girl. Perfect 2 people i guess, to weave a love-story with.

Thank you for writing about this song. It was one of my favourite Silverchair songs, and I forgot how much I loved them. I'm off to buy their albums on ITunes (Freakshow and Neon Ballroom are my favourites).

Wow. This is Jan 2017 and Im still going back to their songs. Older but not wiser.I was just going to look up the young girl playing the usherette if thats the word. Her expressiveness fot the lyrics were magical (better than the onscreen lovers) both herself and Daniel have a panlike innocence and purity which makes pain the more- can I say painful. A beautiful song I keep going back to. Just want to say I hate the way the press/tabloids are persecuting a beautiful man who loved creating music but never the fame associated with it. Like David Helfgott who played for their Emotion Sickness- its just not some geniuses temperments to withstand the pressure of scrutiny.# LEAVE DANIEL ALONE.


Let's revise the Martha Stewart metaphor. The Goldbergs are like a friend you have who always does everything right. This friend always answers his emails, keeps a clean house, has a kind word for everyone, behaves properly at concerts, writes thank you cards, grooms himself assiduously, knows how to tie a tie, never eats Burger King at 2 AM, and never ever writes silly blog posts saying he hates pieces he really loves. He's an example to the world. He's smiling at you over drinks, listening as always with benevolent patience, and you realize through your gritted hateful envious teeth that he is certainly not your enemy, and what would it hurt to admit, you wouldn't want to face life without him?

The story follows their lives as they grow older, discover themselves, and become more infatuated with each other. They face numerous trials and tribulations but the biggest, most insurmountable event is the Trojan War where Achilles is destined to die a savage death and in his undying love, Patroclus follows him into battle.

Patroclus does not shy away from describing the utter cruelty of certain events but he constantly tries to see the moral good rather than accepting things for what they truly are. The barbarism of the gods is a common theme as well as how despite their mortality and tendency to fall victim to vulnerability, humans can be equally as cunning. Patroclus is unlike any other character in this story because he is aware of his weaknesses and prides himself on his ability to quietly pursue and love others while not receiving much acknowledgment.

Although an extremely romantic love story it is also a poignant one. There are rarely any moments of upbeatness; it is overall a depressing read. Throughout the novel are trials and tribulations that Patroclus and Achilles are forced to overcome but these events showcased the strength of their relationship. I felt as though Patroclus was chasing the sun at some points due to how untouchable Achilles seemed but Achilles was more like the earth; surrounding him at all times and beneath him all along. They were constantly causing each other distress (more Achilles than Patroclus in all honesty) but not once did they give up on each other; they were relentless in their pursuit for each other.

When I finished this book, I felt as though someone had ripped out my heart and soul and left me to rot in my state of anguish. I felt my ears ringing violently and my tears drenching my cheeks; I could taste the salt on my lips. Their story was extremely tragic and heartbreaking but it taught me the meaning of true love and many life lessons. Not only was their story astonishing but all the characters had an effect on me. But Patroclus easily obtained the crown and became my favorite character in this novel because his bravery and passion was amazing and unwavering.

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