Value chains, Territories and Collective action

Work Package 2


  1. Value Chain and vertical organization

  2. Collective transition to a pesticide-free agriculture

  3. Landscape management and spatial coordination

Latest publications

Lannou, C., Roby, D., Ravigné, V., Hannachi, M., & Moury, B. (2021). L'immunité des plantes: Pour des cultures résistantes aux maladies. Editions Quae.

Selected publications

Allaire, Gilles, Thomas Poméon, Elise Maigné, Eric Cahuzac, Michel Simioni, and Yann Desjeux. 2015. “Territorial Analysis of the Diffusion of Organic Farming in France: Between Heterogeneity and Spatial Dependence.” Ecological Indicators 59:70–81.

Ay, J‐S, Gozlan, E. (2020). Disease dispersion as a spatial interaction: The case of Flavescence Dorée. Natural Resource Modeling. 2020; 33:e12265.

Bamière, Laure, Maia David, and Bruno Vermont. 2013. “Agri-Environmental Policies for Biodiversity When the Spatial Pattern of the Reserve Matters.” Ecological Economics 85:97–104.

Barraquand F., Martinet V., 2011, ‘Biological conservation in dynamic agricultural landscapes: Effectiveness of public policies and trade-offs with agricultural production’, Ecological Economics, vol 70, p.910-920.

Barreteau, O., Bousquet, F., Étienne, M., Souchère, V., & d’Aquino, P. (2014). Companion modelling: a method of adaptive and participatory research. In Companion modelling (pp. 13-40). Springer, Dordrecht.

Bernard, K., Bonein, A., Bougherara, D. (2020) Consumer inequality aversion and risk preferences in community supported agriculture, Ecological Economics, 175, 106684.

Berthet, Elsa, Cécile Barnaud, Nathalie Girard, Julie Labatut, and Guillaume Martin. 2016. “How to Foster Agroecological Innovations? A Comparison of Participatory Design Methods ” Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 59(2):280–301.

Bonroy, Olivier, Alexis Garapin, Stephen F. Hamilton, and Diogo M. Souza Monteiro. 2018. “Free-Riding on Product Quality in Cooperatives: Lessons from an Experiment.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 101(1):89–108.

Bougherara, D., Grolleau, G., & Mzoughi, N. (2009). Buy local, pollute less: What drives households to join a community supported farm?. Ecological Economics, 68(5), 1488-1495.

Chakir, Raja and Julie Le Gallo. 2013. “Predicting Land Use Allocation in France: A Spatial Panel Data Analysis.” Ecological Economics 92:114–25.

Chakir, R., David, M., Gozlan, E., Sangare, A. (2016). Valuing the impacts of an invasive biological control agent: a choice experiment on the Asian Ladybird in France. Journal of Agricultural Economics, 67 (3), 619-638.

Chèze B., David M., Martinet V., 2020, `Understanding farmers' reluctance to reduce pesticide use: A choice experiment' Ecological Economics; vol. 167.

David, M.; Langlois, B.; Martinet, V. Vers une co-conception de paysages pour la santé des plantes et avec des acteurs du territoires: Evaluation économique du service de régulation de la santé des cultures in : Sandrine Petit et Claire Lavigne (Eds.) "Paysage, biodiversité fonctionnelle et santé des plantes". Edition Quae, Paris, 2019.

Dedeurwaerdere, Tom and Mourad Hannachi. 2019. “Socio-Economic Drivers of Coexistence of Landraces and Modern Crop Varieties in Agro-Biodiversity Rich Yunnan Rice Fields.” Ecological Economics 159:177–88.

Dedieu F. ( a paraître) Organized Denial at work : the difficult search of consistencies in Pesticides French Regulation, Regulation and Governance.

Dedieu F ; Anzalone G. (à paraître) « Open Secrecy : the trade off risks in French apple and potato agricultural supply chain ». Agriculture and Human Value.

Gueye, M., Quérou, N., & Soubeyran, R. (2020). Social preferences and coordination: An experiment. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 173, 26-54.

Guichard, L, Dedieu F., Jeuffroy MH., Meynard JM., Reau R., and Savini I. 2017. “Le Plan Ecophyto d’usages Des Pesticides En France : Décryptage d’un Échec et Raisons d’espérer.” Cahiers Agricultures 26.

Hannachi, M., V. Berthet, F. Charrier, and F. Colleno. 2019. “La transition vers une gestion durable des maladies à l’échelle du paysage. Quels apports pour les sciences de gestion et la transdisciplinarité.” in Paysage, biodiversité fonctionnelle et santé des cultures, Sciences en Partage (Quae), edited by S. Petit and C. Lavigne. FRA: Editions Quae

Hannachi M., Fares M., Coléno F.C., Assens C., (2020) “The "new agricultural collectivism": how cooperatives horizontal coordination drive multi-stakeholders self-organization”, Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management. Volume 8, Issue 2, December 2020, 100111.

Hannachi M., Martinet V., (2019) « Vers une co-conception de paysages pour la santé des plantes et avec des acteurs du territoire. » chapitre d’ouvrage in Petit S. et al (coord) « Paysage, biodiversité fonctionnelle et santé des cultures », Editions QUAE.

Hardy, P. Y., Dray, A., Cornioley, T., David, M., Sabatier, R., Kernes, E., & Souchère, V. (2020). Public policy design: Assessing the potential of new collective Agri-Environmental Schemes in the Marais Poitevin wetland region using a participatory approach. Land Use Policy, 97, 104724.

Lemarié, Stephane and Philippe Marcoul. 2018. “Coordination and Information Sharing about Pest Resistance.” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 87:135–49.