When it comes to PPC advertising, "positive keywords" are the specific keywords that advertisers target in their campaigns to trigger their ads and reach their desired audience. Positive keywords are the relevant terms or phrases that align with the products, services, or topics an advertiser wants to promote.

Identifying positive keywords is crucial for the success of a PPC campaign. Here are some strategies to find and expand positive keywords without spending more ad spend:

Remember, continuously monitoring and refining your positive keywords is essential for campaign success. Regularly evaluate the performance of your keywords, pause underperforming ones, and allocate more budget to the high-performing positive keywords. This iterative process will help you optimize your campaign and achieve better results without increasing your ad spend.

In conclusion, positive keywords are the targeted terms or phrases in PPC campaigns. To identify and find more positive keywords, you can leverage keyword research tools, analyze search term reports, perform competitor analysis, gather customer insights, review search query reports, focus on long-tail keywords, and optimize landing pages. By utilizing these strategies, you can expand your positive keyword list and improve your campaign's performance without significantly increasing your ad spend.