The PowerShell Gallery is the central repository for PowerShell content. In it, you can findPowerShell scripts, modules containing PowerShell cmdlets and Desired State Configuration (DSC)resources. Some of these packages are authored by Microsoft, and others are authored by thePowerShell community.

This article describes how to set up a local PowerShell repository. The article also covers theOfflinePowerShellGetDeploy module available from the PowerShell Gallery. This module containscmdlets to install the latest version of PowerShellGet into your local repository.

Powershell Download Git Repository

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Before a repository can be used, it must be registered using the Register-PSRepository command. Inthe examples below, the InstallationPolicy is set to Trusted, on the assumption that you trustyour own repository.

Take note of the difference between how the two commands handle ScriptSourceLocation. For a fileshare-based repositories, the SourceLocation and ScriptSourceLocation must match. For aweb-based repository, they must be different, so in this example a trailing "/" is added to theSourceLocation.

Setting up a basic internal repository for scripts and modules is surprisingly simple. I had no idea how easy this was for the longest time. If you are looking for ways to distribute your modules to others in your team, then you should consider this approach.

The other thing we should have is an empty folder on a network share. This will be the location of our repository. Your users will need to have access to this location if they are going to be loading content from it.

Other than creating a folder, there is no complicated setup to creating this repository. Just by telling PowerShellGet that the folder is a repository, it will consider it to be one. The one catch is that you need to run this command on each machine to register the repository.

I've looked for a script repository on here or a common place that people post scripts they have created and I havent had much luck. So I thought I would start a thread and see where it goes from there. Use the scripts in this thread with caution and ask questions if your not familiar with Powershell.

Getting Azure Artifacts registered as a Powershell repository is easy. Getting it not to complain about credentials every time you run Find-Module, Install-Module, Update-Module, etc. after setting it up is not so easy.

I wrote a script to automate the process of setting up the repo from installing supported versions of PowershellGet, PackageManagement, and the Artifacts Credential Provider to creating the environment variables and registering the repository. You just need to provide a name for the repo, a URL, and a PAT.

Thanks mate for sharing this, now raises the questions for the users who are restricted behind the Internet terminal server and not the proxy server, how are they able to get their powershell configured for getting around the terminal server ?

Edit: More details. It appears that GitHub Packages is still not officially supported even with PowerShellGet v3 (beta). So this solution only currently works on a Windows machine. I do not know the lowest version this works on, but 3.0.19 beta19 of PowerShellGet does allow to run Install-PSResource with GitHub Packages as the repository.

Simple PowerShell scripts can go a long way on their own, but they can go even further with PowerShell modules. The largest PowerShell repository is PSGallery, where one can find modules to get the job done for just about anything. While published modules are relatively easy to install and import, that is not the case for local, unpublished modules. This is a common challenge when developing PowerShell modules, but there is hope!

If your PowerShell repository is hosted on a public Azure Artifacts, working with that repository is no different from regular operations with PowerShell Gallery, for example. However, many enterprises prefer to keep their code base along with build artifacts private for multiple reasons: legal, security, intellectual property, internal policies and others. In this case, you might choose to go with a private Artifacts feed, and here the challenge begins.

Microsoft, thanks to the community effort, already published a detailed guide on how to Use Azure Artifacts as a private PowerShell repository. Also, if you examine the cmdlets from the PowerShellGet module, you can notice that many of them accept a PSCredential object as a means for authentication. You can create a PSCredential object from your personal access token (PAT) and use that object as an input parameter for registering a private repository, look for modules in it and install them.

When working with a private PowerShell repository hosted on Azure Artifacts from the console, the documented approach with credentials works just fine. Basically, the command logic is quite simple:

What is strange, after a few unsuccessful attempts, the cmdlet manages to complete authentication and register the repository. However, this still negatively impacts the build process in terms of increasing the overall pipeline run time.

After implementing that workaround, the PowerShell cmdlets execute without any exceptions or errors, and you can register your private PowerShell repository on a build agent and install the module your build process depends on.

Git is a managed, distributed database that tracks a group of files as they change. A contained group of files is called a repository. Each change, which can affect multiple files at a time, is called a commit and requires admins to save by committing, or instating, those changes.

If multiple people or teams work within the same repository, each can maintain their own copies of the files in the repository with a branch. This copy is based on the main branch, or copy, of the files -- formerly called the master. Upon completion of the work, they can update the main copy by merging their branch with the main branch so that the main copy has the newest code.

Instead of a shared folder, create a shared repository. In that repository, commit the best copies of each script. To update a script, make a local copy of the repository -- called cloning -- and make changes to the cloned script. When all changes are tested and approved, overwrite the main repository by pushing your local copy to the repository. Whenever someone needs to access the best copy of a script, the main branch is in a known-good, up-to-date state.

First, initialize a repository. Log into your GitHub account and click on the plus sign in the top-right corner. From there, select New repository from the drop-down list, as seen in Figure 1.

Hit Enter to select that command. Then paste in the URL from your clipboard and hit Enter again. It will ask you to authenticate to GitHub -- go ahead and do so. Next, it will ask for a folder to store the repository. I store all my repositories in a local folder called Git to find them easily.

Either way will open the repository in VS Code. From here, move all the scripts into the repository. The easiest way is with File Explorer. As seen in Figure 6, right-click under the file and select Reveal in File Explorer.

From there, push the files to GitHub to back them up. VS Code offers to sync the repository. This is a combination of both a pull, which copies changes from GitHub, and a push, which copies changes to GitHub.

If you want your scripts to live in associated team projects then you'll want to create a dedicated Git repository to hold the Visual Studio solution. Navigate to the team project in VSTS and then to the Code tab. Click on the down arrow next to the currently selected repository and in the popup that appears click on New repository:

A Create a new repository dialogue will appear -- I created a new Git repository called PowerShellScripts. You can ignore the Add some code! call to action as we'll address this from Visual Studio.

Alternatively, if you want to go down the route of having all your scripts in one team project then you can simply create a new team project based on Git -- called PowerShellScripts for example. The newly created project will contain a repository of the same name putting you in the same position as above.

Next up is cloning the repository that will hold the Visual Studio solution. If you are using a dedicated team project with just one Git repository you can just click the Home icon on the Team Explorer menu bar to get the cloning link on the Home panel:

This will take you directly to the cloning link on the Home panel -- no need to click the Home icon. Whichever way you get there, clicking the link opens up the settings to clone the repository to your local machine. If you are happy with the settings click Clone and you're done.

At the moment we are connected to a blank local repository, and the almost final push is to get our PowerShell scripts added. These will be contained in Visual Studio Projects that in turn are contained in a Visual Studio Solution. I'm a bit fussy about how I organise my projects and solutions -- I'll show you my way but feel free to do whatever makes you happy.

At the bottom of the Home tab click the New link, which brings up the New Project dialog. Navigate to Installed > Templates > Other Project Types > Visual Studio Solutions. I want to create a Blank Solution that is the same name as the repository, but I don't want a folder of the same name to be created which Visual Studio gives me no choice about. A sneaky trick is to provide the Name but delete the folder (of the same name) from the Location text box: 17dc91bb1f

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