The dreaded Matabuey, a snake so fearsome its name means "ox killer," has a deadly bite that immobilizes its prey in minutes, making it the kind of creature generally to be avoided. But far from steering clear of the legless lizards, researchers at the world leading Clodomiro Picado institute in Costa Rica are avidly cultivating them, along with hundreds of equally-venomous vipers.

Venom from the Matabuey and other pit-vipers, known in English as bushmasters, helps herpetologists produce the serum administered to snakebite victims around the world who would otherwise face certain death.

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Poisonous snakes raised in this research facility about a dozen miles (20 kilometers) north of the Costa Rican capital San Jose are kept in meticulously labeled glass containers for the sole purpose of collecting their venom.

The poison is extracted from the snakes "three or four times a year," said herpetologist Fabian Bonilla, who once survived the potentially lethal bite of a coral snake -- another viper in the institute's impressive collection.

"The animal does not eat for two weeks before the extraction," said Bonilla, explaining that many snakes also use venom to digest their prey and therefore the amount of poison they produce diminishes greatly after they have eaten.

Once given a clean bill of health they are "milked" for their venom, and fed a diet corresponding to what they might have eaten in the wild -- usually dead rodents or in the case of corals, smaller snakes.

The institute, which operates under the aegis of the University of Costa Rica, manufactures 100,000 doses of snake antivenom, which is sold throughout the Americas as well as Africa, Papua New Guinea, Australia and Taiwan.

The team found that mice injected with mambalgins could withstand hot water on their tails and paws for about twice as long as untreated animals. The snake proteins also reduced hypersensitivity to pain following tissue inflammation. Over 5 days of repeated treatment the mice developed a tolerance for both opiates and mambalgins, but the effect was less pronounced with the snake venom proteins.

At least one other venom-based painkiller is commercially available, which mimics the venom of cone snails. Venom proteins from sea anemones, spiders, and scorpions have also been found with potential biomedical uses2.

The floodplain death adder (Acanthophis praelongus) even has different waiting times for each of two frog species, report Ben Phillips and Richard Shine of the University of Sydney. For the less dangerous frog, which exudes a nontoxic but entrapping goo, the snake waits about 10 minutes. For the frog carrying a lethal dose of toxin, the snake waits 42 minutes as the toxin loses its power.

Anacondas are members of the boa constrictor family of snakes. Thus meaning they kill their prey by quickly striking and controlling their victim until it is too exhausted to fight, and their prey begins to suffocate. The will of the sufferer has been broken.

Everything is bigger in Texas and the Texas indigo snake is no exception. Typically measuring between 5.5 and 6.5 feet in length (with a record at nearly 8.5 feet long) and weighing 4 to 5 pounds, these reptiles rank among the largest snakes native to the United States. A member of the Colubridae snake family, the Texas indigo is found in the Lone Star state and Mexico and, along with its kin the eastern indigo snake found in southeastern states, is classified as a threatened species and cannot be hunted or killed.

This international study, led by Zoological Society London (ZSL), with partners including the U.S. Geological Survey, looked at over 300 moulted snakeskins and 30 snake carcasses, including specimens provided by members of the public. By analysing the fungus isolates from these snakes, the authors hope to shed some light on the origin of the disease.

The Killer Snake is a monster that appears in both Dark Cloud and Dark Chronicle, maintaining its appearance across the two games. In the first game, it is a tremendous monster snake that lives in the Wise Owl Forest. The villagers of Matataki Village were terrified of this monster. Fudoh, the village's most renowned hunter, was sent to kill it, but he died in the process of fighting it. Five years later, Toan was able to slay the beast with the help of the Serpent Sword.

Hello, my snakes have snake mites i need help! Ive tried so many method. Such as taurrus mite killer, snake mite spray. Washing/soaking the snake and nothing at all is working. Im notnthinking about building a new rack new vivs new everything deep clean the house with bleeach and frontline spray method for the snakes!! I need advice please!!

It is a snake mite spray that worked for me so I highly recommend it. All you do is remove the animal and LIGHTLY spray the BEDDING ONLY that the animal lays on. Let the bedding completely drry and the enclosure air out. Then put animal back in, after the enclosure has aired out.

Edit: I actually called the company to ask specifically how to use it and the gentleman I talked to was very helpful and precise with the application process. I was going to have my snakes treated with Ivermectin injections as well but he said there was no need for that and he was right.

This is also great advice, and completely safe for reptiles! I would add just a few drops of dawn to Luke warm water, not enough to be sudsy but it really helps in getting the mites off the snakes, I would do this every few days to all snakes. Here there is safe mite sprays to apply directly to snakes as well such as mite relief, but I prefer the soaking method and super strong sprays for the bins and rack. Also you have to assume ALL your snakes have mites and soak them and treat their enclosures as well. Good luck! Everyone feels for you, mites are just horrible!!

Spray paper towels and let it dry totally. Then put the treated paper towels in the bottom of the enclosure. Do not spray directly on your animals.

Use the spray to treat all surfaces in your snake room.

When Coroner Dave Colbert arrived and took a closer look around, he found shell casings. "When I saw that shell casing on the shelf just above his head, I knew this was not from a snake," he said. "This was something much more heinous."

The reptile community was left shaken by Ben Renick's death and wanted to help. They raised and donated money to support Ben's family. Ben's prized snakes were dispersed and sold to various reptile experts and enthusiasts.

There are about 700 species of front-fanged venomous snakes, almost all of which belong to the families Viperidae and Elapidae. There are an additional 1,800 rear-fanged species which belong to the family Colubridae. Many of these are likely to be venomous too, though this group generally poses less of a threat to humans, with a few exceptions.

Vipers, which includes adders and rattlesnakes, have venoms that are generally haemotoxic. This means they attack the circulatory system. They can cause bleeding or interfere with the blood's ability to clot.

Many famously venomous snakes are elapids, such as cobras, mambas, kraits and taipans. Their venom is typically neurotoxic, which means that it interferes with the transmission of nerve impulses. It generally has an immobilising effect, either making a victim's body turn rigid or become limp.

Boomslangs are highly venomous snakes found in Africa, but they are not in the elapid or viper family. Boomslangs are part of Colubridae and are a rear-fanged species, meaning their venom delivering teeth are at the back of the mouth.

Boomslangs are part of the family Colubridae. This group of snakes generally doesn't pose much of a threat to humans, but boomslangs are one of the exceptions.  Travel_photography_Timo/ Shutterstock

Black mambas (Dendroaspis polylepis) and inland taipans (Oxyuranus microlepidotus) often top lists of the world's most venomous snakes. But their venoms may seem like overkill as their diets are primarily small mammals and birds. So why are they so strong?

'If it takes half an hour for pain to kick in, a predator could still eat the snake. When they use it for predation, they don't want to give their prey time to escape. In terms of athletic ability, a snake is no match for a bird, for example.

The need for speed is similar for taipans. It's often noted that these snakes could kill thousands of mice with a single bite, but their venom didn't evolve for this purpose. Instead, their sledgehammer-like venom is for quickly taking down feisty prey like bandicoots that could cause the snake harm if they had a chance to fight back.

Getting medical assistance as fast as possible is crucial if you are bitten by a venomous snake. If there is a prolonged window before antivenom is received, any damage caused in that time will need additional treatments.

Monovalent antivenoms are formulated to work on the venom of one species. But the effectiveness of it relies on being absolutely certain of the identity of the snake responsible for a bite. Even closely related snakes can have venoms that are drastically different from one another. Venoms of a single species may even differ based on the region they live in. This has been seen in the monocled cobra (Naja kaouthia), for instance.

Polyvalent antivenoms, however, are formulated to work on the venoms of multiple snake species. But as the components for targeting the toxin cocktail of a species in these antivenoms are diluted by the presence of those that would work on other species' venoms, more vials may be needed, raising the risk for a patient.

Most snake bites occur in low-income areas in Africa, Asia and Latin America, with agricultural workers and children most often affected. For many of those who need it, lifesaving antivenoms can be physically and financially out of reach.

Despite the high number of snakebites, which are also known to be underreported in some areas, low demand has meant that several companies have ceased production of important antivenoms and prices have risen. 17dc91bb1f

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