
Dong Jun Han            한 동 준

Ph.D. Candidates

Major Interest :

- Distribution System Operator

- Local Flexibility Market 

- Power System Simulation and Control

Email : hdj221124 at

Yeong Sang Lee         이 영 상

Ph.D. Candidates

Major Interest :

- DC Microgrid

- Virtual Power Plant Management System

Email : vhd951 at

Myeong Seok Chae     채 명 석

Ph.D. Candidates

Major Interest :

- Distributed Generation

- Power System Simulation and Control

Email : eric980206 at

Seo Eun Rho             노 서 은

Ph.D. Candidates

Major Interest :

- Deep  Learning

- Power System Simulation and Control

Email : northern629 at

Seung Woo Nam             남 승 우

M.S. Candidates

Major Interest :

- Microgrid control

- Power System Simulation and Control

Email : otherswoo at

Chan Kyu Shin             신 찬 규

M.S. Candidates

Major Interest :

- Distributed Generation                            

- Power System Simulation and Control 

Email : ckshin0418 at

Yeong In Park            박 영 인

M.S. Candidates

Place of Work : 한화오션

Yu Man Ko                고 유 만

M.S. Candidates

Place of Work : KT

Seon Ho Kim            김 선 호

Ph.D Candidates

Place of Work : 전기연구원

Yoon Dong Seo            서 윤 동

Ph.D Candidates

Place of Work : SKT