
Dr. Dongjun Won

djwon at

#627, High-Tech Center, Inha University, Michuhol-Gu, Incheon 22212, Republic of Korea

TEL: +82-32-860-7404

Ph.D. Electrical Engineering (Feb. 2004)

Seoul National University, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Seoul, Korea

M.S. Electrical Engineering (Feb. 2000)

Seoul National University, School of Electrical Engineering, Seoul, Korea

B.S. Electrical Engineering (Feb. 1998)

Seoul National University, School of Electrical Engineering, Seoul, Korea

Professor (Sep. 2017 ~ Currently)

School of Electrical Engineering, College of Information Technology and Engineering, Inha University, Incheon, Korea

Affiliate (Jan. 2023 ~ Jun. 2024)

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California, USA

Visiting Scholar (Aug. 2013 ~ Aug. 2014) 

School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, UC San Diego, San Diego, USA

Associate Professor (Sep. 2012 ~ Aug. 2017)

Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering, Inha University, Incheon, Korea

Assistant Professor (Sep. 2008 ~ Aug. 2012)

School of Electrical Engineering, College of Information Technology and Engineering, Inha University, Incheon, Korea

Full-Time Lecturer (Apr. 2006 ~ Aug. 2008)

School of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering, Inha University, Incheon, Korea

Research Associate (Dec. 2004 – Feb. 2006)

APT center, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA

Post Doctoral Fellow (Feb. 2004 – Mar. 2006)

Seoul National University, Research Institute of Engineering Science, Seoul, Korea

Distributed Energy System  – RES, MG, VPP, sector coupling

Electric Vehicle  – V2G, Integration of transportation and power system, robust optimization 

Microgrid – Controller design, Operation scheme, Dynamics, AC MG and DC MG

Renewable Energy – Wind, Photovoltaic, Fuel Cell, Modeling and Interconnection

Digital twin – Online tuning, synthetic twin 

Smart Grid – Electric Vehicle, Demand Response, Energy Management System(EMS)

CIRED Working Group (Machine learning, AI, AR and Advanced Analytics for smart ADMS), Member 

ISGAN (International Smart Grid Action Network), Annex 2 member

International Symposium on Microgrids, International Steering Committee, Member

JEET(Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology), Associate editor in power systems

Global Human Resource Program Director : University of Michigan, Texas A&M, National Renewable Energy Lab(NREL), LBNL, LLNL

EU Erasmus DREAM Program (Ecole Centrale Nantes, HTW Berlin, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, University Politehnica Bucarest), associate partner, Program Director 

1. 제9회 인하대학교 우수교육상, 2011.11.16

2. 효성 한중 대학원생 공모전 지도교수상, 2011. 01. 13

3. 제 13회 인하대학교 우수교육상, 2016.02.26

4. 2025년 대한민국을 이끌 100대 기술 및 주역(계통연계형 마이크로그리드 분야), 한국공학한림원, 2017

5. 인하 우수강의 에세이, 스마트 그리드 공학, 2018년, 2019년

6. 산업통상자원부 장관 표창, 스마트 그리드 분야, 2018

7. 동촌 박영문 교수 전력학술상, 대한전기학회, 2019

1. 2016. 01 ~ 현재 : 대한전기학회 전력기술부문회 사업이사

2. 2011. 01 ~ 현재 : 대한전기학회 전력기술부문회 편집위원

3. 2010. 01 ~ 2012. 12 : 대한전기학회 전력기술부문회 학술이사

4. 2010. 01 ~ 2010. 12 : 대한전기학회 본부 학술위원

5. 2008. 11 ~ 2009. 10 : IEEE T&D Asia Conference 조직위원회 행사위원

6. 2004. 03 ~ 현재 : 대한전기학회 정회원, 논문심사위원

7. 2005. 01 ~ 현재 : IEEE Member and Reviewer