
Current course(s)

PHY392T - Special topics: Topological phases of matter (Fall 2019)


  • Abelian & Non-Abelian topological order, anyons, topological quantum computing

  • Symmetry protected topological phases (topological insulators)

  • Quantum information perspectives (entanglement structure)

  • Topological materials and experimental progress

Past courses

PHY392T - Special topics: Non-perturbative methods in quantum field theory (Fall 2017)


  • Spontaneous symmetry breaking

  • Particle-vortex duality

  • Quantum phase transitions, universality, and renormalization group

  • Gauge theories and confinement

  • Topological field theory, Chern-Simons theory

PHY362K - Quantum Mechanics II: Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (Spring 2016)


  • Multi-electron atoms

  • Perturbation theory and scattering

  • Quantum mechanics of charged particles, scalar-fields, and electromagnetic fields