Submit an article

postmedieval warmly invites the submission of individual articles which engage with our interest in theoretically driven scholarship on premodernity and its ongoing reverberations. We encourage conceptual adventure, stylistic experiment, political urgency, or engagement with surprising encounter. The editors are committed to expanding the fields of knowledge and geography represented in the journal, by showcasing scholarship that reaches across disciplines, language traditions, locales, modes of inquiry, and levels of access. Individual articles will be published in Online First form on the journal website, and then collected in open topic issues. We are open to all contributors, and inclusive of alt-ac researchers. If you are an alt-ac author who is having difficulties submitting to the system, please get in touch with us!

General submission guidelines

Authors wishing to submit to an article for publication in an open-topic issue should send their manuscript via the journal's online submission site Authors interested in submitting to a themed issue should contact the guest editors directly. Information about the guest editors of forthcoming issues can be found under the 'Forthcoming Issues' link.

Manuscripts should be in English, preferably in Word format. Please submit two documents, containing the following elements:

1. Author contact details and biography:

2. Article:

In the peer review process for postmedieval both authors and reviewers will be anonymous. Please ensure that NO author names are given on the first page of the article manuscript nor anywhere throughout and that author names have been taken out of the ‘File’ ‘Properties’ screen in Word.

If images or text in the article require permissions for use, please keep in mind that securing permissions will be the author(s)’ responsibility. Please ensure you have a plan in place for the prompt securing of permissions should your article be accepted. In the meantime, see our page on Artwork and our page on Copyright and Permissions, and the publisher's form and advice page.

Please note: If you are including the details of more than one author on your paper, please ensure that the first-named author is prepared to be "corresponding" author, responsible for communication with Production and handling the proof of your manuscript, if it were to be accepted. If you're unsure of how to order your names, please contact the editors, or the publisher.

We expect that most postmedieval articles will fall between 6,000 and 9,000 words in length (including notes and references)—though this is not a stringent limit. 

postmedieval uses the Chicago Author-Date style, with in-text references and an alphabetical reference list at the end. Download our style guide here.

Because postmedieval uses sidenotes rather than endnotes, we encourage authors to keep notes to a minimum (with no notes exceeding 50 words in length). The original motivation for employing sidenotes was to lay emphasis on articles’ readability, accessibility, and essayistic communications (and to distinguish the journal from other footnote-heavy venues in medieval studies). In our experience, the author-date reference format means that citations can be copious without copious notes.