postmedieval publishes theoretically driven scholarship on premodernity and its ongoing reverberations. Contributions are characterized by conceptual adventure, stylistic experiment, political urgency, or surprising encounter. The editors are committed to expanding the fields of knowledge and geography represented in the journal, by showcasing scholarship that reaches across disciplines, language traditions, locales, modes of inquiry, and levels of access. Our aim is to facilitate collaborative, ethical, and experimental engagements with the medieval—with its archives and art, its thought and practices, its traces and its enduring possibilities. Contributions on sources beyond Western Europe are warmly encouraged. We are open to all contributors, and inclusive of alt-ac researchers. If you are an alt-ac author who is having difficulties submitting to the system, please get in touch with us!

In general, postmedieval is published four times a year. Some of these are themed, guest-edited issues; others are open-topic. The journal’s editors will consider submissions of individual essays as well as proposals for themed issues. If accepted, individual essays will be published as Online First publications, appearing first as independent articles on the journal’s website and later in one of the print issues. We will also entertain small, themed “clusters” of essays to be included in open issues as well as commissioned book-review essays. 

If you have a suggestion for or would like to guest-edit an essay cluster, or would like to discuss the appropriateness of an article for an open issue prior to submission, please contact the Managing Editor at

Please note: postmedieval welcomes submissions by all, and means to be very much inclusive of alt-ac scholars. If the submission system (which was not designed by us) prompts you to enter an institutional affiliation, please free very welcome to use whichever institution you graduated from.