Milan Vukašinović is a Yugoslav Byzantinist. He holds a shared PhD (2019) in history from the EHESS in Paris and the University of Belgrade on subjectivity and spatiality in the thirteen-century narratives from Byzantium and Serbia. He was a junior researcher (2015-2019) at the University of Belgrade and a GABAM-ANAMED postdoctoral fellow (2019-2020) at Koç University, Istanbul. His main research interests are narrative, space, and ideology. He has published on medieval historiography, hagiography, narrative, political agency, spatiality, gender and heritage. He participated in activities of the research network “Text and Narrative in Byzantium” between Paris and Uppsala. He is currently working as a researcher and coordinator at the Retracing Connections programme, at Uppsala University. As a part of this programme, he co-curated the Translating Worlds contemporary art exhibition at Depo, Istanbul. He has an associate degree in library studies and cultural mediation.