The Post-Pandemic School LibRary LEARNING COMMONS
What will the school library learning commons look like after the pandemic?
What will need to change in the physical space?
How do we facilitate collaboration in an age of physical distancing?
How do we manage collections and library processes to maintain ease of access while protecting the health of library users and staff?
How do we ensure that the space remains for everyone's use?
How do the changes we need to make honour and advance the mission of the library learning commons?
What will be the role of the virtual library learning commons?
How can the VLLC provide increased access to resources?
How can the VLLC foster collaborative learning?
How can we ensure equitable access to the VLLC?
How do the changes we need to make honour and advance the mission of the library learning commons?
how will the unique value of the llc continue to serve educational goals?
How do we support project-based inquiry learning in the new context?
How do we support discovery learning and making?
How do we support the freedom to read and students' right to choose reading materials?
How do we continue to support the development of the individual in a culturally relevant and responsive setting?