FRAMing Change

How do we effectively plan for change? What should students expect from their school library learning commons? How can we fulfil those expectations in the post-pandemic era?

Framing change with Leading Learning. Growth through Innovation.

What should students expect from their school library learning commons? What do school administrators and educational leaders need to know about the potential of the LLC?

Connect to the CSL website page Excellent School Libraries for more information, and to download the sharable PDF represented above.

Connect to the CSL website page For Administrators for more information, and to download the sharable PDF represented above.

Leading Learning: Standards of Practice for School Library Learning Commons in Canada provides a guide for the transition of school libraries to vibrant centres of teaching and learning responsive to the diverse needs of learners today and into the future. It also serves as a measurement tool to help schools determine where they are now with library facilities and programs and where they want to advance to. Live examples are provided for every standard / theme / growth indicator, in practice in Canadian schools. Connect to Leading Learning or L'Apprentissage en tête.

Standards of Practice for School Library Learning Commons in Canada

Principes relatifs à la transition de la bibliothèque scolaire vers le carrefour d'apprentissage au Canada

Leading Learning is a catalyst for igniting the design of futures oriented learning. The standards position the school library learning commons as critical to innovative pedagogical approaches for the new century. Discover the many ways Leading Learning can drive school wide improvement.

The Supporting You section of the Leading Learning website provides advice and tools for using Leading Learning for measurement and growth, professional learning, action research, and as an implementation guide.

The learning commons is always in a state of beta, constantly evolving to address shifting needs. This is the strength and the promise for sustainable school improvement. These planning tools will help with ongoing transitions and growth.

Use Leading Learning to help choose your focus and make concrete plans.