An Amazon Machine Image (AMI) is a supported and maintained image provided by AWS thatprovides the information required to launch an instance. You must specify an AMI when youlaunch an instance. You can launch multiple instances from a single AMI when you requiremultiple instances with the same configuration. You can use different AMIs to launchinstances when you require instances with different configurations.

This page describes what a machine image is, when to use it, and how it comparesto other resources that store data such as snapshots or custom images.For information about creating a machine image, seeCreating machine images.

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A machine image is a Compute Engine resource that stores all theconfiguration, metadata, permissions, and data from multiple disks of avirtual machine (VM) instance.You can use a machine image in many system maintenance, backup and recovery,and instance cloning scenarios.

When a machine image is used to copy disks, Compute Engineguarantees that the data across disks is captured in a crash-consistent mannerat a given time. Compute Engine uses globally consistent timestamps toensure this guarantee. This consistency is critical if your VM instance isrunning and you want to ensure that the backup point across disks is maintained.When the backup point across disks is maintained, you can return to the samepoint in time across disks when you restore a machine image.

Machine images are suitable for creating backups of all disks that are attachedto a VM instance.A machine image can be used to backup multiple disks at a time. Apersistent disk snapshot can only backup a single disk at a time.

Machine images store differential snapshots of your previously created machineimages or snapshots. When you generate a machine image from a VM instance,the first machine image contains a full copy of all disk data. Subsequentmachine images are stored as differential copies for better performance andspace efficiency.This mechanism is similar to that used bypersistent disk snapshots.

Machine images can be used to clone instances. You can use machine image tomake copies of an instance that contains most of the VM configurationsof the source instance. These copies can then be used for troubleshooting,scaling VM instances, debugging, or system maintenance.

To meet compliance needs, you might need to control where yourdata is stored. You can control where your machine image is storedgeographically by specifying a storageLocation during the creation of yourmachine image. Machine images can be stored in aCloud Storage multi-region,such as asia, aCloud Storage dual-region,such as asia1, or aCloud Storage region,such as asia-south1.

By default, when creating a machine image from an instance, the machine image isstored in either the Cloud Storage multi-region bucket that contains thesource instance, or the geographically closest Cloud Storage multi-regionbucket to the source instance.

For example, if your source instance is stored in us-central1 your machineimage is stored in the us multi-region by default. However, a default locationlike australia-southeast1 is outside of a multi-region. The closestmulti-region is asia.

Use the gcloud compute machine-images describe commandto find the storage size in bytes. When an image is created, its storage sizein bytes is based on the set of blocks that have been written on the sourcedisks that are used for the image, regardless of the contents of the blocks.

An Amazon Machine Image (AMI) is a special type of virtual appliance that is used to create a virtual machine within the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud ("EC2"). It serves as the basic unit of deployment for services delivered using EC2.[1]

Like all virtual appliances, the main component of an AMI is a read-only filesystem image that includes an operating system (e.g., Linux, Unix, or Windows) and any additional software required to deliver a service or a portion of it.[2]

Current AMIs are available for hardware virtualized machines (HVM)[3] where the operating system is installed as it would be on real hardware. With the still available older paravirtualized virtual machines (PV),[4] an AMI did not include a kernel image, only a pointer to the default kernel id, which could be chosen from an approved list of safe kernels maintained by Amazon and its partners (e.g., Red Hat, Canonical, Microsoft). Users could choose kernels other than the default when booting an PVM AMI.[5]

For your use case, instead of using a machine image, you may just create a Custom Image off of your running instance and use it as a Boot Disk (Custom Image) for your Instance Template. You may refer to this document as a guide.

I have two GCP projects, projectA and projectB. In projectB, I have a machine image B-machine-image. My goal was to make a copy of the machine image in projectA. But since there is no way to copy the machine image from projectB to projectA directly, I thought I can create a instance in projectA using the machine image in projectB, then use the new instance in projectA to create a machine image locally.

I found a Google Doc for this: -images/create-instance-from-machine-image and followed the steps to first grant the service account in projectA admin role to the machine image B-machine-image in projectB, then run the command to make the instance like:

gcloud beta compute instances create my-new-instance --project=projectA --zone us-central1-b --source-machine-image projects/projectB/global/machineImages/B-machine-image --service-account [email protected]

As per the GCP documentation you can create VM using a machine image from a different project directly. Please note that, when you create a VM by using a machine image from a different project, you might not have access to the service account attached to that source project. In my reproduction steps I followed this steps:

I have many machines which require the same configurations. My goal is to boot them all from the network and load a virtual machine. It would be wonderful to have one image for all of our customer service machines. That way, I could load the virtual image, perform updates, and know the next time they boot up they will have all the changes. Ideally, the machines would store the image locally and only download a new image if there has been a change.

With all the information out there on "desktop virtualization", "PXE booting", and "virtual machines", I feel lost. I have been reading for hours and feel like I have only just scratched the surface.

You are combining two things: (1) diskless booting which is common in HiPC clusters, where tools like compilers, libraries, etc, are stored on a clustered file system like Lustre or NFS; (2) virtual disk images (vmdk or vdi, or whatever else).

In case (2), given all machines are same, including configurations, you can nfs mount the virtual disk image. Write a script that checks for any changes like whether the existing image is same as nfs mounted; if they are not same, copy this image to boot partition and reboot it. You need to add this script in initrd. You can play with that.

If you are using ESXi, there is a better way to achieve what you want: export nfs to esxi hosts. Keep the vmdk and -flat.vmdk files on the nfs server, and change vmdk location in .vmx file. During the next boot, it picks up your new image.

It's an utility that replace the BIOS and it's capable of networking. Such as a diskless computer that download a kernel image from a server and execute it. After the kernel mount a distant partition as the root filesystem.

A virtual machine is a machine run by software. If I work on a particular OS then I can run the a VM to boot another OS without rebooting. There is some OSes that are dedicated to virtualisation. The virtual machine is not an answer for your problem.

Ok now I'll explain what I suggest, I did not work with it and I think it's not free software, but you should try to find a replacement. Northon Ghost is a PXE that boot up before the principal OS to check if the disk image is the same of what is on the server. If I come to a computer like that and clear out the OS, and reboot...the OS will be recovered by the server, but not the data.

You're looking for something like I think. Making things like this work on a couple of machines in the lab isn't difficult. You'll find making it work all across a complex routed LAN somewhat more complex - we use Apple's variation of this to run an installer to install our standard OSX desktop image on to mac workstations.

In MCS i installed a driver outside of the Master Image however after reboot it held on to this driver. We have used this method in the past in PVS that if a Image lets say gets infected we place in maintenance mode and reboot. it goes back to last published image.

Is there any way currently to share a GCE machine image (as opposed to standard image) with another organization? While I have found documentation regarding the sharing of standard GCE images...I'm having a hard time finding anything related to Machine Image sharing.

I don't know about sharing machine images "across orgs", but you can share machine images across projects (but there are some limitations ). You may want to start with this documentation on creating VMs from machine images in other projects .

The machine images are like templates that are configured with an operating system and other software that determine the user's operating environment. AMI types are categorized according to region, operating system, system architecture -- 32- or 64-bit -- launch permissions and whether they are backed by Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) or backed by the instance store.

While both HVM and PV machines are virtual machines (VMs), the main difference is that PV virtual machines are lightweight compared to their HVM counterparts. This means a PV VM boots faster and uses less computer hardware but is limited to a smaller number of operating systems.

Our ubuntu machine image is the default for machine pipelines and remote Docker instances within CircleCI and is built with continuous integration in mind. This image is a standalone Ubuntu 22.04 virtual machine. 17dc91bb1f

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