This list of universities and colleges in Portugal gives the Portuguese institutions providing higher education. Higher education in Portugal is organized into two systems: university and polytechnic. There are public and private higher education institutions.

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Portugal Universities


Among the best universities in Portugal for international students is the University of Lisbon, or ULisboa. It offers high-quality education and specializes in Physics, Computer Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Technology.

Aside from its ideal and vibrant location where you can access museums, cultural sites, tourist attractions, and more, the University in Lisbon offers a vast academic sports complex where you can surely meet friends and bond with the locals.

Moreover, the Catholic University of Portugal has regional facilities in Braga, Visue, Porto, and Lisbon. It provides study fields in BioSciences, BioEngineering, Economics, Arts, Science, and the humanities.

The University of Beira Interior is primarily known for its innovative programs and facilities. It has five research sites, including a computer and optics center, encouraging scientists and the community to collaborate for the common good.

The University Institute of Lisbon is recognized globally for its multiple MBA accreditations. It is among the best universities in Portugal for international students who want to extend their knowledge of sustainable development, community service, and collective work.

In addition, it is a public research university offering study fields in Social Sciences, Business, and Technology. Graduates of the University Institute of Lisbon are known to be highly demanded and efficient.

The University of Minho specifically offers a dynamic environment for every learner courtesy of its campuses in Guimares and Braga. It is one of the best universities in Portugal for international students that generally provides Preparation Courses to adapt to their course effectively.

Learners who want to enhance culture and safeguard the environment must consider enrolling at the University of Algarve. It provides high-quality programs in Management & Tourism and Science & Technology.

Among the best universities in Portugal for international students is the University of Porto, a public learning institution specifically famous for its contribution to Molecular and Cell Biology research.

If you wish to study near a stunning Portuguese coastline, the University of Aveiro must be on your list. Aside from the calm breeze, you will surely enjoy its campus, where innovative structures blend well with nature.

Mark has been a professional content writer for four years. He specializes in writing articles regarding education and studying abroad. His writings intend to elicit emotional responses from readers and provide information.

Since 2006, Portugal has adopted the Bologna Process throughout its universities and polytechnics, a European reform process which aims to establish a common structure for higher education across Europe. In accord with this structure, Portuguese universities offer three levels of degree. These are:

Ranked joint 305th in the world in 2018, the University of Lisbon is the largest university in Portugal, home to over 47,000 students in 18 faculties. It was formed by the merger of the former Technical University of Lisbon (UTL) and the University of Lisbon (UL) in 2013, with the main University in Lisbon originally founded in 1911. The university is currently ranked in the global top 100 of the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2017 for several subjects including art and design, mining engineering and geography.

The third highest-ranked Portuguese university is the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, which stands at joint 361st in the world. Founded in 1973, the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, informally known as NOVA, has a student population of over 19,500.

NOVA benefits from specialized faculties with a particular emphasis on STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) and FAME (finance, accounting, management and economics) subjects. The university also offers the Lisbon MBA, in partnership with Universidade Catolica Portuguesa.

The oldest of all universities in Portugal is the University of Coimbra, established way back in 1290. Ranked 401-410 in the QS World University Rankings and located in the city of Coimbra (the former national capital), with a student community of approximately 24,800, the university has a sizeable proportion of international students and teaches across eight faculties, covering STEM subjects as well as arts and humanities.

Other institutions in Portugal to consider include the Universidade Catolica Portuguesa, Lisboa (651-700 in the world), Catlica Lisbon School of Business and Economics and the Nova School of Business and Economics.

Other polytechnics and universities in Lisbon include the Technical University of Lisbon, Lisbon University Institute, Lusiada University, Universidade Autnoma de Lisboa, Catlica Lisbon Business and Economics, Nova School of Business and Economics and several others, both public and private.

Those from countries outside the EU/EEA and Switzerland who intend to study in Portugal for longer than three months must apply for a residence visa (visto para residencia) before entering the country. This can be applied for through your nearest Portuguese embassy or consulate, and requires:

As an international student in Portugal, you are in for the time of your life. With its picturesque villages, impressive history, yet modern urban lifestyle, Portugal offers a variety of great experiences.

Tuition fees in Portugal are relatively modest. Public universities generally charge less than 1,500 EUR per year for their Bachelor and Master programmes; some private universities may charge up to 4,000 EUR per year.

Number two by size, the University of Porto is also among the highest-placed Portuguese universities in the world rankings, and 10% of its students are international. Founded in 1911, it is known for its strong academic research.

As well as the glorious countryside, mild climate, and excellent cultural experiences, Portugal has another upside for international students; it is one of the cheapest places in Europe to live, which is handy given all the amazing cuisine and local wines. The main cities are very cosmopolitan and it has a vibrant, contemporary music and nightlife scene. With that and its natural beauty, you can always find something to get involved with here in Portugal.

Alongside 47 other European nations, Portugal is a signatory to the Bologna Process, a Europe-wide strategy to harmonize the architecture of European higher education and promote educational mobility and modernization. The Bologna Process, first signed in 1999, aimed to widen access to higher education across Europe and allows for educational exchanges between countries while guaranteeing universal standards across European higher education institutions.

Educational institutions in Portugal are divided into traditional universities and polytechnical schools that provide more practical and profession-oriented training. Both types of institutions have public and private counterparts spread across Portugal. There are currently 14 public universities and 36 private universities in Portugal, with 20 public polytechnics in Portugal and 64 private polytechnics.

All countries have specific admissions requirements for students to gain acceptance into a university. Learn more about the ins and outs of admission to programs in Portugal, and what you need to apply.

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The MIT Portugal Program (MPP) is a strategic international partnership between Portuguese universities and research institutions, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the Portuguese government, as well as partners from industry and other non-academic institutions.

First established in Portugal in October 2006 and renewed in 2013, MPP has been developing a research platform for cutting-edge concepts in emerging areas of science and technology that have included: Bioengineering, Sustainable Energy, Transportation Systems, Engineering Design, and Advanced Manufacturing. Phases I and II placed a strong emphasis on the aforementioned areas, offering PhD, Masters and Executive Masters programs to students from Portugal and around the globe.

The first two phases of the program demonstrated a high-profile effort to prove that an investment in science, technology, and higher education can have a positive, lasting impact on the economy. Phases I and II addressed key societal issues through quality education and research in the emerging field of engineering systems while educating future leaders in science, technology, entrepreneurship, and the innovation of technological systems.

Six Portuguese universities have been included in the Xangai Ranking of the top 1000 universities in the world, reports Lusa. The list, published on Monday, was dominated by universities in the United States, with Harvard coming first for the 20th year in a row.

Portugal is predicted to experience a strong demographic shift and a significant rise in old-age dependency over the next 30 years, compared to other European Union members. This situation has prompted Portugal to develop policy measures on active ageing and the improvement of the quality of life of elderly people.

Associao Rede de Universidades da Terceira Idade [Universities of the Third Age Network Association] (RUTIS)[21] is a Private Institution of Social Solidarity (IPSS), which in Portugal corresponds closely to the European Union's definition of a social enterprise.[1] It was created in 2005 in Almeirim, Portugal, and promotes active ageing by providing national and international representation of the Universities of the Third Age (U3As) or Universidades Seniores [Senior Universities]).[14] The U3As are universities for people aged 50 or older which are supported by public entities or not-for-profit associations that offer learning, culture, leisure, sport and solidarity activities.[16] 152ee80cbc

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