Alias addresses may reflect how the property has been known historically or includes a house name, locality or County information that isn't needed for postal purposes. However, you can choose to use whichever version of the address you prefer where alternatives are displayed.

If the property you're looking for is a new build (or for example a house recently converted into flats), the postcode might not have been added to our database yet. If your address isn't listed please let us know. We'll try to get this fixed as quickly as possible.

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Sometimes this might happen when an address has a property name and not a number, or has both. You can use either to address mail, but generally it's better to use the property number, rather than name.

There are also occasions when you might see multiple results for a single address, for example a house converted in flats, where the mail is delivered to a single, shared front door. In these cases we show the main property number and street name, and then the property number with the individual flat number. For example, there may be three results; 3 High Street; 3A High Street; and 3B High Street, or 3 High Street; Ground Floor Flat, 3 High Street; and First Floor Flat, 3 High Street.

If you can't see any results, we recommend trying a different browser - Google Chrome and Internet Explorer 10 or above generally work best with Postcode Finder. You'll be able to see the results on a map if you use Chrome, Safari, Firefox, IE 10 or above (it doesn't work with IE 8 or 9).

This service is not available on Saturdays, Sundays or Bank Holidays. If you cannot get through, it could be because your phone is barred from calling 090 numbers. Contact your service provider to request that this bar is removed.

Disclaimer: USPS cannot guarantee that the address shown here is the actual location of the business. Please verify the address before sending your mail. If more than one address matches the information provided, try narrowing your search by entering a street address and, if applicable, a unit number. Edit and search again.

Disclaimer: Please be advised that neither the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania nor the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) warrants the accuracy of the information obtained from this site. The geo-coding system used for address searches on this website is outside the control of DCED and is limited to the most current data available in that system. We recommend you contact the county, municipality and/or school district provided as a match for the address you entered to confirm the address fall within their geographic boundaries.

Note:If you do not receive information for the address you have entered in the address search function and you know the municipality and school district for the address you are searching, you may obtain your PSD code from the Political Subdivision (PSD) Codes List.

I also want to be able to copy the address bar. Perhaps the workflow is different on a Mac, but I'm used to throughly sorting my files under many layers of folders and then when I need to upload or download something, or access a file in command line or etc, I can copy and paste that directly into the file dialog.

In the other direction, you can use the proxy icon (the folder icon in the Finder title bar). Drag it into a Terminal window and the path to the folder will get inserted at the current cursor location.

These approaches handle Terminal/Finder exchanges. With the ability to drag/drop files and folders onto open/save dialogs, the Go To Folder command in Finder, and the ability to navigate the folder hierarchy in Finder by Command-clicking the proxy icon, and the Go menu in Finder, there is little missing you might need for navigation. It's different from Windows, but works just as well.

You can additionally use the clipboard utilities for the command line: pbcopy and pbpaste. You can pipe any path into pbcopy and access it from GUI utilities, e.g. the Finder's Go to Folder... command.

Check out DTERM. It allows you to quickly open a prompt to the current location. From there you can easily use an alias to copy the $PWD (echo $PWD | pbcopy), run a command on local files, and many other actions.

EDIT: Sorry, I didn't read the part about wanting to copy the path. If you are comfortable with the into a directory and run pwd | pbcopy and you will have the current path in your clipboard.

I think the best you can do without third-party software is to open an inspector window (option-command-I), which shows you the properties/"Get Info" of the currently selected item, and copy-paste from the "Where:" line. You can size the window down to be less obtrusive.

From Finder's View menu, check off "Show Path Bar" to turn on a clickable "breadcrumb" file path bar at the bottom of your Finder window, as shown. There you can click on any of the parent folders up the path of your current folder to navigate to it.

A student's base schools are based on the residence of the student. Please enter the street number and a few characters of the street name in the box below. When you see your address in the list, click it to view the assigned base schools.

The Wireshark OUI lookup tool provides an easy way to look up OUIs and other MAC address prefixes. It uses the Wireshark manufacturer database, which is a list of OUIs and MAC addresses compiled from a number of sources.

Seattle Public Schools assigns students based on the address where their primary residence is located. Click the Address Lookup tool below to see which school your student would be assigned to according to your address.

Step 1 - Enter the first 2 to 5 letters of the street name. Click the See Streetsbutton to see the address ranges that begin with the letters you entered. You may need to try other spellings for streets that begin with abbreviations like Mount - Mt, Saint - St, or West - W.

You are going to be redirected to the new FEMA Region 2 Coastal site in 5 seconds. 

 If you wish to go there immediately, please click:

We encourage you to bookmark this new link and use that to access the Region 2 Coastal site instead of the redirect from the old link, thank you!

2. The tool will add a blue marker to the map, indicating the area it will provide information for based on the entered address.

**Important: If the marker is not directly on top of your building, click on your building on the map and a red marker will appear. The tool will then refresh with information for that location.**

3. The report below the map will provide you with both the effective and the revised flood hazard information available for the address entered. Click on any hyperlinked text and a glossary definition will open in a new window.

DISCLAIMER: The information generated for each report is dependent on the point location of the marker. The address locator is not 100% accurate in identifying addresses and results are not considered an official determination. Property owners should contact their local floodplain administrator for more information and to discuss the flood elevations and zones in the vicinity of their property prior to starting any reconstruction activity. Results from this tool are not intended for flood insurance rating purposes.

Your home address falls within an elementary and high school attendance boundary: these are your neighborhood schools. You have the option to send your child to this elementary school and high school.

Some schools - like magnet, selective enrollment, and military schools - have their own processes for enrollment. These schools are marked with a CW inside their map pin. Visit to learn how to apply to these kinds of schools.

Charter schools are public schools that are independently operated. Charter schools are open to all Chicago children but an application and sometimes a lottery is required for enrollment. These schools are marked with a CH inside their map pin.

Attendance Boundary Questions? Neighborhood attendance boundaries can only be confirmed officially through the Office of Planning and Data Management by calling 773.553.3270 or


 Enrollment Questions? Questions regarding specific enrollment procedures should be directed to the Office of Access and Enrollment by calling 773.553.2060, emailing, or visiting 


The map features color-coded pins for each school that you can click to access general information about schools such as contact information, grade category, grades and performance rating. The school detail box also provides a link to the school's profile that has more extensive information including enrollment, academic performance and demographics.

Type your street address into the text box and click the search button. Schools near your location will appear in a list on the left side of the screen. Click a school name to see its location on the map.

Click on a colored school pin on the map to see the attendance boundary for that school. The attendance boundary will appear as a shaded area on the map. This will help you identify the attendance area down to the street level. It can sometimes be helpful to zoom in on the map to see specific street names.

Click the "Find Schools Around Me" button to find schools near your current location. Some devices and/or browsers may ask you for permission before sending your current location. You must allow your current location to be sent in order for this feature to work.

Start typing the name of the school in the search box and click the drop down list of schools to find a school by name. When a school is selected, the school location will be marked with a colored pin on the map and a detail panel will appear with additional information.

An overlay is a transparent layer of additional information that appears on top of the existing map to help denote specific boundaries or regions. For example, a zip code overlay will show boundaries for all the zip codes in Chicago. Click on a specific boundary area on the map to see more details about that area. 152ee80cbc

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