How to order
For your convenience, just about everything in our catalog is available for download and streaming online. Please visit the world wide web.
However, We do have a few CD's for sale here also!
The Road, Vol. II Emily Bishton CD $14 free shipping in the USA (Just released!)
Twisted Tango Emily Bishton CD $14 free shipping in the USA
Hankin' Emily Bishton CD $12 free shipping in the USA
The Road, Vol. I Emily Bishton CD $12 free shipping in the USA
Or get all 4 of Emily's CDs for $40 with free shipping in the USA !
Payment options:
Mail a check (made out to Popllama Products) and tell us what you want, and tell us where to send it. Popllama's mailing address is PO Box 186 Arivaca, Az. 85601
If you'd rather use paypal, we are You can send us money and just trust us to send you the goods. (we will :) Make sure to include a mailing address and tell us what you want. Thanks.
If you are not in the USA, please let us know where you are and what you want, and we'll get back to you with a total including shipping.
More payment options are in the works. Thanks for your patience!
These days many of the artists represented in our Catalog sell their music via the internet.
Here are some links that we hope will be helpful in finding their music.