What To Do For Constipation? & How To Fix Constipation Fast?
When anyone is feeling constipated the question comes to mind what to do for constipation? How to fix constipation fast? The solutions we describe below will definitely help you to cure when you are constipated. Taking about the symptom and an increasingly common digestive disorder in people living in developed societies where poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, the pace stressful life and habits bad guys are increasingly present, thus altering the quality of life of those who suffer it. The diet for this will be one of the main factors to deal with this problem.
What is constipation? and What to do for constipation?
Constipation is defined by the WHO as having fewer than three bowel movements a week. The frequency considered normal in going on the belly and in the rhythm of bowel movements is between three bowel movements a day and a minimum of three a week, without having to make an excessive effort, pass very hard stools or have a sensation of incomplete evacuation. In fact, the Catalan society of digestology considers that constipation exists when there are two or more of these symptoms in 25% of the stools:
Less than three bowel movements a week
An Excessive effort to evacuate
Hard stools
The feeling of incomplete evacuation
A feeling of blockage or obstruction
Need help, such as suppositories or enema to make a bowel movement
Why do you get constipated? And How to tell if you are constipated?
From time to time we have all suffered constipated, either due to changes in diet or change of habits, such as traveling or taking some drugs. But chronic constipation is prolonged in time and is considered chronic when it lasts beyond 3 months.
There are also stages of life such as pregnancy or during the infantile stage where there is a greater predisposition to suffer so, what to do for constipation, especially in the weaning of the infant, when the diaper is removed and when the school stage begins. As in adulthood, most cases when children get constipated are due to poor eating habits and insufficient fiber intake, but in some cases, children voluntarily avoid defecation, in this case, it is important to give positive reinforcement and avoid punishment.
Why do you get constipated, the most common is chronic constipation of unknown cause but there is also, due to anorectal disorder or of the pelvic floor, due to diseases that produce an alteration of the smooth muscles of the intestine or in the function of the colon or gastrointestinal disease.
Why do you get constipated? Main reasons below
Low fiber diet
Low-calorie diet
A sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity
Other related diseases, How to tell if you are constipated?
The most common constipation is caused by a disorder in the functioning of the intestine but it can also be caused by other diseases such as those that cause an obstruction in the colon or by hypothyroidism, diabetes, depression, colon cancer, dementia, Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis, injury spinal cord, etc. and factors such as taking some drugs such as iron supplements, calcium, some antidepressants, antacids or antihypertensives.
Chronic constipation can also cause hemorrhoids, fistulas, or diverticula of the colon.
Intestinal transit (commonly constipated)
The intestinal transit time is the time it takes food since they are ingested until they reach the anus waste to be expelled. There are people who have a slow intestinal transit and this causes some of them to end up suffering from constipation.
To have a good intestinal transit that allows us to go to the belly on a regular basis, we must have good habits such as eating foods rich in fiber; fruits, vegetables, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes, but the not only fiber is necessary, it is also important to have a good intake of liquid in the form of water, the fat present in the diet and particularly olive oil is a great ally to regulate the transit, the practice of regular physical exercise, establishing schedules and accustoming the body to going to the bathroom at the same time and above all not ignoring the natural reflex of the intestine when it tells us to go to the belly.
Are laxatives bad for you?
Avoid them when you are constipated for more than 3 months
It is common for people who suffer from constipation to resort to taking laxatives, which can cause the body to get used to them and, therefore, this becomes more chronic.
"Taking laxatives will not solve constipation in the long term, it is a very short-term measure that can have side effects for health such as electrolyte imbalance due to diarrhea or damage to the intestine. Laxatives should be taken only if a doctor prescribes them, assessing each case beforehand as they can have side effects."
The change of diet and habits towards a diet that provides us with the necessary amount of fiber will serve to treat the root of the problem, it is necessary to have patience since a change in eating habits will allow in most cases to solve this symptom.
What to eat when constipated and bloated?
As we have already said, the diet to avoid constipation must be rich in fiber, that is to say, composed mainly of foods such as fruits, vegetables and vegetables, legumes, and whole grains.
Probiotics will also help the intestinal flora to be healthy, so it is recommended to make yogurt, kefir, or sauerkraut in the diet. Do not forget to drink water throughout the day and use olive oil in dishes to promote lubrication of the intestine.
Best foods to eat when constipated
Kiwi, orange, and citrus in general
Artichokes, escarole, endives, and spinach
Chia and flax seeds (ground)
And to promote intestinal peristalsis, it is recommended to drink a cup of warm water on an empty stomach.
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Does fiber help constipation?
Fiber is the true protagonist and it will be a diet that provides us with the necessary amount of fiber through fresh foods that will also nourish us and provide us with water, which will contribute to having a good intestinal transit and not being constipated.
The American Dietetic Association considers that an adult takes an average of 15 grams of fiber a day, practically half that it should take since it is recommended that a woman take around 25 grams of fiber a day and a man around 38 grams of fiber. The Spanish Society of Community Nutrition also follows these recommendations, recommending 25 grams of fiber for women and 30 grams for adult men.
Insoluble fiber (present in vegetables, whole grains, legumes) provides volume to stools and soluble fiber (present in fruits, nuts, seeds, vegetables, legumes …) absorbs water, forming a gel and giving consistency and hydration to feces.
It is also important to note that the increase in fiber consumption should be progressive and it is not recommended to take very high amounts of dietary fiber either, since it will lead to a very rapid intestinal transit that may generate malabsorption of nutrients, in addition to an excess of fiber combined with a low water intake it can also lead to a period of constipation as it would produce a plug effect.
Foods to avoid when constipated
Avoid processed foods such as baguette or mold bread, cookies, pastries, delicatessen products, etc.
In periods of constipation, it is also advisable to avoid white rice and tea and temporarily moderate astringent foods such as green banana, skinless apple, and cooked carrot.
Avoid processed foods such as baguette or mold bread, cookies, pastries, delicatessen products, etc.
In periods of constipation, it is also advisable to avoid white rice and tea and temporarily moderate astringent foods such as green banana, skinless apple, and cooked carrot.
Myths about what foods make you constipated?
Some of the more common myths are that the following foods cause constipation:
Apple: as a fruit rich in pectin it is not the cause why you get constipated, on the contrary, its consumption and especially if it is with skin favors intestinal transit and improves flora. However, in long periods of chronic constipation, it would not be the most advisable fruit due to its astringent capacity.
Carrot: it is a very fibrous vegetable that will help us to evacuate and its regular consumption like that of other vegetables will help to avoid constipation, yes, it is better to take it raw since it will have more insoluble fiber content and will facilitate intestinal function. On the other hand, cooked carrots have an astringent capacity.
Milk and Cheese: it can generate intolerance in people who do not tolerate lactose and therefore cause gas and abdominal bloating but milk or cheese are not the cause why you get constipated.
Chocolate: cocoa contains theobromine that can increase peristalsis and together with the fat in chocolate promote evacuation. However, consumed in large quantities can lead to indigestion and abdominal discomfort, not constipation.
To avoid constipation we must not ignore the intestinal reflex to go to the bathroom and not repress defecation. In addition, it will help us to follow a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and vegetables, choose whole grains, include legumes in our diet weekly and several days, and perform regular physical exercise to promote peristalsis. On the other hand, don't forget to drink water as the main liquid.
Also, a natural and correct posture to defecate will help you to evacuate more easily, you can place your feet on a stool that allows you to be with your knees higher than your hips.
And finally, remember that a dietitian-nutritionist can develop a personalized diet that helps you improve your eating habits and consequently improve intestinal transit.