Vertical Cut

When making custom products or simply reducing the size of sheets cut by the horizontal saw, our vertical foam saw gives us precision finishing capabilities. With multiple tables of varying dimensions, we have the ability to handle projects of all sizes simultaneously with our vertical foam cutting machine. This is one of our most commonly used machines since these are popular items with customers looking to utilize our high-quality foam in practical applications for their lives.

Unlike automated machines, the vertical saw requires its operator to manually guide foam through the blade, much like woodworking band saws. Our skilled team works with care and speed to achieve the right result for our customers using this reliable vertical foam cutting machine on a variety of projects. The 3/4" wide blade is articulated with a 45 degree range of motion that allows the operator to taper or grade each piece individually for even more attention to detail. However, it can only cut along the plane set by the blade's angle; it is unable to form contoured curves which can make it somewhat limited in some respects.