Week 7

Agenda 10/9

  1. Sunday Shows
  2. Campaign Finance
    1. Does money buy votes?
    2. How effective are super PACs?
    3. How much do elections cost?
  3. Congressional Elections & Representation
    1. What is gerrymandering and how is it done?
    2. What are the re-election rates for Members of Congress?
      1. What explains the incumbency bias in Congress?
    3. Who gets elected? Are they representative?
Campaign Finance
Congressional Elections

Agenda 10/11


  1. What are the goals of Members of Congress?
    1. How do they secure their goals? What is the “Electoral Connection”?
  2. What are the re-election rates for Members of Congress?
    1. What explains the incumbency bias in Congress?
  3. Who gets elected? Are they representative?

Congress: The Legislative Process

  1. Bicameralism: What are the major differences between the House and Senate?
  2. How does Congress take care of business? What institutional features structure the legislative process?
  3. What are the major obstacles to passing bills in Congress?
    1. Does polarization affect the ability of Congress to pass legislation?
Congress: The Legislative Process