Secretary of State, Republicans

Brent Barker (Republican)

Tim McCloud (Republican)

Dennis Linthicum (Republican)


Question 1 out of 6: Can you provide examples of how you've previously advocated for or plan to advocate for civil rights and equity at the national, state, or local level? 

Brent Barker

Received 2015 Commendation Award for Public Service by Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors.

Charitable and volunteer activities include Homes for Hope, UMOM New Day Homeless Centers and fundraising for World Vision.

Tim McCloud

I am involved in a number of national organizations that advance fairness and civil rights, and have worked with a broad variety of vulnerable and diverse populations such as foster youth; child and adult homeless populations; intellectual and developmentally disabled individuals; behaviorally-challenged individuals; and youth in the court systems. I am a strong advocate for my community regarding the safety and quality-of- experience for children in Salem's most overlooked Title IX schools. Additionally, I have endured racism from top officials at city and state levels of government. I have witnessed firsthand how intolerance and corruption comes from the top down. Based on my experiences, I have no doubt that Oregon is deeply infected by a culture of injustice. I intend to continue as a champion for what is right and for all people, because that is what Oregon needs. I strongly believe in the ideals of equality, and that civil rights are for everyone. All Oregonians should be entitled to the same access and opportunities. In Oregon, civil rights laws are as necessary as they are anywhere else in the United States. 

Dennis Linthicum

No response submitted

Question 2 out of 6: Describe how you plan to actively engage with and listen to the concerns of Black communities and other minority groups in communities you would serve in this position.

Brent Barker

Engaging and promoting opportunity zones, working with the Urban League, and continued actions, bridging, uniting all peoples.

Tim McCloud

I am well-prepared to address the concerns from across the spectrum of Oregon' communities. This is important to me, because I am well aware of how Oregon policies may exclude 'certain' voices. As an example, I have traveled to and spoken with, residents from Eastern Oregon communities who have shared their frustrations based on the reality that these communities aren't being included in policy decisions happening here in Salem. As a statewide representative, I intend to speak directly to these concerns and to remove legacy barriers intended to funnel most minority groups of out of conversations about the direction of our communities.

Dennis Linthicum

No response submitted

Question 3 out of 6: Aside from replacing the Governor should the office become vacant, why should a voter be concerned about who is elected Secretary of State?

Brent Barker

Brent Barker for Oregon will promote, and build fair access to our democracy in the State of Oregon; making reliable tools available to achieve economic success in the capacity of Secretary of State; ensuring resources are used responsibly and efficiently, with accountability, integrity, competency, honesty, and transparency to the public.

Tim McCloud

The role of the Secretary of State is to engage Oregonians in accordance with applicable laws; particularly as it may relate to areas such as state election procedures and complaints; business filings; and even the management and distribution of public schools funding, via the Common Schools Fund. Because of these significant responsibilities as it may pertain to statewide representation, I expect to engage as many public stakeholder groups as possible from every edge of our beautiful state. 

Dennis Linthicum

No response submitted

Question 4 out of 6: The secretary chairs the Oregon Sustainability Board which works to optimize organizations’ financial, environmental and social performance. How do you interpret social performance? How can it best be optimized?

Brent Barker

It appears over the past couple decades Oregon has forgotten its roots and moved from being a national leader in public integrity, sustainability, clean environment, to something unrecognizable. Many of Oregon’s problems can be resolved by fixing the election processes. This will require responsible measures to return systems of voting that can be trusted. This is what I will do as Oregon Secretary of State.

As one of three members of the State Land Board and the Chair of the Oregon Sustainability Board we must work towards balance so that all voters’ voices are heard. We can subsequently ask, where are the job creation INCENTIVES that collaborate with public/private forest management to reduce fire risk and improve economic vitality, and or where are the job creation INCENTIVES that collaborate with public/private employment areas that reduce labor abuse and improve economic vitality? When values are clear - decisions are simplified.

Tim McCloud

With people hurting more now than ever, it's become clear and evident that our current government leadership is not getting the job done. The extremely divided landscape that we've been subjected to is very costly for our society. As the price tag on corruption continues to increase, populations in communities throughout the Portland Metro continue to decrease, as they seek refuge elsewhere. This should make it very clear that what Oregon cannot sustain are more of the same old politics. I believe good governments should practice exceptional stewardship. As Chair of the Sustainability Board, I will see that this becomes a priority. Additionally, Social performance is something that I believe should primarily be measured by opportunities that all members within our society have to create wealth, improve health, and live the highest quality of life, with access to a vibrant, diverse economy. I believe this should also be possible through both individual and collaborative efforts. This must be an opportunity for the next Secretary of State. 

Dennis Linthicum

No response submitted

Question 5 out of 6: LaVonne Griffin-Valade has been our Secretary of State. If elected, what changes can we expect during your tenure?

Brent Barker

Meeting others where they stand and systematically going through caucusing, preference discussions, convening and negotiations to arrive at solutions. The Oregon Secretary of State is not a position for rule breakers, those that walk back statements, and or pointing fingers at others and essentially attacking them. Being empathetic to voters as a public servant is key.

First let’s start with Our Plan – by setting the cast voting record to zero, and re-registering voters (like a driver’s license) many issues of conflict are removed.The expense of a forensic audit, and privacy protections make a reliable audit of the cast voting record nearly impossible. Oregon’s election integrity is ranked 47th by the Heritage Foundation.

Secondly, a Statewide Holiday for all State and Federal Elections will demonstrate and show the people of Oregon we take our civic responsibilities seriously. This day must be observed in such a way that allows resources to be directed to county officials to essentially prepare for primary and general election days. It is clearly important that we stand in another’s shoes, look through their eyes and understand the challenges they face working in environments that are often divisive. We must unite around respect for others, their views, and decorum in our constitutional republic. I will be an empathetic Secretary of State that directs an annual budget of $112,000,000 to the most critical job of election integrity for all voters.

Tim McCloud

According to Secretary of State data over a period of 19 years, an average of 2 convictions for elections fraud occurred during each year. This should give serious pause to Oregonians about the integrity of our current elections. As an appropriate reaction to the low ethical standards set by Kate Brown and Shemia Fagan, both of whom were recently Secretary of State in Oregon, public trust in our election system is at an all time low. If elected as Secretary of State, I will stop election fraud in its tracks and make our elections processes stronger than they have ever been. My administration will greatly limit vulnerabilities to voter fraud, via enhanced security measures to be implemented in each county. This will include critical enhancements such as livestreaming election counts, conducting a full audit of the Oregon voter rolls, and may even include coordination with county Sheriffs to ensure the safety of voting infrastructure, ballots, and personnel. 

Dennis Linthicum

No response submitted

Question 6 out of 6: Name one or more specific qualifications or political positions that distinguish your candidacy from that of your primary opponents.

Brent Barker

As a student of Dispute Resolution at Pepperdine University Caruso School of Law we train to bring diverse interests together and find common ground. Oregon must embrace areas of unity and stop dividing people. Our campaign has a plan to restore confidence in our elections. Many people in Oregon feel like their voice is not being heard. I am that voice, the Oregon Secretary of Sates office must represent all candidates, parties, and voters equally and transparently - essentially the Office of Goodwill and the Ambassador for all Oregonians. Please see Our Plan:

Tim McCloud

In 2022, I announced candidacy during Oregon's Gubernatorial race. I am also a member of Phi Kappa Phi, which is a top distinction of academic honor, and currently the Chair of Elections for the Oregon Republican Party. 

Dennis Linthicum

No response submitted

Disclaimer: This site is not the primary source for official voting information. For comprehensive and official election details, please visit the Oregon Secretary of State website at We also recommend consulting state voter pamphlets for more information on elections, candidate profiles, and measures. Educating yourself with multiple resources is crucial to making well-informed voting decisions.