Policy for the People Presents Video Series

Duke University's Policy for the People host Dr. Darity and Dr. Craemer for a conversation on capitalism. Darity and Craemer discuss racial attitudes, the historic economic exclusion of Black Americans, and opportunities for reparations.
Duke University's Policy for the People host Duke Law Professor Brandon Garrett for a conversation on criminal justice reform. Garrett discusses the death penalty, cash bail, mass incarceration, wrongful convictions and more.
Duke University's Policy for the People hosts Dr. Dirk Philipsen to discuss capitalism, development and sustainability. Philipsen covers the dangers of unrestrained capitalistic growth and the inability of current economic measures (GDP) to reflect welllbeing.

Duke University's Policy for the People host Dr. Maffitt and Dr. French for a chat on Neoliberalism. Maffitt and French discuss the effects of neoliberalism on Latin American countries during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Duke University's Policy for the People host Dr. Zepeda-Millan for a conversation on Neoliberalism. Zepeda-Millan discusses immigration policies from the early 2000s to today, the role of immigrants in social activism, and more.