
Mac Installation

This video presents how to install Poky on Mac. Poky requires the installation of that you can find the link from the download page. If your computer does not allow to use the program downloaded from Internet, you will need to follow this instruction:

That is basically, type 

Also, giving the full disk access to poky, sh, launchd_startx,,, and in System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy may be necessary for Mac OS Catalina and newer versions of Mac OS.

XQuartz 2.8.5 beta 3 and newer have a flaw in drawing. Use 2.8.5 beta 2 or older unless this sentence is updated.

Windows Installation

This video presents how to install Poky on Windows 10. Poky does not quire any special installation steps other than uncompressing the package and executing poky.bat in poky_win\bin folder. Some special external modules may require the installation of the VS redistribution package that you can find the link from the download page.

Linux Installation

In this video, you'll see how you can install Poky on Linux. We'll use Ubuntu 20.04 for this demonstration. There are some required libraries you need to install. Copy and paste this line in the terminal (only italics)

Then, extract and run poky_linux/bin/ to launch Poky.

For your convenience, you can alias the command (e.g. alias poky='poky_linux/bin/' in .bash_aliases)

POKY Singularity Container for Older Linux Systems. 

Make sure you have singularity installed.

Build a POKY singularity container:


Launch the generated POKY singularity container:

If some windows remain after quitting POKY:

For your convenience, you can alias the command (e.g. alias poky='singularity run /path/to/poky.sif' in .bash_aliases).

For troubleshooting regarding Singularity, please visit and read Sylabs's documentation [click here].

The installation path should have neither spaces nor special characters. 

POKY is also available to NMRbox and SBGrid subscribers.