Champion Steven sheet

This sheet could be obtained by participating in the 'Pokemon Stamp Rally" at Pokemon Festa 2003, where participants had to collect ink stamps from staff members at 5 different locations. (more info below)

These postcards are included on the back of the sealed version.

Ever Grande City sheet

This sheet shows the elite four of the Hoenn region Pokémon league.

This sheet could be obtained by participating in the 'Pokemon Stamp Rally" at Pokemon Festa 2003, where participants had to collect ink stamps from staff members at 5 different locations. (more info below)

Back of the card with instructions and prizes

Pokemon Stamp Rally Card

At Pokemon Festa 2003, Participants in the "Pokemon stamp rally" event received this card.

Participants who collected enough ink stamps from staff members at different locations could win the Hoenn region 'Elite four' or 'Champion' stamp sheets pictured above.

Pokemon Colosseum sheet

This is one of the more rare sheets in my experience

It was distributed in the January issue of the Elementary school magazine in Japan to commemorate the release of pokemon Colosseum.

Ruby & Sapphire contest sheet 1

(this is not an official name)

Ruby & Sapphire contest sheet 2

(this is not an official name)

Ruby & Sapphire contest sheet 3

(this is not an official name)

Some parts of these sheets have a golden gloss

Jirachi special sheet

This is one of the more rare sheets in my experience.

Released in the July 2003 issue of the Elementary school magazine in Japan to commemorate the release of the Jirachi movie.