The player starts their journey in Littleroot Town, where the family has just moved from the Johto region after the player's father, Norman, became the leader of the Petalburg Gym. The story starts off with the player riding in the moving truck, which arrives in Littleroot. After exiting the truck, the player's mother explains that they have just arrived at their new home; they then enter the house together, and there are Machoke movers carrying boxes. The player's mother suggests that the player introduce themselves to Professor Birch, a friend of Norman's.

Upon arriving at Birch's house, his wife greets the player, and upstairs the player meets Brendan or May (the alternate-gender player character of the player), the child of Professor Birch; after the introduction, she or he soon leaves to join Birch, who is out in the field. The player then finds Birch on Route 101, where he is being chased by a wild Poochyena. Birch asks the player to take a Pok Ball out of his bag, which is lying on the ground; the player then chooses between Treecko, Mudkip, and Torchic as their first partner Pokmon. After choosing, a battle immediately begins with the wild Poochyena. After rescuing Birch, he lets the player keep the chosen Pokmon as thanks for saving him. He then tells the player to meet up with his kid on Route 103 for pointers on how to be a Trainer.

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Once the player finds Brendan or May on Route 103, they have their first trainer battle, after which they return to Birch's lab, where the player receives a Pokdex and some Pok Balls. When leaving through Route 101, the player runs into Brendan or May who gives him a new upgrade for the PokNav Plus, the DexNav, and teaches him how to use it. Once the player arrives in Petalburg City, he meets with his father at the Gym, where he tells him that he is happy to learn that they have become a Trainer like him. During the conversation, a local boy named Wally enters the Gym and asks Norman's help for catching a Pokmon. Norman loans Wally a Zigzagoon and a Pok Ball. He then asks the player to go along and help Wally with his task. On Route 102, Wally catches a Ralts, and the Trainers then return to the Gym, where Wally gives his thanks before being called home by his mother. Norman then encourages the player to travel Hoenn and challenge the region's Gym Leaders: Roxanne, Brawly, Wattson, Flannery, Norman, Winona, Tate and Liza, and Wallace.

The player then travels through Route 104 and Petalburg Woods; just before the exit from the woods, the player encounters the nefarious Team MagmaOR or Team AquaAS. After battling, the grunt reveals that their team is after something in Rustboro City. Upon exiting the forest, the player is spotted by a red-eyed grunt who reports to her leader.

The player meets Brendan or May right before the Rustboro Gym, where the player battles Roxanne and earns the Stone Badge; afterwards, the player runs into the Devon Researcher from Petalburg Woods. He tells the player that he has been robbed by Team MagmaOR/Team AquaAS and that the player must get the Devon Parts back from the evil team. The player then heads out onto Route 116 and discovers an old man named Mr. Briney who tells them that the villainous team has also taken his Wingull Peeko hostage and gone into the Rusturf Tunnel. The player confronts the grunt inside the tunnel and retrieves the Devon Goods, as well as rescuing Peeko.

Once the Devon Goods are returned, the researcher asks the player to deliver them to the shipyard in Slateport City. The player then meets Mr. Stone, the president of the Devon Corporation, who asks that the player stop by Dewford Town and deliver a letter to his son Steven; as thanks for the player's earlier work, Mr. Stone gives the player a new upgrade for the PokNav Plus, the Buzznav. Outside, Brendan or May explains how she or he caught Pokmon in Petalburg Woods, commenting on how Mr. Briney was once a sailor. The player then heads back through the Petalburg Woods to Mr. Briney's house, where he gives the player a ride down Route 105 to Dewford Town. Just north of Dewford on Route 106 is the Granite Cave where Steven is exploring. The cave is open to visitors, but a group of Ruin Maniacs block the room Steven occupies. After the player earns the Knuckle Badge from Brawly at the Dewford Gym, they disappear and the player can find Steven in Granite Cave, looking at a mural of a Groudon marked with omegasOR/Kyogre marked with alphasAS and remembering old legends. After listening to Steven, the player delivers the letter to him, he rewards the player with TM51 (Steel Wing) and tells the player that they could potentially become the Pokmon League Champion.

After leaving Dewford Town, Mr. Briney takes the player across Route 107 and Route 108 to Route 109, just south of Slateport City. When the player arrives in Slateport, there is a noticeable crowd of Team MagmaOR/Team AquaAS grunts blocking the entrance to the Oceanic Museum. When the player tries to drop off the Devon Goods at Stern's Shipyard, they learn that Captain Stern is in the Oceanic Museum. Once the player finds Captain Stern, they are confronted by two villainous grunts, and after defeating them, the villainous team's leader MaxieOR/ArchieAS appears and tells the player of their plans before warning not to get in the way again.

After giving the Devon Goods to Captain Stern, the player leaves Slateport City and travels Route 110; after encountering and battling Brendan or May, the player arrives in Mauville City. Outside of the Mauville Gym, the player finds Wally and his uncle; Wally challenges the player to a battle to prove to his uncle that he is ready for the Gym. After the battle, Wally's uncle invites the player to visit Verdanturf Town sometime. Once the Dynamo Badge has been earned from Wattson, the player heads to Verdanturf Town and uses Rock Smash to clear the previously blocked Rusturf Tunnel, earning Aggronite as a reward. Next, the player returns to Mauville and travels through Route 111 and Route 112 to the Fiery Path, on the other side of which the player continues through Route 113 to Fallarbor Town. Along the way, the player meets Brendan or May who gives them Strength, and tells them about Professor Cozmo.

Inside the Fallarbor Pokmon Center, the player meets Lanette, who invites them to her house on Route 114. Meanwhile, the player is told by Brendan or May that Professor Cozmo has been kidnapped by the evil team at Meteor Falls, located at the end of Route 114. Inside which the player along with Brendan or May battles TabithaOR/ShellyAS, along with a grunt. This time, they have stolen a valuable Meteorite from Professor Cozmo. Suddenly the opposite-version's team appears, taunting the primary evil team, who retreats with the Meteorite to Mt. Chimney, and warns the player to not interfere with Team AquaOR/Team MagmaAS. At the top of Mt. Chimney, Team Magma and Team Aqua can be found fighting; after fighting the admin of the primary evil team from Meteor Falls, the player finds the leader of the team, MaxieOR/ArchieAS, using the meteorite in a strange machine with the intention of turning it into a Mega Stone. The leader then battles the player. After the battle, the leader is informed of a better way to achieve his team's goals, gives the player the meteorite, and retreats.

Taking the southern path that was blocked by the battling teams, the player exits Mt. Chimney and reaches Lavaridge Town, home of the Lavaridge Gym. After receiving the Heat Badge from Flannery, the player meets Brendan or May who gives the player the Go-Goggles and suggests that he challenge his father at the Petalburg Gym, offering to go with him. After getting the Balance Badge from Norman, the player visits Wally's father, who gives the player HM03 (Surf).

Afterwards, the player continues through Route 119, reaching the Weather Institute, which is being attacked by the evil team in search of more information on GroudonOR/KyogreAS. After battling the grunts, the player comes face to face with the admin TabithaOR/ShellyAS, who appears distressed with what they found out. After defeating the admin, the player saves the institute and is given a Pokmon Castform as a reward. Shortly after leaving the Institute, Brendan or May appears and battles the player, giving away HM02 (Fly) upon defeat.

The player arrives in Fortree City, but cannot challenge the Gym because something invisible is blocking the entrance. On Route 120, the player once again meets Steven, and he gives the player the Devon Scope, a Mega Stone and notices that the meteorite the player picked up from Mt Chimney emits light. The Devon Scope allows the player to enter the Gym by revealing the invisible thing to be the Pokmon Kecleon. After the player defeats Winona and receives the Feather Badge, the quest continues through Route 120 and Route 121 to Lilycove City. On Route 121, there are some grunts from the evil team discussing their plan to go to Mt. Pyre, and upon arriving in Lilycove, the player finds it crawling with more grunts. Outside of the Lilycove Department Store, the player battles Brendan or May again; after the battle, Brendan or May notices the meteorite shining like Steven did before.

After the battle, the player heads to Mt. Pyre to drive off the evil team. At the summit of Mt. Pyre, the player finds the leader of the team, who has taken the Red OrbOR/Blue OrbAS and proclaims that the young Trainer has arrived too late to stop him, having the admin from Southern Island attack the player before heading to Slateport City. The old couple that watches over the orbs beseech the player to stop the evil team, and they give the player the stolen orb's counterpart. Upon returning to Slateport, the player finds that Capt. Stern has discovered an undersea cavern on Route 128. The evil team then suddenly appears and takes over the captain's research submarine. The leader of the evil team once again taunts the player, and he mentions that the team's hideout is in Lilycove City. Captain Stern begs the player to stop the evil team. After fighting their way through to the center of the hideout, finding the Master Ball along the way, the player encounters CourtneyOR/MattAS, who battles the player to stall until the leader takes off in the submarine. 152ee80cbc

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