Sorry if this is common knowledge or has been posted before.

But is it possible to install the talkie edition on an old 486 and get the voices working through my SB16? Or does it require a much faster PC?

Also I have an Roland SCC-1 card for music.

* If I use roland+sb , music is fine but at some point during speech the game will freeze. Color cycling of the cursor will still continue , music will continue but controls/keyboard are frozen. A reset is needed.

Monkey Island 2 Talkie Edition Download

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* If I use sb-only then the game just make some horrible "music" coming from the FM chip and strangely enough speech is OK. A reset won't help here , the game/pc works but until you do a power-cycle you can't get rid of the sb's sounds.

edit: made further tests, if I disable only L1 cache then the sb driver works. Still I get the freezing. I also put the sound buffers to 64 , I could delay the freezing but eventually I got it again.

If you suspect an issue with the Ultimate Talkie Editions, you should check if Indy 4 talkie (or its self running demo) has the same issue. Then, it is most likely a problem with the executable and the sound drivers coming with it.

I have a similar DOS PC (Pentium 200mmx with a VIA chipset and Award BIOS) and encountered those issues occasionally, but never found a fix that worked every time, unfortunately. I don't have a PS/2 mouse but a serial mouse connected to it (like you usually do on AT boards), so it can't be just that. I found, when I run the game from within Windows 95, then it runs fine most of the time. Sometimes, I get crackling speech, but no game hanging like in pure DOS.

In regards of drivers the SB16 does not use any... just an init program on startup (not a pnp card btw) or nothing at all... and I also tried with the 8bit SoundBlaster, it only needs the BLASTER variable.

And for mouse I used either ctmouse or MS's I even tried without a mouse driver installed, in my case if you have a mouse plugged in the mouse port then it somehow causes this... maybe it's the mouseport's IRQ12? or it's mem address?

well, unfortunately indy4 behaves the same... freezes/locks ( kinda differently though, if you wait a little it can unfreeze but fail after a while again, this time permanently)... even with the update patches and icache to disable L1 , it does not work well... maybe it's a chipset thing after all , never really played the "talkie editions" ...

slot1 test was a failure... I found no way to disable L1 or L2 caches on my 440BX mobo and ofcourse with a 400mhz PII the sb sound was terrible... didn't bother to test more since I could not really trust the result with such a speedy machine

1. I tried the ultimate talkie version of MI1 in scummvm with the ogg and flac installer, and got a slight crackling throughout the audio. Has anyone else experienced this? I cant tell if its a part of the music.. Its especially noticable talking to the blind guy at the begining of MI1, during the music.

Anyway, have just finished Part II and have a mammoth list of bugs and dialogue changes ready for you. That's probably the largest part of the game out of the way now. I might see if I can do Parts III and IV all at once when I next get the chance to play, since they're both pretty small and self-contained.

That's a nice looking beard. = That is a nice looking beard. (Unless the SE subtitle for this replacement line really says "That's" rather than "That is", in which case just leave it as is - I haven't had a chance to check this, so thought I'd mention it regardless).

-During the bone dance, rib bone is consistently mis-spelt as rip bone in all of the lines sung by the skeletons. This doesn't affect any of Guybrush's lines or the lyrics written on the paper as far as I could see.

-In the Antique Shop, if you talk to the parrot while the antique dealer is talking, after finishing its line the parrot doesn't stop its' talking animation. Instead, the animation will continue until the dealer finishes his remaining lines of dialogue.

-At Stan's, Guybrush still points the wrong way if facing the coffin and selecting the dialogue option How much is that coffin?. Adding the same check to see which way he's facing that you added to the Could you show me that coffin again? dialogue option should fix this.

-Sometimes, when Stan is in the coffin, if you open the coffin just as Stan's line is ending, even though the coffin is open his next line will be said in the "coffin closed" muffled voice and his talking animation will not play. Sometimes this also affects it the other way - if you close the coffin sometimes he will speak his next line in the "out of the coffin" voice. This seems harder to do than the other way around, though.

-At the Spitting Contest, there's an art goof - the banner on the far right reads "Pirate's Spit Contest!" rather than "Pirates' Spit Contest" as it should. Originally all the banners were incorrect, but this was fixed sometime between the demo and the full game; however, this banner was apparently missed when they fixed the other two.

-At Governor Marley's Party, when the skeleton guest says It's alright., the audio says Yep. instead. This seems like it's probably using the wrong audio file, rather than being a dialogue change, as the same Yep. is also correctly used elsewhere.

-In the Jail, When offering the bone to Walt, Guybrush's whistle sounds occur at the same time as his dialogue lines Here, doggie doggie. and Here boy! It would be impossible for him to whistle to the dog and speak at the same time. Is it possible to make each whistle happen just before each of his lines instead?

-At the top of the waterfall, when I used the monkey on the pump, the waterfall sound cut out after Guybrush had taken the monkey out of his pocket but before he'd actually used it to turn off the pump. Not sure what caused this.

-At the Voodoo Shack, the bug I mentioned before where the Voodoo Lady has two heads when taking Rapp Scallion's ashes from you still occurs. It looks like her head from her sitting/talking animation stays in place while her body plays the animation for taking the ashes, resulting in her briefly having two heads.

-On the close-up of Rapp Scallion's coffin, this bug occurred. Rapp Scallion's map piece was the third I got. Guybrush's line, That makes three map pieces - only one to go! occurred at the same time as Rapp's disappearing animation. Although the audio for the line played, no text was displayed despite being in Speech and Subtitles mode. Is this Rapp's animation interfering with the line? If so, is it possible to delay the appropriate

One last question - I didn't include this in the bugs list as it would involve heavy modification of a background, and I wasn't sure if it was appropriate for this project, but: are there any plans to fix the lack of any floor outside the Woodcutter's door in Woodtick, or will this be left as-is to preserve the original background art as-is?

Anyway, hope that's not too mammoth of a list for you! = ) I've tried to be incredibly thorough on this playthrough to maxmise the amount of bugs I'm catching, so I'm afraid it's quite a large info-dump at once. Will let you know as soon as I have anything more, k? Until then, keep up the good work! = D

So, when I first played Secret of Monkey Island in ScummVM, I heard a different sound effect -- it wasn't the one in the YouTube video I linked to and it's not the more "door-like" soundbladter effext. What was it? I can put up a video of it later if needed.

As an aside, is the floppy version of MI1 with the NRS patch pretty much considered the "best" version around these parts? I know it's subjective, but I'm just wondering what the general consensus is. Furthermore, what do you think of the special editions of MI1 and MI2 which feature the high-res graphics and whatnot?

And then there's the ultimate talkie edition, which we apparently don't talk about... From what I understand it adds the newer music/SFX and voices to the graphics of the original games? But, do we not already get that in the special edition anyways, because can't you revert to the older graphics with the press of a button?

You can revert to original graphics in MI1SE, but you will lose voices (and remastered music, as i remember). So ultimate talkie edition - is indeed definitive version (and you can choose what music will play - fm, mt-32, general midi, cd-version or remastered ost)

The patch's purpose is to remove the tradeoff between good MT-32 music and having sound effects. The UT edition, as I understand it without ever having used it, already has sound effects, so I don't see the point.

This^. More: the CD-ROM's music sounds cheap, being recorded from a simple wavetable device. FM and MT-32 proudly sound like what they are: synthesizers, while simple wavetable devices always try to sound like what they're not: real. I call it the uncanny valley of music synthesis.

Also: the additional CD-ROM music tracks are badly composed, not fitting in well with the original tracks. The original tracks each have a real melody, while the additional tracks sound like someone started out with nothing and then tried to arrange that. You can hum every melody from the original tracks --- now try that with, say, the CD-ROM version's Stan theme.

Under DOS, the Ultimate Talkie editions of both Monkey 1 and Monkey 2 do not have sound effects unless you select Adlib/Sound Blaster, which loses you MIDI music, so the very same trade-off between MIDI and sound effects exists. That's why your patches are useful for even the UT editions. 152ee80cbc

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