2023 Updates 

Episode 98 of my "Epic Rap Battles" series is out now!


Well folks while I didn't quite get to finish this series this year here is one more ERB for now. Namely this battle stars Haruko Harahara from FLCL Vs. I-No from Guilty Gear, you can check it out at either one of these links at.


Archive Of Our Own

Chapter 1 of SyreneFaroreVA's Fire Emblem The Sacred Stones Fandub is out now!


Ho Ho Ho MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! SyreneFaroreVA has released a new episode of her fandub of Fire Emblem The Sacred Stones in which I play the Old Cleric Moulder in which you can view it here on Youtube. Happy Hollidays everyone!

Episode 97 of my "Epic Rap Battles" series is out now!


OK folks my ERB series is near its end so here is a battle of the Animated Icons! Namely Bugs Bunny Vs. Mickey Mouse! You can check it in either one of these links here at...


Archive Of Our Own

Episode 96 of my "Epic Rap Battles" series is out now!


Happy Halloween everyone! As for this ERB it is a battle of the Capcom Heroines as its Jill Valentine of Resident Evil Vs. Trish from Devil May Cry. You can find the links here at...


Archive Of Our Own

My Casting Call "Super Mario Odyssey Triple Fic Feature" is out now!


Well folks in honor of the latest SMB game Super Mario Wonder being out today I just thought I do this little casting call regarding VA productions of my 3 fics for Super Mario Odyssey in which you can find here at Casting Call Club (but if your not a CCC Member you can go to here instead). Anyways the deadline is 12/10/23 so I hope to hear from you all soon!

UPDATE NOTE: Deadline has been extended to 1/24/24

Episode 95 of my "Epic Rap Battles" series is out now!


Well folks Ep. 95 of my ERB series is here and this is a rather Chris Sabat Double Feature as its All-Might from My Hero Academia Vs. Yami Sukehiro from Black Clover. You can find the links here at...

Archive Of Our Own

My Fic "Letters to the Editor DC/Marvel 1" is out now.


Alright folks here is a short & sweet little fic where certain Marvel & DC comic stars get to write letters to their respective companies namely Barry "The Flash" Allen, Ben "The Thing" Grimm, Wonder Woman & Mary Jane Watson. You can find it out here on DeviantArt.

My VA Demo for 2023 is now officially out!


OK folks my VA Demo for this year is out and you can find all the necessary links to it here at my VA Demo Page.

Part 6 of my "What if Mortal Kombat Gold had an Alternate English Dub?" series is up!


Alright Ladies & Gents the final episode of this Retro-Themed VA Dreamcast Video Series is here and its for Part 6 Texas. You can view it on Youtube or Clipchamp.

Part 5 of my "What if Mortal Kombat Gold had an Alternate English Dub?" series is up!


OK folks we are getting into the Semifinals for this Retro-Themed VA Dreamcast Video Series and this time its for Part 5 Texas. You can view it on Youtube or Clipchamp.

Part 4 of my "What if Mortal Kombat Gold had an Alternate English Dub?" series is up!


Alright folks Round 4 of my Retro-Themed VA Dreamcast Video Series for Mortal Kombat Gold is up and this time its for Part 4 Canada (Toronto). You can view it at Youtube or Clipchamp.

Part 3 of my "What if Mortal Kombat Gold had an Alternate English dub?" series is up!


Okay folks Round 3 of my Retro-Themed VA Dreamcast Video Series for Mortal Kombat Gold is up and this time its Part 3 Canada (Vancouver). You can view it at Youtube or at Clipchamp

Part 2 of my "What if Mortal Kombat Gold had an Alternate English Dub?" series is up!


Alright folks Part 2 of my Retro-Themed VA Dreamcast Video Series for Mortal Kombat Gold is up and this time its Part 2 California (Anime). You can view it at Youtube or at Clipchamp.

Part 1 of my "What if Mortal Kombat Gold had an Alternate English Dub?" series is up!


Well folks in honor of the upcoming Mortal Kombat 1 I'm doing another one of my Retro-themed VA Dreamcasts this time for 1999's Mortal Kombat Gold. You can view it at Youtube or at ClipChamp.

Chapter 27 of BrooklynDizzy's Project X Zone Fandub is out now!


Alright folks BrooklynDizzy has released another episode of their PxZ fandub series where I once again play the role of Bruno Delinger from Sega's Dynamite Cop in which you can check it out here on Youtube.

Part 7 of my "What if Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon had an English Dub?" series is up!


Alright folks the finale to my Fire Emblem VA Dreamcast Vid series is up and this time its for Part 7 which is for New York. You can take a look at it here on Youtube.

Part 6 of my "What if Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon had an English Dub?" series is up!


OK folks we are almost to the end of this Fire Emblem Retro VA Dreamcast Video series and this time we are looking at Part 6 Texas. Which is now on Youtube

Part 5 of my "What if Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon had an English Dub?" series is up!


Well folks we are now at the last of the Canada episodes of my "What if Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon had an English Dub back then?" series. In which this time we are going over Canada (Toronto) in which you can find it here on Youtube.

Part 4 of my "What if Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon had an English Dub?" series is up!

Alright folks we are about halfway thgrough on my "What if Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon had an English Dub?" series and this is for Canada (Calgary). You can check it out here on Youtube.

Part 3 of my "What if Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon had an English Dub?" series is up!

Well folks Part 3 of my Retro VA Dreamcast series for Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon is up. This time we shall go over Canada (Vancouver) and its here on Youtube.

Part 2 of my "What if Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon had an English Dub?" series is up!


Alright folks Part 2 of my "What if Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon had an English Dub?" series is up. This time we shall go over California (Anime) and its here on Youtube.

Part 1 of my "What if Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon had an English Dub?" series is up!


Yes folks Part 1 of the Video series of my What if Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon had an English Dub? project is up. In which this vid shall cover the California NA Animation cast section and you can find it here on Youtube.

My fic Mulan: Deleted Scene is up.


Yes folks I have a new fanfic written and its a little short story namely a "Deleted Scene" from the '98 Disney Classic Mulan. In which in this scene the Emperor's Adviser Chi-Fu did some background checking upon Fa Ping and discovered that Fa Zhou never had any sons but only one daughter and now he wants answers. How will Fa Ping/Mulan talk herself out of this, find out at either one of these links at...


Archive Of Our Own

My Profile for Audio.com is now up!


Yes folks I have a profile here at Audio.com in which I have so far posted my previous VA Demos, Slayers TMP Alternate End Scene, Soul Eater The Visit and Part 1 of my Breakfast Club Alternate Version Audioplay series. In which I will post more types of clips there in the future.

The Cast List for Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 Team Endings is (almost) up!


Well folks the cast list for my long going Casting Call Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 Team Endings is now finally almost up. While yes Morrigan and Rogue have not been cast I might as well go scouting for those but other than that the cast list for this project is finally here.

UPDATE 5/18/23: Morrigan Aensland and Rogue have now also been cast so the cast list is now finally complete.

My latest DeviantArt Journal is out now.


Well folks I have just released my latest Journal entry in DeviantArt and it is about my future plans regarding my fanfic work going forward and you can read all about it here.

Episode 94 of my "Epic Rap Battles" series is out now!


Yes folks here is my 1st Epic Rap Battle for 2023 (and for the 1st time in a few years not on nearly the end of the year). And this time we have the battle of the original jRPG Heroines namely Celica from Fire Emblem Gaiden/Echoes Vs. Alis Landale from Phantasy Star 1. You can find read it at either one of these links at...


Archive Of Our Own

My fanfic "Super Mario Odyssey: A Tour of New Donk City" is out now!


Happy Mar10 Day today! Here is my 1st fic release of 2023 and its another one that I did for Super Mario Odyssey. This time Peach pays a visit to Pauline & Mario at New Donk City Hall as they give Peach a tour of the city while going on a few trips down Memory Lane in the process. You can find the links here at...


Archive Of Our Own

Chapter 26 of BrooklynDizzy's Project X Zone Fandub is out now!


BrooklynDizzy has released a new episode of his Project X Zone fandub series in which I am once again the voice of Bruno from Sega's Dynamite Cop also the voice of Nemesis from Resident Evil in which you can check this out on Youtube.

The Deadline for "Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 Team Endings" has been extended once again.


Due to somewhat low audition turnout I once again had to extend the deadline for my Casting Call Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 Team Endings as the deadline is now 3/6/23, so I hope to hear from you all soon.

UPDATE (3/7/23): All the Male roles (aside from Mega Man) have been cast so all the female roles are left, deadline is now 5/10/23.

Part 7 of my "What if Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney had an English Dub back then?" Video Series is up!


Well folks my "What if Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney had an English Dub back then?" series has now come to an end. Part 7 (in which the region this time is New York) is here and you can view it at Youtube.

Part 6 of my "What if Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney had an English Dub back then?" Video Series is up!


Okay folks we are almost finished with this Phoenix Wright Retro-Themed VA Dreamcast Vid series and the region for this one is Texas. (In which a good portion of these clips will be from FUNimation's English dub of the Anime series.) In which you can watch it here on Youtube.

Part 5 of my "What if Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney had an English Dub back then? Video Series is up!


Alright the last of the Canadian episodes of my "What if Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney had an English Dub back then?" Vid series is now up and this one is for Toronto. You can view it here on Youtube.

Part 4 of my "What if Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney had an English Dub back then? Video Series is up!


Well folks we are getting about halfway through on this Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney VA Dreamcast series and this time we are at Calgary, Canada. Namely known for being the home of Ocean Studio's "Sister Studio" Blue Water. In which you can watch this part on Youtube.

Part 3 of my "What if Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney had an English Dub back then? Video Series is up!


Alright folks here comes the 3rd installment to my 7 Video Phoenix Wright VA Dreamcast series. This one shall cover the fine folks of Vancouver, Canada in which you can view on Youtube.

Part 2 of my "What if Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney had an English Dub back then?" Video Series is up!


Well folks Part 2 of my Retro-Themed VA Dreamcast series for the 2005 Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney is here and this time its California, Anime. In which you can view it here right on Youtube.

Part 1 of my "What if Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney had an English Dub back then?" Video Series is up!


OK Ladies & Gents Part 1 of my new Video Series "What if Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney had an English Dub back then?" and my 1st Vid for 2023 is here. In which in this part the cast region is California, NA Animation in which you can view here on Youtube.  

Happy New Year Everyone!


Well yes folks its that time again in which we get a new year and the updates on the Front Page get to start all over again. I do have some plans for this month like doing the Video Series of my "What if Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney had an English Dub back then?" project. And also the deadline for my Casting Call "Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 Team Endings" is at 1/25/23. (Which is incidentally 5 days after my 39th birthday.) I do have other plans as well of course but still here is looking forward to 2023.