2018 Updates

The Audio clip versions of my 2018 VA Demo are up!


Yes folks I did manage to finally get my VA Demo page all nice and update before the year is over and you can check it out right here.

Episode 81 of my Epic Rap Battles Series is up!


Hey there folks I did manage to get in one more Epic Rap Battle before the year is over so I thought I end 2018 with a bang by doing this ERB with Marvel's Spider-Man Vs. Bumblebee from Transformers. You can find the links here at...


Archive Of Our Own

My fanfic "Deleted Ending Scene from How the Grinch Stole Christmas" is up!


Okay folks I have released my latest fic in which I did a short little skit where I did a little "Deleted Scene" from the classic of the classic story/animated Christmas special "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" in which you can read at the following places.


Archive Of Our Own

Think of it as a little early Christmas Present for you all and Happy Holidays!

Episode 29 of the "Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Dub" series is up!


D-Up 242 has released episode 29 of his Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door Fandub series in which you can find here on Youtube.

"Super Mario ComicDubs Episode 1 Preview" is up!


I have done a little preview of the 1st episode of my Super Mario ComicDubs series in which this preview will at least cover the 1st two shorts of the 1st episode of my Super Mario ComicDubs series in which you can view at either one of these sites...



The Deadline for "Ikki-Tousen & Tenjho Tenge HiSH Double Feature" has been extended.


Okay folks yes I admit the deadline for this Casting Call has been extended once again due to how certain female roles such as Chiaki and Aya Natsume are lacking in auditions. But while I did consider the idea of at least casting the Ikki-Tousen roles but then I figured we are well into the Holiday season here. In other words even if I did cast any of the roles and sent out scripts there is a very good chance that many of you would probably not send in anything until January due to various reasons. In other words don't get me wrong I would still try to get auditions this month but I figured that things would probably wouldn't pick up until January. So here are the links...

I did the 1st 3 links since Voice Acting Club seems to be literally dead and there is really isn't much activity going on at Newgrounds nowadays. Still here you folks go and Happy Holidays!

My Soul Calibur 4 Character Reel 5 is up!


Hi there folks I have done my 5th Soul Calibur 4 character reel and while the video quality is not great (I'll explain why on the video description) but I do think that the Reel itself turned out pretty well in which you can view it on Youtube.

My VA Demo for 2018 is up!


Okay folks my latest VA Demo is now up and you can find it here on Youtube. (Audio Clip version is coming soon.)

My DeviantArt Journal Entry "My Potential plans for Visual Novels revised" is up.


Hey there folks in honor of the fact that I have recently finished making the panels for the next episode of my Crazy Plot Twist Theater Street Fighter it got me to make a new Journal on DeviantArt about how thanks to how I've improved on removing backgrounds in pics have increased the possibilities of what I can do via Visual Novel panels. This journal will also give you all a slight look into what I will be doing this upcoming year and you can take a look at it here on DeviantArt.

My DeviantArt Journal Entry "My potential future for Visual Novel videos" is up.


I have just released my latest journal entry on DeviantArt about the recently released 3rd episode of my Crazy Plot Twist Theater Street Fighter in which I talk about whether to do more videos and stories like that or not. While I do confirm that I am interested in the idea for future stories I do go over plenty of the stories I have done in the past and look at which ones I can potentially do Visual Novel versions of (some more than others) you can find it right here.

Episode 28 of the Paper Mario The Thousand Year Dub series has been released.


Hey there folks apparently I'm not the only one releasing projects today, D-Up 242 has released Episode 28 of his Paper Mario The Thousand Year Dub series in which once again I'm a couple of the Crewmember Toads in which you can view it here on Youtube.

Episode 3 of my Crazy Plot Twist Theater Street Fighter series is up!


Hey folks here is another Thanksgiving Surprise in which I serve up another little surprise this time its the 3rd Twist in my Crazy Plot Twist Theater Street Fighter series in which you can watch at here.

Episode 80 of my Epic Rap Battles series is up!


Happy Thanksgiving everyone! We have a nice serving of an Epic Rap Battle and this one is the Battle of the 1st Two Fire Emblem Lords namely Marth from Shadow Dragon Vs. Alm from Gaiden/Echoes. Which one of these Falchion-wielding heroes will come out on top? You can check the links here at...


Archive Of Our Own

My Commercial Video for "Yusuke Urameshi Vs. Orihime Inoue! (A YHH/Bleach Crossover)" has been released.


Hey folks I have done a little commercial for my recently released fanfic "Yusuke Urameshi Vs. Orihime Inoue! (A YYH/Bleach Crossover".where I voice the opening scene as the Announcer/Narrator, Yusuke Urameshi & Kazuma Kuwabara in which you can view it here on Youtube.

The Deadline for "Ikki-Tousen & Tenjho Tenge HiSH Double Feature" has been extended.


Hey there folks due to a slight lack of auditions namely for roles such as Chiaki (and to a lesser extent Aya Natsume) the deadline for my Casting Call "Ikki-Tousen & Tenjho Tenge HiSH Double Feature" has been extended to 12/15/18. Sure I admit some of the roles I could've cast now namely the male roles and a few of the female ones but some of the female ones are lacking in auditions (while I still don't have one for Chiaki at all). But since this is the first deadline extension I figured I would let all the roles be (for now). Here is a little reminder of the links about where to go to audition at...

While I would not mind getting more auditions from the guys but I definitely could use a bit more auditions from the ladies though.

Everything Nonsense Media's "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Audio Book Part 1: Scene 8-12" has been released!


Well folks thanks to Everything Nonense Media Part 1 Scenes 8-12 of their Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Audio Book has been released and you can hear me as Vernon Dursley and you can hear it on Youtube.

My Fic "Yusuke Urameshi Vs. Orihime Inoue! (A YYH/Bleach Crossover)" has been released!


Hey folks here is another one of my fanfics this one is more of a Yuu Yuu Hakusho & Bleach crossover (though technically more of a Fusion Fic). In this story Yusuke Urameshi is about to get himself ready for the final match at the school's Martial Arts Tournament until Kuwabara's barges in to stop him for doing his final match since Yusuke's opponent is a lady. Yusuke at first smugly brushes Kuwabara off until he tells him that Orihime is his final opponnent. In which this gets Yusuke to feel a bit conflicted at first but he doesn't forfeit the match for he has some devious other plans in mind. You can read the story at either one of these links


Archive Of Our Own

Anime SuperHero (formerly Toonzone)

My "Magician (House of the Dead) Lines" Clip is done.


Hey there folks in honor of this being done on Halloween I have done a little something for The Magician a recurring monster from Sega's House of the Dead series! You can hear it here at...



Episode 79 of my Epic Rap Battles Series is up!


Happy Halloween Ladies & Germs! Here is my latest Epic Rap Battle and this is the battle of the Original Konami Horror Heroes! Namely Simon Belmont from Castlevania Vs. Harry Mason from Silent Hill. You can take a look at the links here at...


Archive Of Our Own

Pokejedservo Productions now has a Discord Page!


Yes folks believe it not my Pokejedservo Productions is expanding a bit and it now has a Discord Server that is right here.

My Page for my Breakfast Club Alternate Version Audioplay is up!


Alright folks I finally got around to making a page for my Breakfast Club Alternate Version Audioplay (along with a newly released Youtube version of Part 1) in which you can view it all right here.

The "My Story Ideas for Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia Preview" has been released.


Hey folks I have a preview of a potential Fire Emblem Fangame/Visual Novel series for my own little take on Fire Emblem Gaiden/Echoes Shadows of Valentia in which you can find here on DeviantArt.

Pokejedservo Productions is now back in Business!


Hi folks Pokejedservo here and this site is now officially back! For those who don't know why this page seems to have taken the month of September off there was apparently a bug going around WikiFoundry that prevented people from logging into their Wiki sites. Fortunately I created this Google Docs page as a substitute last month so you can view the Cast List for that One Piece Casting Call, the Fanfiics I have done last month and the Casting Call for Audioplay versions of those fanfics and more! Speaking of which my latest Casting Call is called "Ikki-Tousen & Tenjho Tenge HiSH Double Feature" which is for Audioplay versions of my fanfics "How it Should Have Ended Ikki-Tousen Great Guardians" and "How it Should Have Began: Tenjho Tenge". In which you can find the links here at...

The Deadline is 11/15/18 so I hope to hear from you all soon. Oh yes and certain parts of this site will get updated thanks to the over a month hiatus the site got in the near future.

Episode 78 of my Epic Rap Battle Series is now up!


Yes folks here is my latest Epic Rap Battle and this one is the battle of the 90's CG Apes! Namely Donkey Kong from Donkey Kong Country vs. Optimus Primal from Transformers Beast Wars. (In which a certain known Simian from DC Comics makes an appearance later.) You can view it at either one of these sites...


Archive Or Our Own

My Final Virtual Console & WiiWare LineUp Video has been released!


Well Ladies & Gents it has arrived my 2nd (& sadly final) Wii Virtual Console & WiiWare LineUp Video is here and you can find it here on Youtube.

My fic "Dragon Ball Super Paradise Herb Mini-Arc Deleted Scenes" is out.


I have recently released a little Dragon Ball Super fic where I made little deleted scenes from the Paradise Herb 2-parter Mini-Arc (namely Episodes 75 & 76) of Dragon Ball Super at these sites...


Archive of Our Own

Episode 17 of my Takahashi Trifecta Series is out!


Well folks at last the latest episode of my Takahashi Trifecta series is out. In this episode at last Ranma & Genma Saotome come clean to everyone at Maison Ikkoku about their Jusenkyo Curse forms and see how they react. This episode is a bit longer than usual but it has a bit more exposition than usual. And this story is also my 300th Deviation at DeviantArt. Speaking of which you can read it at either one of these sites at...


Archive Of Our Own

My NES Tetris Mode B Playthrough has been released!


I have just recently got a copy of Tetris for the NES in the mail so I thought I do a playthrough video of the classic NES version of Tetris and you can view it at either one of these sites.



My Front Page has been somewhat updated.


Well folks as you can see I have slightly modified the front page here to be slightly updated as it is a bit more desriptive with more links to notice.

My Casting Call of "One Piece: Who Will Save Robin From Aokiji?" Has been released!


Well folks here is my latest Casting Call and it shall be for the AudioPlay (& Maybe Visual Novel) version of my One Piece Fanfic "Who will save Robin from Aokiji?" in which you can find at the following links.

Casting Call Club

Behind The Voice Actors Casting Call

Voice Acting Club

Voice Acting Space

Episode 7 of my Final Fantasy Adventure Fandub Series has been released!


Good news Ladies & Gents the 2nd to last episode of my Final Fantasy Adventure Fandub series is now complete and you can find it (along with previous episodes of the series) right here.

My Tetris Blast Contest Stages 1-10 Playthrough has been released!


Okay Ladies & Gents here are is my Playthrough Video of the 1st 10 stages of Contest Mode in the Game Boy game Tetris Blast on the Game Boy (or to be more precise Super Game Boy on the SNES). You can watch it at either one of these sites...



My Latest Episode of "Neo Geo Saga" has been released!


Well Ladies & Gents my Neo Geo Saga series is finally back and I did a little something on this lesser known individual from the Art of Fighting series namely that Dock Worker/Sumo from Mongolia known as the Titan of the Tundra TEMJIN! You can read it here at either one of these links at...


Archive Of Our Own

The Preview Video for Final Fantasy Adventure Episodes 7 & 8 is up!


Yes I have officially made a preview video for the new cast members of my Final Fantasy Adventure Fandub series in its final episodes in which you can find it here at Youtube.

The Cast List for Final Fantasy Adventure Episodes 7 & 8 is up!


Here is the new cast list for the Final 2 Episodes of my Final Fantasy Adventure Fandub series...

Marcie: GoombaTrooper97 (US: The Crow Flies, KaptKaboose, Dylan Rooks, Lando Carlson, Pokejedservo)

Julius: Friendly Firaga (US: skullface, The Crow Flies, Vincent Fallow, WickerMan, Pokejedservo)

Fuji: pastafrutti (US: Nicole Moon, knuckleheadtori, Jenni, ThiccLoli, Forenza)

Fuji's Mother: Julia Eve (US: Rondirooboo, elusivevoice)

A Preview Video for this will be coming soon.

The Video Version of my Bubba Duck from Ducktales Remastered Clip is up.


Well Ladies & Gents as I recently had a slight epiphany on how I don't release enough vids I thought I make a little video version of the Bubba Duck from Ducktales clip I did yesterday and you can find it here at...



My Bubba Duck from Ducktales Remastered Clip is up.


Well Ladies & Gents just for fun I did a little clip of my impression of Bubba Duck from the 2013 game Ducktales Remastered and you can hear it here on SoundCloud.

Episode 77 of my my Epic Rap Battles Series is up!


Happy Independence Day Ladies & Gents, here is another Marvel Vs. DC Epic Rap Battle and in this case Marines turned Super-Heroes. In this case its War Machine from Iron Man Vs. Green Lantern/John Stewart so its Gunmetal Grey Vs. Green on this day of the Red, White & Blue so who will come out on top? You can check it out here at...


Archive Of Our Own

Episode 76 of my Epic Rap Battles Series is up!


Here is another one of my Epic Rap Battles and this one is the first Ladies Rap Battle of the year. This one stars Pauline from the Donkey Kong/Super Mario Bros series Vs. Irene Lew from the Ninja Gaiden/Dead or Alive series. You can read it at either one of these links at...


Archive Of Our Own

A Preview of Deleted Scenes from The Incredibles is up!


I'm posting a preview of a fic that I'm working on namely "Deleted Scenes from The Incredibles" which is basically 8 mostly comedic skits from the hit 2004 movie "The Incredibles" in light of its long awaited sequel that just recently came out. But in this preview I am showing you all the 1st 4 and you can find it on DeviantArt.

The Casting Call for Final Fantasy Adventure Fandub Episodes 7 & 8 has been released!


Alright Ladies & Gents the Final Casting Call for my Final Fantasy Adventure Fandub series namely for the final 2 episodes. However unlike my recently previous Casting Calls this will actually be one of my smaller Casting Calls as there will be only 4 roles (2 Male & 2 Female) here and you can find the links at...

Behind the Voice Actors Casting Call

Casting Call Club

Voice Acting Space

(Note: For those who don't already know there will be no Voice Acting Club link here since that site does not allow regular fandubs.)

The Complete Cast List for "Super Mario ComicDubs: Nintendo Comics System" has been released!


Yes Ladies & Gents at long last the cast list for this production is finally complete! You can find out more about the official final cast lists at these links at...

Behind the Voice Actors Casting Call

Casting Call Club

Voice Acting Club

Voice Acting Space

But yes Ladies & Gents the Cast List for Super Mario ComicDubs is finally done.

A Preview of my X-Men Issue #1 Audioplay has been released!


I have just released an about 8-minute preview of my Audioplay Adaptation of X-Men Issue #1 in which you can find more about it at here.

Everything Nonsense Media's iZombie Fandub Episode 1 has been released!


Everything Nonsense Media has released a full version of Episode 1 of their iZombie Fandub in which I play the Pastor at the beginning of the episode in which you can view it here on Youtube.

The "BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle Introduction Trailers English Fandub" has been released.


Just yesterday BrooklynDizzy has released a fandub of the Introduction Trailers for the initial characters of the game BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle in which I will be heard as Azrael of BlazBlue fame in which you can watch it here on Youtube.

Episode 75 of my Epic Rap Battle Series is up!


In honor of the recently released films Deadpool 2 and Solo, here is my latest Epic Rap Battle and this one stars Cable from the X-Men Vs. Han Solo from Star Wars. (In which one of Han's old friends and a certain other Time-Traveling hero from Marvel will appear as well). You can read it at the following links at...


Archive Of Our Own

My Casting Call for Artists for Visual Novel Versions of Past & Future Audioplay Versions is now up!


Ladies & Gents I will be taking advantage of the fact that Casting Call Club has a function that allows people to ask for other tasks such as Art, Animation, Music and the like. In this case it is for artwork to make Visual Novel artwork for upcoming audioplay productions such as future episodes of Crazy Plot Twist Theater Street Fighter & Takahashi Trifecta among others. And maybe even artwork for past audioplay productions such as Soul Eater and the like. Rest assured this does not mean I will never do straight-up audioplays again but I will explain it more here at the Casting Call Club.

I have a posted a new Journal Entry on DeviantArt about my ideas of being a Game Maker.


Well Ladies & Gents I have done a little something on DeviantArt announcing my potential in game making such as RPG Maker and maybe other ideas such as Visual Novels and OpenBOR. You can read more about it here.

The Audition Deadline for "Super Mario ComicDubs: Nintendo Comics System" has been extended one more time.


I have extended the deadline once again for reasons such as how some of the female roles are still lacking in auditions and how I recently realized that the middle of May might not have been the best time for a deadline. So here are the links...

Behind the Voice Actors Casting Call

Casting Call Club

Voice Acting Club

Voice Acting Space

My "DBZ Kai Episode 162 Alternate Scene" has been released.


I have just recently posted a little comedic alternate scene from Dragon Ball Z Kai Episode 162 "Share Your Spirit Energy With Me! I'm Making a Huge Spirit Bomb!" (Meant to do it earlier this week but I got busy on certain things like Mother's Day and my Father's Birthday.) Anyways you can check it here at...


Archive Of Our Own

My Article "Some more thoughts on Shigeru Miyamoto & Mario" has been released!


Hey folks I have done a second article on Shigeru Miyamoto that takes a bit more expanded and updated look at Shigeru Miyamoto and his influence & legacy with the Mario franchise (both good & bad). You can take a look at it here at DeviantArt.

My English Cover of "Get Wild & Tough" by TM Network for City Hunter has been released!


I have performed an English Cover of the song "Get Wild" from TM Network that is the 1st Ending Theme for City Hunter and you can hear (or watch) at the following sites at...






The Cast List for Marvel True Believers X-Men & Spider-Man Origins is (almost) up and the Majority of the Super Mario Bros Shorts roles in Super Mario ComicDubs: Nintendo Comics System have been cast!


Well Ladies & Gents I do have some big news, the Cast List for my Marvel True Believers project is (almost) finished. And the majority of the Super Mario Bros Shorts roles have been cast as well. You can find the complete (or at least more up to date) cast lists at these links.

(Marvel True Believers: X-Men & Spider-Man Origins)

Behind The Voice Actors Casting Call

Casting Call Club

Voice Acting Club

Voice Acting Space

(Super Mario ComicDubs: Nintendo Comics System)

Behind the Voice Actors Casting Call

Casting Call Club

Voice Acting Club

Voice Acting Space

While the Marvel True Believers CC is finished (yes some of the minor extras in the Spider-Man story have not been cast yet. I didn't want to hold things up because of that so I will ask cast members & understudies if any of them would like to fill in for any of these extras.) Though the Super Mario ComicDubs CC is still active as all the Super Mario Land roles are still available but a couple of the Super Mario Shorts roles are still available as well and the new deadline is at 5/15/18.

Episode 74 of my Epic Rap Battles Series is up!


Hey folks its been a while but I have just released my latest Epic Rap Battle and this time its for this battle of the Heroic Blood Knights namely Goku from Dragon Ball Vs. Ryu from Street Fighter. You can find the links here at...


Archive Of Our Own

"Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Dub Episode 25" has been released!


D-Up 242 has just released Ep. 25 of his Paper Mario Thousand Door Fandub series in which I once again have a bit role as the Shipyard Toads that Bowser scares off and you can view it here on Youtube.

The "Kingdom Hearts III:: D23 Trailers - Monsters Inc." Fandub has been released.


My old pal Ryusuke has released a more complete showing of his fandubs for the Kingdom Hearts 3 D23 Trailers in which I am once again the voice of Hamm and you can view it right here on Youtube.

The "Paper Mario Thousand Year Dub" clips I'm in are released.


It just recently came to my attention that the clips from D-Up 242's Paper Mario Thousand Year Dub that I'm in were released earlier this month on Youtube. In which I'm in the April Fools (well I'm in the cast list) and Paper Bowser Thousand Year Dub Swimming segments as the Toads at the Shipyard.

The "Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia - Quistis Event" Fandub has been released!


Everything Nonsense Media has released a Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Fandub scene and this one is for Quistis of Final Fantasy 8's event. Though in this fandub I play Steiner of Final Fantasy 9 fame and you can view it here at Youtube.

Aengeleyes Productions Darkstalkers 3 Endings Fandub series has been released!


Aengeleyes Productions has released their fandub series for the character endings in the Classic PS1 game Darkstalkers 3. In this series I play Anakaris and you can find my and other episodes here on Youtube.

Ryusuke's "Mega Man ComicDub Clip 2 Pep Talk" has been released!


My old pal Ryusuke has released a ComicDub of a scene from Archie Comics' Mega Man series where I get to play Dr. Wily himself and you can see it on Youtube.

My fic "A Couple of Soul Eater Skits" has been released!


I have done a new Soul Eater fic which is a couple of comedic little skits and you can find them at the following sites...


Archive Of Our Own

The "iZOMBIE Comic Fandub Teaser Trailer" has been released!


Aarlyn of Everything Nonsense Media has released a teaser trailer of the 1st episode of her iZombie comic fandub and in this trailer I play the Priest and you can view it here on Youtube.

My article "A look into some Stock Super Villain Plans & Tactics" has been released!


Happy St. Patty's day Ladies & Gents! Okay this may not be all that green but I did release this little article here where I analyze and even deconstruct a few certain stock Super Villain Plots & Schemes. And at the end I conclude the article in which the 5th subject is about whether to be Genre Savvy or Genre Blind in which both do have their pros & cons. You can take a look at it here at DeviantArt.

My "Alternate Scene from Dragon Ball Super Ep. 53" has been released!


I have released my rather alternate (and Trunks X 18-centric) take on a certain scene in episode 53 of Dragon Ball Super and you can read it at one of these two sites at..


Archive Of Our Own

Twist 2 of "Crazy Plot Twist Theater Street Fighter" has been released!


Yes folks the 2nd skit of my Crazy Plot Twist Theater Street Fighter series is here and this one stars Guy & Maki of Final Fight fame and you can find more about it at here.

Episode 4 of BrooklynDizzy's "Fire Emblem Heroes" Fandub series has been released!


BrooklynDizzy has released the 4th episode of BD's Fire Emblem Heroes fandub where I play the young green-haired Archer boy Gordin and you can view it here on Youtube.

My latest song parody "Finches of the Universe" has been released!


Hey folks its been a while since I did a Song Parody and here is another Bobobo-bobobobo one in which this one is a parody of the classic Queen song "Princes of the Universe" and a homage to the Highlander franchise among others like Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Guilty Gear... and even has a special guest appearance of Hamtaro.You can check the links out here at...


Archive Of Our Own

My GB Tetris Mode B Playthrough has been released!


Hey folks I thought I do a little something different that I haven't done in a while so I did a little playthrough of the classic original Game Boy game Tetris in Mode B for all 6 highs. You can view it at one of these sites...




Episode 73 of my "Epic Rap Battles of History" series is now up!


Okay folks my ERB series is back and my first ERB for 2018 shall be for what is often seen as the Ultimate Nerd Debate Topic... Kirk or Picard? Yes this is a Star Trek ERB with the original series Captain James T. Kirk Vs. Captain Jean-Luc Picard of The Next Generation Fame. You can find the links here at...


Archive Of Our Own

My Fanfic "One Piece: Who Will Save Robin from Aokiji?" is now up.


Happy Valentine's Day folks here is a 4-Segmented One Piece Fanfic "Who will save Robin from Aokiji?" you can read it at one of these links at...


Archive Of Our Own

Partial Cast Lists for "Marvel True Believers X-Men & Spider-Man Origins" and "Super Mario ComicDubs: Nintendo Comics System" are up.


Yes Ladies & Gents I have finally got the Partial Cast lists for both Marvel True Believers (Almost all of the X-Men Roles) and Super Mario ComicDubs (all the Super Mario Bros. Comic Roles) and you can read more about them here at...

(Marvel True Believers X-Men and Spider-Man Origins)

Casting Call Club

Voice Acting Club

Voice Acting Space

(Super Mario ComicDubs: Nintendo Comics System)

Casting Call Club

Voice Acting Club

Voice Acting Space

Oh yes and sadly the reason why Behind the Voice Actors' links are not there is because there is some bug preventing me from casing anyone who auditioned on the site. So for now those links remain closed, but hopefully this will be a temporary issue. Anyways these Casting Calls are back up and running (and I even did new & improved Voice Acting Club links) and the new deadline is April 20th, 2018. Still here are the cast lists so far...

(X-Men Issue 1)

Professor Charles Xavier- tallguyzin (US: ZeroBlancNada, bigmovo. Jacob M. Keene)

Cyclops/Scott Summers- CritikalMiss (US: AkiTONE, Drakona Drake, KuntaoDaChump)

Beast/Hank McCoy- Jacob M. Keene (US: CritikalMiss, Pokejedservo)

Angel/Warren Worthington III- TheHero (US: ZeroBlancNada, Jacob M. Keene, Pokejedservo)

Ice Man/Bobby Drake- bigmovo (US: bbfan2014, protectthealphawolf, MatthewDLR)

Jean Grey- acgail (us: uuntiedshoelace, WhatsThaSitch, Fussbudgetjr)

Magneto/Erik Lensherr- Jacob M. Keene (US: Brabz, Xero, Dashrunner)

NASA Employee- Pokejedservo

Daily Globe Newsie- Morlock

Daily Globe Newspaper Reader- Leara Morris-Clark

Cape Citadel Infantry Soldier A- 8BitPandaX (US: Geordan, Pokejedservo)

Cape Citadel Infantry Soldier B- Geordan (US: Jacob M. Keene, Pokejedservo)

Cape Citadel Front Guard A- Jacob M. Keene (US: Pokejedservo)

Cape Citadel Front Guard B- 8BitPandaX

Cape Citadel Front Guard C- Jacob M. Keene

Cape Citadel Front Guard D- Pokejedservo

Cape Citadel Cavalry Soldier A- Jacob M. Keene (US: Pokejedservo)

Cape Citadel Cavalry Soldier B- Pokejedservo

Cape Citadel Sergeant- kifinosi

Cape Citadel Colonel- Pokejedservo

Cape Citadel General- Pokejedservo

(Giant-Size X-Men)

Nightcrawler/Kurt Wagner- akiTONE (US: Kanalith, Xero, Tangora998)

Wolverine/Logan- synthwizardry (US: Mugar, Casey0, RMP321)

General Chasen- Jacob M. Keene

Weapon X Secretary- Tangora998

Banshee/Sean Cassidy- Kanalith (US: kianspain19, Pokejedservo)

Sunfire/Shiro Yoshida- TBD

Colossus/Peter Rasputin- HBMike (US MC_Strelok, Xero, akiTONE)

Nikolai Rasputin- Simon Lovell (US Jkoich)

Alexandria Rasputin- Teacher421 (US: Annabethz1)

Thunderbird/John Proudstar- TBD

Storm/Ororo Monroe- Shihuchi (US: kalulu77, Fussbudgetjr, JuliaEve)

Havok/Alex Summers- aceva101 (US: Morlock, jrwatts, Pokejedservo)

Polaris/Lorna Dane- Aislinn Faye (US: 53Kirbys, Raerock9!)

Krakoa- Jacob M. Keene (US: bigmovo, RickGrimesFan, Pokejedservo)

Angry German Villager A- 8BitPandaX (US: Pokejedservo)

Angry German Villager B- Pokejedservo

Kenyan Chief- Gee/Gary Scales

Russian Farmhand Driver- Pokejedservo

(Both X-Men & Spider-Man)

Stan Lee Intro/Outtro- Arkham

(Super Mario Bros. Roles)

Mario- h0m3st4r (US: spoontheweirdo, LoopyGoopyG, rabidsonicfan

Luigi- Xocai (US: h0m3st4r, smf12345, LandonizAwsum)

Princess Peach Toadstool- skyeIre (US: Linkisia, Redhead, AerieFaerie)

Toad- yoshifan163 (US: LandoizAwsum, h0m3st4r, teddy)

King Bowser Koopa- Jacob M. Keene (US: VoiceAlex77, SoupyMax, Quantum)

Mushroom King- Feltheleb (US: marclovallo, Jacob M. Keene, CharlieSmithVoiceActing)

Moonfungie- Alleged Amatuer (US: Feltheleb, Teddy, Pokejedservo)

Daddy Bird- themanyvoicesofdoc

Pirahna Cheep-Cheep A- Noobie-Le

Pirahna Cheep-Cheep B- streebystation

Surfer Toad A- Pokejedservo

Surfer Toad B- luirae

Surfer Toad C- Noobie-Le

Surfer Toad D- luirae

Surfer Toad E- Noobie-Le

Surfer Toad F- Pokejedservo

Surfer Toad G- luirae

Surfer Toad H- luirae

Pidgit A- 76Blades

Pidgit B- meggie-elise

Pidgit C- Pokejedservo

Pidgit D- Pokejedservo

Pidgit E- 76Blades

Watered Toad A- yoshifan163

Watered Toad B- teddy

Watered Toad C- Pokejedservo

Little Bird- Funtime Mangle

Beans Sign- themanyvoicesofdoc

Person on Peach Attacked Plane- Raerock9!

"Star Trek TNG: Getting Picard's Goat" has been released.


I have released a short comedic little skit based off of Star Trek: The Next Generation starring Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Commander William T. Riker and Lt. Commander Data (also featuring Geordi LaForge). You can read it at either one of these sites at...


Archive Of Our Own

Bree Page's "Road to You" Fandub Clip has been released!


Hey folks Bree Page has released a fandub clip of the anime "Road to You" where I play a minor role named Boss you can find it here on Youtube.

I have done an Editorial called "Why am I still a Amateur Voice Actor"


I have done a little editorial about how I have been a part of the Amateur Voice Actor community since July of 2006 and why that is probably not going to stop anytime soon. You can read more about it here at DeviantArt.

My fandub of "Crash 'n the Boyz Street Challenge" Intro has been released.


Hello folks my first uploaded video in 2018 is this little fandub of the intro to the classic 1992 NES game Crash 'n the Boyz Street Challenge. In which you can find here on Youtube.

Its 2018 so we are starting things off with a clean slate.


Happy New Year everyone! All the updates from 2017 are now in its own page at the Past Updates section however the two Casting Calls "Marvel True Believers X-Men and Spider-Man Origins" and "Super Mario ComicDubs: Nintendo Comics System" are still going on until the 28th of this month. You can find the links for them at...

(Marvel True Believers X-Men & Spider-Man Origins)

Behind The Voice Actors Casting Call

Casting Call Club

Voice Acting Club

Voice Acting Space

(Super Mario ComicDubs: Nintendo Comics System)

Behind The Voice Actors Casting Call

Casting Call Club

Voice Acting Club

Voice Acting Space

As for the Marvel True Believers CC I am pretty much good on the main casts for the most part (aside from X-Men's Sunfire & Thunderbird and most of the male Spider-Man secondary roles like Uncle Ben, Maxie Shiffman, John Jameson, The Burglar and the like) I could use more auditions for the extras particularly the males. Now as for the Super Mario ComicDubs roles the Super Mario Bros characters are for the most part doing good good in auds but I could some more auds for the Super Mario Bros Shorts and particularly the Super Mario Land roles (aside from Princess Daisy). Still if any of you are interested in auditioning please do so and please audition for as many roles as you can & want.