A meeting on Poisson Geometry, organized by Ioan Mărcuț, at Radboud University Nijmegen.

Location: Huygensgebouw, room HG03.082

Date: 30th of June, 2023


9.00 Lennart Obster "Deformation cohomology and the rigidity/linearization problem for Lie groupoids and Lie algebroids"

10.00 Andreas Schüßler "Spectral sequence(s) for Lie algebroids"

11.00 Stephane Geudens "An unobstructedness result for the coisotropic deformation problem" 

14.00 Douwe Hoekstra "Poisson cohomology of 3D Lie algebras"

15.00 Wilmer Smilde "Linearization of Poisson structures around Lagrangian submanifolds"

16.00 Florian Zeiser "Stability of Riemannian foliations"