I am a mathematician working as an associate professor at Radboud University Nijmegen.

Curriculum vitae. Google Scholar. Math Genealogy

Meetings on Poisson Geometry, I organize with my former and current students: 2023 and 2024.  

My research is in the field of Poisson geometry. This field originated from classical mechanics, and has strong interactions with other subfields of differential geometry, especially symplectic geometry, foliation theory and Lie theory. 

The main focus of my work has been studying local normal forms for Poisson structures and the theory of deformations for Poisson manifolds. 

I am also very interested in trying to implement techniques from symplectic topology in Poisson geometry and developing a field of ``Poisson topology”. Ideas from symplectic topology could provide global invariants in Poisson geometry, and, on the other hand, the more general Poisson-geometric perspective could shed new lights onto classical results in symplectic topology.