Poisson 2024 Conference

Practical Info

July 8-12, 2024

Accademia Pontaniana - Napoli


The event will be held at the Accademia Pontaniana, Via Mezzocannone 8, 80134 Napoli. The location is at walking distance from any other place downtown. It is also at walking distance from the following metro stations:

From the hall of the building there will be arrows indicating the route:

N.B.: ring the intercom if the door is closed and wait for the click; now the door is open!

Please notice that the Accademia opens at 09.00 and closes at 18.00. We kindly ask you not to stay inside after 17.45.


For your security - Please beware unofficial housing service providers.

We have received complaints about a growing number of fraudulent websites/agencies masquerading as the Secretariat and offering registration, hotel bookings and other arrangements for the upcoming Congress.


There is no list of recommended hotels. Some little advices about accommodation in Napoli follow.

Salvator Rosa


Notice that public transportation stops working early in the evening though (around 22.00).

City Trasport

You can reach the conference venue by either Metro 1 (stop: Università) or Metro 2 (stop: Montesanto).

Be aware that the public transportations stop working early in the evening (around 22.00). This includes buses, trams, metros and the cablecars. Taxixi, of course, do work overnight. Consider also using the available e-bike or scooter rental services:



Social Events

On Wednesday July 10 at lunch time, during the Poster Session, we are planning a Buffet. The Buffet is included in the registration. During the Buffet you will be asked to vote within the Best Poster Competition. The Poster Session and the Buffet will take place in the headquarters of Scuola Superiore Meridionale: the SS. Marcellino and Festo Cloister, at walking distance from the conference venue.

For those who signed up, the Social Dinner will take place on Thursday July 11, at 20.00, on the top floor of Grand Hotel Oriente, Via Armando Diaz 44, 80134 Napoli.

More Info

Here is a map with the conference venue. For more information contact us at poisson2024@gmail.com.