AP Computer Science A

APCSA.U7.L0 - ListArray Class

  1. 🔨 An ArrayList is essentially a mutable Array. Before utilizing the ArrayList class included in the Java Utility Package, you're going to attempt to write a class of your own with the same basic functionality as an ArrayList to gain an understanding of what is happening behind the scenes.

    • You will make a class called ListArray.

    • Your ListArray class must implement the ListArrayInterface interface.

    • You must use arrays as the backbone of your ListArray class.

    • Once you're finished, feel free to stress-test your class with StressTest.java and I encourage you to make changes to your class so it will run more efficiently.

  2. ✔️ Submission Form: ListArray Class Submission Form

Assigned: 01/03/2022 Due: 01/05/2022 (by midnight)

APCSA.U7.L1 - The ArrayList Class

  1. 🔨 Class Notes Transcript: Unit7_Day1.java

  2. 💬 Chat and ask questions through our Discord Channel.

Assigned: 01/06/2022 Due: 01/11/2022 (nothing due)

APCSA.U7.L2 - Dynamic ArrayList Lab

  1. 🔨 Lab Instructions: Dynamic ArrayList Lab Instructions

  2. ✔️ Submission Form: Dynamic ArrayList Lab Submission Form

Assigned: 01/12/2022 Due: 01/14/2022 (by midnight)

APCSA.U7.L3 - Shopping Cart Lab

  1. 🔨 Lab Instructions: Shopping Cart Lab Instructions

  2. ✔️ Submission Form: Shopping Cart Lab Submission Form

Assigned: 01/14/2022 Due: 01/18/2022 (by midnight)

APCSA.U7.L4 - Review

  1. 🔨 AP College Board Review Questions:

Assigned: 01/19/2022 Due: 01/19/2022 (nothing due)

APCSA.U7 - Assessment

  1. ✔️ Assignment: Unit 7 Progress Check: MCQ (01/20/2022)

  2. ✔️ Assignment: Unit 7 Progress Check: FRQ (01/21/2022)

Assigned: See Above for Dates Due: Completed During Class