AP Computer Science A

Unit 6 - Arrays

APCSA.U6.L1-4 - Array Creation, Access, Traversing, and Developing Algorithms using Arrays

  1. 🔨 Class Notes Transcript: Unit6_Day1.java

  2. 🔨 Class Notes Transcript: Unit6_Day2.java

  3. 💬 Chat and ask questions through our Discord Channel.

Assigned: 11/29/2021 Due: 11/30/2021 (nothing due)

APCSA.U6.L5 - Sieve of Eratosthenes Lab

  1. 🔨 Lab Instructions: Sieve of Eratosthenes Lab Instructions

  2. ✔️ Submission Form: Sieve of Eratosthenes Lab Submission Form

Assigned: 12/01/2021 Due: 12/02/2021 (by midnight)

APCSA.U6.L6 - Merge Lab

  1. 🔨 Lab Instructions: Merge Lab Instructions

  2. ✔️ Submission Form: Merge Lab Submission Form

Assigned: 12/03/2021 Due: 12/05/2021 (by midnight)

APCSA.U6 - Assessment

  1. ✔️ Assignment: Unit 6 Progress Check: MCQ (12/07/2021)

  2. ✔️ Assignment: Unit 6 Progress Check: FRQ (12/08/2021)

Assigned: See Above for Dates Due: Completed During Class