Ivona Biočanin

My Project at the lab : 

In my current project I am studying the effect of the interaction between the linker histone H1 and telomeric repeat binding proteins (TRB) at interstitial telomeric repeats (ITR) have on the epigenome of A. thaliana. To do this, I am combining the experimental lab approaches (ChIP, RNAseq…) with the in silico analyses of genome and epigenome variation and evolution, specifically the analysis of the great variability in ITR across different A. thaliana accessions.

My background : 

University Paris-Saclay and Sorbonne University, Paris, France— PhD Studies

Plant Sciences Doctoral school, PNDS team

École Normale Supérieure, PSL University Paris, France — MSc Studies

Interdisciplinary master studies in Life science, track Ecology and evolution

Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Serbia— 

Module Molecular Biology and Physiology