

Entries are due by 5 p.m. Sunday, May 2, 2021.

New for 2021: Categories have changed!

News, features and sports

1. General news reporting (non-COVID)

These are articles that generally focus on topics that are more important and relevant in nature -- not to be confused with sports, features, profiles or series. This includes coverage of news beats, breaking news, investigative or depth reporting, spot news, meetings, presentations or press conferences. A single article; may include sidebars. Must include jumped pages or it will be disqualified.

2. COVID-19 news reporting

These are articles that focus on coverage of COVID-19 topics. Must include jumped pages or it will be disqualified.

3. Comprehensive coverage

Extensive coverage of an event or topic involving more than one article in the same or in a series of issues (issues do not need to be consecutive). Entries must illustrate the ability to handle a complex subject clearly, precisely and with sufficient background. Entries may be published by one or by multiple staff members. For example, coverage of an on-going lawsuit that involves the initial story plus related stories (more than a related sidebar) in one issue or the original story plus follow-ups in subsequent issues. The entire package of articles is considered one entry.

4. Feature reporting (non-COVID)

This includes focusing on, or featuring, lifestyles, leisure, A&E (other than reviews), seasonal and historical events or persons, fashion, fads, trends, clubs, programs and organizations. A focus on a person should go in the next category, personality profile. A single article; may include sidebars.

5. Personality profile

Articles that capture the life, interests and accomplishments of interesting people, based on interviews. The subject should have experiences, thoughts and accomplishments worth reporting. These should be on people, not groups, organizations or programs, which would fall more under feature reporting.

6. Sports news/feature reporting

Coverage of an event, game or the business related to organized sports but not limited to sanctioned athletic events at the student’s college. A single article, may include sidebars. Spotlights on players would be in the next category – features.


7. Individual column or commentary

Unlike an unsigned staff editorial, a column or a commentary is an opinion piece written by a single writer, with by-line and often with a thumbnail photo of the writer. Judging emphasis is on both relevancy of the topic to the readers, effectiveness of delivery, and writing style. For point/counterpoint articles, include both positions for context but clearly mark which piece is being submitted for contest consideration (assuming different authors, both pieces may be submitted, but as separate entries from separate individuals).

8. Review

This includes reviews or previews of movies, music, plays, books, restaurants, clubs, video games, or new technology. Note the sometime subtle differences between a review and a feature story. For example, a feature story on a new video game might report its features, cost, specs and availability, whereas a review would rate its performance and make recommendations on its use or purchase.

Photography, illustration, design and multimedia

9. News/feature/sports photo

A single, untouched image (no photo illustrations) that depicts a news/sports/feature event as it is happening. The photo can support a news story or it can stand alone, telling a story itself (often with an extended cutline).

10. Portrait photography

A single, untouched image (no photo illustrations) that reveals the essence of the subject’s character. It may accompany a story or stand alone. It is typically posed, but in a powerful way.

11. Photo essay

An essay is two or more untouched images (no photo illustrations), with or without an article, which work together in a logical and defined manner to tell a story.

12. Photo illustration and/or graphics

OK, now you can submit that super cool photo illustration. Or hand-drawn or computer-generated image, creative infographic, or any combination thereof, that captures the essence of the story. This would include a photo that has been altered for effect so it is more of a storytelling graphic than a view of reality photo.

13. Headline

Good headlines have clarity, creativity and impact. Submit the entire PDF/or online link of the headline with the story so it can be evaluated for the overall effectiveness and accuracy with the story. When submitting, enter the headlines in the notes field so it can be judged correctly on the page.

14. Best use of multimedia storytelling

This award recognizes use of video, audio and/or slideshow on a website. Entries can be a single instance of multimedia (video, slideshows or podcast) or a series based on a single topic or theme. Examples include multimedia used to support a breaking news story, feature or ongoing series, or a stand-alone story told with multimedia tools. Written overview should provide detail to support your entry. Include link to location of the multimedia entry on your website.

Overall awards

15. General excellence in website (2-year college)

Focus will be on measuring the content of the website. Judges will be looking for features such as design; ease of navigation; interactivity such as links, polls and blogs; quality of writing, graphics and images; use of tools such as slideshows, audio slideshows, video; and use of other social media tools. Provide site URL on entry form.

16. General excellence in website (4-year college or university)

Focus will be on measuring the content of the website. Judges will be looking for features such as design; ease of navigation; interactivity such as links, polls and blogs; quality of writing, graphics and images; use of tools such as slideshows, audio slideshows, video; and use of other social media tools. Provide site URL on entry form.