Prime Minister Research Fellowship IIT Bombay Information

About This Site

This page is devoted to the IIT Bombay local chapter of PMRF. More information is on Piazza. Any IITB student who wishes to know more should join Piazza. The password to join Piazza is available with any of the existing PMRF scholar (see this link).

The Prime Minister's Research Fellows (PMRF) Scheme has been designed for improving the quality of research in various higher educational institutions in the country. With attractive fellowships, the scheme seeks to attract the best talent into research thereby realizing the vision of development through innovation. The scheme was announced in the Budget 2018-19. The institutes which can offer PMRF include all the IITs, all the IISERs, the Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru and some of the top Central Universities and NITs that offer science (technology) degrees. The candidates will be selected through a rigorous selection process and their performance will be reviewed suitably through a national convention.

More information about the Piazza enrollment at IITB

  1. Just like a normal classroom in an IITB course, we require all PMRF scholars to enroll themselves every semester in Piazza.

  2. No (email) conversation is entertained when it is originating from any student except on Piazza where questions are encouraged and replied (usually by existing PMRF scholars).

  3. All academic entities (Profs, students, etc.) can enroll in Piazza during the enrollment period with their ldap id

  4. Piazza is periodically paused (for writes) typically after the nominations are sent to New Delhi IIT Madras and during semester breaks. However, read only mode is available.

    • The password to join Piazza is available with any of the existing PMRF scholar (see link mentioned above).

  5. Piazza is the only fountainhead of peer knowledge other than this web site as far as IITB PMRF is concerned. Everything anyone wants to know about the IITB PMRF process is visible in there.