Building a PLN at WMMS

We already at Windsor Mill do a great job at building our PLN within the school. There are still many things for us to do to build our PLN.


  • use the hashtag! #wmmslife
  • follow
    • @windsormillms - Windor Mill Middle School
    • @NiamhQ14 - WWMS's very own STAT teacher
    • @BaltCoPS - Baltimore County Public School System
    • @BCPSFormative - a way to connect to other teachers in BCPS
    • @gradesmarter - learning about the new BCPS grading policy
    • @BCPSODL - BCPS office of digital learning
    • @OILP_BCPS - innovative learning for BCPS

Inquiry Teams:

  • Join an inquiry team! Here at Windsor Mill we are involved in inquiry teams within our school. Within these teams we have branched out to other schools about our topics of targeted small group instruction, effective feedback and higher order thinking. We need to continue to share our group work with the other groups within the school and other schools as well. Tools we have used and can continue to use include guest speakers, Skype sessions, presentations and our Stat Cafe's.

Learning Walks:

  • Walking through other teachers classrooms while they are teaching can be very inspiring. Observing a teacher can help give other teachers insight and ideas for both instruction and behavior management. These can be done both within the school or at other schools.


  • Do not forget to just collaborate daily. Work with each other and share ideas. Whether this be during lunch, a planning period or before/after school. Daily rich conversations with coworkers can go a long way!


  • Find other teachers in our school or district
  • follow other educators and sources
  • create a grade level board you can all contribute to
  • create a subject board to all contribute