My Personal PLN

For my own personal PLN I use a variety of tools. I don't believe that just one tool has it all. However, I do think my favorite tool is Twitter! These tools allow me to connect to many other educators all around the globe. It even allows me to reach out to coworkers that I may not be able to see all the time. It is a great way to share ideas and learn from one another. As a teacher we all need to work together!


  • During the course of the class ET630 I participated in a group PLN using Pinterest. I have always been an active Pinterest user, but I have definitely now expanded what I use it for.
  • Boards I follow:


eSchool News connects you to the latest on how today's K-12 educators are using technology in the classroom. I also follow eSchool News using their website. They have great articles about education!

A national nonprofit organization authorized by Congress to spur innovation in education in order to improve the opportunity to learn for all Americans. Digital promise partners with many schools to offer opportunities for innovative technology rich learning environments.

ThinkStretch is an outcome-driven program that incentivizes students to maximize their school experience during gaps throughout the school year.

Teaching Channel is a thriving online community where teachers can watch, share, and learn diverse techniques to help every student grow.

OneNote is a Microsoft program that allows you to collaborate in and out of the classroom.

Baltimore County Public School's award-winning cable channel, enables viewers to keep up to date of happenings in the school system. Verizon 34/Comcast 73.

The National Education Association, the nation's largest professional employee organization, is committed to advancing the cause of public education.

Believing in taking risks, collaborating, sharing ideas, supporting others. creating a culture of learning. This is a great source to follow when collaborating within BCPS.

We support districts transitioning traditional classrooms into modern learning environments. Modern Teacher has partnered with BCPS and has come within our classrooms to help with the transformations.

Presidential Math Awardee| Math Coach K-12| Adjunct Professor| Presenter | Ron Clark Academy Teacher

I had the pleasure of seeing more about this teacher while attending #iste16. She is a great resource for many teachers to see her love and passion for teaching.

You may remember him from the show Reading Rainbow. LeVar was also at #iste16 and has great insight to educators.

Speaker, consultant, adjunct professor at Wilkes, VP of D69 School Board, blogger, podcaster. Steve presented at a BCPS lighthouse training and was full of knowledge. He introduced us to a lot of great things to do within the classroom.

Sean is a BCPS teacher who was named teacher of the year. I have seen him speak many times and he is very insightful to all teachers and a great person to collaborate with.

Middle school teacher, NY Times bestselling author of The Essential 55 & Move Your Bus & founder of the Ron Clark Academy. Ron Clark has an amazing presence in the classroom. I was lucky enough to watch him teach a group of his students at #iste16.

Co-Founder @BreakoutEDU - Former @innovfellows. Founder @eduTecher@eduClipper @WeLearnedItApp, @EdcampUSA Board Member. Another #iste16 presenter that caught my attention. He had many great innovative tools. BreakoutEDU has been a great hit in our school!

Official Twitter of Theoretical Physicist, Famed Futurist, Bestselling Author, On-Air Personality, and Public Speaker,. Dr. Michio Kaku was the keynote speaker at #iste16. He gave great insight on how much the world and education has changed and will constantly be changing.

Professional Learning Manager @DigitalPromise. I was lucky enough to first meet Shaun in my school. She was first an in school resource teacher for us. I have learned many things from her and she continues to help from far away.


  • Within my school we have a school wide OneNote notebook. Here we can add resources and collaborate with many teachers in our school. We also have a grade level notebook. This year in grade 6 we used this notebook to collaborate and create a grade wide project based assignment for our students.

Websites and blogs: