Journal Papers
20. Yu-Xuan Wu and Pei-Ling Luo* “ Ppb-level self-calibrating ozone detection using a T-type multipass enhanced photoacoustic sensor with a 9.46 μm quantum cascade laser .” Analytical Chemistry, 97, 3302 (2025). [Link]
19. Che-Wei Chang, I-Yun Chen, and Pei-Ling Luo* “Absolute line strength measurements of HO2 radical in the OO-stretching fundamental band between 1088 and 1124 cm−1 using time-resolved dual-comb spectroscopy.” J. Chem. Phys., 162, 034302 (2025). [Link]
18. I-Yun Chen, Che-Wei Chang, Christa Fittschen, and Pei-Ling Luo* “Accurate kinetic studies of OH + HO2 radical–radical reaction through direct measurement of precursor and radical concentrations with high-resolution time-resolved dual-comb spectroscopy.” J. Phys. Chem. Lett.,15, 3733 (2024). [Link]
17. Che-Wei Chang, I-Yun Chen, Christa Fittschen, and Pei-Ling Luo* “Measurements of absolute line strength of the ν1 fundamental transitions of OH radical and rate coefficient of the reaction OH + H2O2 with mid-infrared two-color time-resolved dual-comb spectroscopy.” J. Chem. Phys., 159, 184203 (2023). [Link]
16. Pei-Ling Luo*, I-Yun Chen, M. Anwar H. Khan, and Dudley E. Shallcross “Direct gas-phase formation of formic acid through reaction of Criegee intermediates with formaldehyde.” Communications Chemistry, 6, 130 (2023). [Link]
15. Pei-Ling Luo* “Kinetics and pressure-dependent HOx yields of the reaction between Criegee intermediate CH2OO and HNO3” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 25, 4062 (2023). [Link]
14. Pei-Ling Luo* and I-Yun Chen, “Synchronized two-color time-resolved dual-comb spectroscopy for quantitative detection of HOx radicals formed from Criegee intermediates.” Analytical Chemistry, 94, 5752 (2022). [Link]
13. Wei-Che Liang, Pei-Ling Luo*, and Yuan-Pern Lee*, “Infrared characterization of the products and the rate coefficient of the reaction between Criegee intermediate CH2OO and HCl.” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 23, 11082 (2021). [Link]
12. Pei-Ling Luo*, “Long-wave mid-infrared time-resolved dual-comb spectroscopy of short-lived intermediates.” Opt. Lett., 45, 6791 (2020). [Link]
11. Pei-Ling Luo* and Er-Chien Horng, “Simultaneous determination of transient free radicals and reaction kinetics by high-resolution time-resolved dual-comb spectroscopy.” Communications Chemistry, 3, 95 (2020). [Link]
10. Pei-Ling Luo*, Er-Chien Horng, and Yu-Chan Guan, “Fast molecular fingerprinting with a coherent, rapidly tunable dual-comb spectrometer near 3 μm.” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 21, 18400 (2019). [Link]
9. Pei-Ling Luo*, Chen-An Chung, and Yuan-Pern Lee*, “Rate coefficient of the reaction CH2OO + NO2 probed with a quantum-cascade laser near 11 μm.” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 21, 17578 (2019). [Link]
Before joining IAMS
8. Pei-Ling Luo*, Yasuki Endo, and Yuan-Pern Lee*, “High-resolution vibration-rotational spectra and rotational perturbation of the OO-stretching (ν6) band of CH2OO between 879.5 and 932 cm-1.” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 20, 25806 (2018). [Link]
7. Pei-Ling Luo*, Yasuki Endo, and Yuan-Pern Lee*, “Identification and self-reaction kinetics of Criegee intermediates syn-CH3CHOO and CH2OO via high-resolution infrared spectra with a quantum-cascade laser.” J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 9, 4391 (2018). [Link]
6. Ming Yan, Pei-Ling Luo, Kana Iwakuni, Guy Millot, Theodor W. Hänsch and Nathalie Picqué*, “Mid-infrared dual-comb spectroscopy with electro-optic modulators.” Light: Science & Applications 6, e17076 (2017). [Link]
5. Pei-Ling Luo, Jin-Long Peng, Jinmeng Hu, Yan Feng, Li-Bang Wang* and Jow-Tsong Shy*, “Precision Frequency Measurements of 3,4He 23P→33D Transitions at 588 nm.” Phys. Rev. A. 94, 062507 (2016).
4. Pei-Ling Luo, Jinmeng Hu, Yan Feng, Jow-Tsong Shy* and Li-Bang Wang*, “Doppler-free intermodulated fluorescence spectroscopy of 4He 23P-31,3D transitions at 588 nm with a one-watt compact laser system.” Appl. Phys. B 120, 279 (2015).
3. Pei-Ling Luo, Yu-Chan Guan, Jin-Long Peng, Jow-Tsong Shy*, and Li-Bang Wang*, “Measurement of the 21P1-31D2 Transition Frequency in 4He,” Phys. Rev. A. 88, 054501 (2013).
2. Pei-Ling Luo, Jin-Long Peng, Jow-Tsong Shy*, and Li-Bang Wang*, “Precision frequency metrology of helium 21S0-21P1 transition,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 013002; 111, 179901(E) (2013).
1. Pei-Ling Luo, Chien-Cheng Kuo, Cheng-Chung Lee, and Jow-Tsong Shy*, “Frequency stabilization of a single-frequency volume Bragg grating-based short-cavity Tm:Ho:YLF laser to a CO2 line at 2.06 μm,” Appl. Phys. B 109, 327 (2012).
Invited Conference Presentations
# Pei-Ling Luo, “A new approach to chemical kinetic studies with high-resolution time-resolved mid-infrared dual-comb spectroscopy” the 13th International Conference on Chemical Kinetics, Tahoe City, CA, USA, June 8–13, 2025.
# Pei-Ling Luo, “A new approach to kinetic study and detection of short-lived intermediates with mid-infrared time-resolved dual-comb spectroscopy” the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), Long Beach, CA, USA, May 4–9, 2025.
# Pei-Ling Luo, “A kinetic study of OH + HO2 radical-radical reaction using mid-infrared high-resolution time-resolved dual-comb spectroscopy” 2025 Chemistry National Meeting, Taichung, Taiwan, March 3–9, 2025.
# Pei-Ling Luo, “Mid-infrared time-resolved dual-comb spectroscopy and its applications” 2025 Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Taiwan, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Jan 14–16, 2025.
# Pei-Ling Luo, “Absolute line strength measurements of transient free radicals with high-resolution time-resolved dual-comb spectroscopy ” The 15th Asian International Seminar on Atomic and Molecular Physics, Daejeon, South Korea, Aug 19–23, 2024.
# Pei-Ling Luo, “A new approach to kinetic studies of radical-radical reactions using time-resolved dual-comb spectroscopy” the 24th East Asia Workshop on Chemical Dynamics, Taipei, Taiwan, Mar 18–20, 2024.
# Pei-Ling Luo, “Absolute line strength measurements of transient free radicals with mid-infrared two-color time-resolved dual-comb spectroscopy” International Conference on Key Intermediates in Atmospheric Chemistry and Astrochemistry, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Jan 23–25, 2024.
# Pei-Ling Luo, “Reactive free radical determination by high-resolution time-resolved dual-comb spectroscopy” 8th Asian Spectroscopy Conference, Niigata, Japan, September 3–6, 2023.
# Pei-Ling Luo, “Long-wave mid-infrared time-resolved dual-comb spectroscopy of the simplest Criegee intermediate” Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress, Munich, Germany, July 31–August 3, 2023.
# Pei-Ling Luo, “High-resolution mid-infrared time-resolved dual-comb spectroscopy” The 14th Asian International Seminar on Atomic and Molecular Physics, Australia (virtual meeting), Feb 13–17, 2023.
# Pei-Ling Luo, “Determination of reaction intermediates and kinetics with high-resolution time-resolved dual-comb spectroscopy” The 36th International Symposium on Free Radicals, Stockholm, Sweden, July 3–8, 2022. [Broida Prize]
# Pei-Ling Luo, “Mid-infrared time-resolved dual-comb spectroscopy: A new approach to kinetic and product studies in gas-phase reactions” 4th QUADMARTS Workshop, Lille, France, Jun 26–29, 2022
# Pei-Ling Luo, “Mid-infrared time-resolved dual-comb spectroscopy of transient free radicals” the 6th meeting for exchanging information on molecular spectroscopy, Tokyo, Japan, Jan 25, 2020.
# Pei-Ling Luo, “High-resolution mid-infrared laser spectroscopy of small Criegee intermediates,” the 3rd Asian Workshop on Molecular Spectroscopy, Hefei, China, Mar 7–9, 2019. [The Promising Young Asian Spectroscopist Award]
# Pei-Ling Luo, “Identification and reaction kinetics of small Criegee intermediates via high-resolution infrared spectra with a quantum-cascade laser” the 22nd East Asia Workshop on Chemical Dynamics, Seoul, South Korea, Oct 1–5, 2018.