
Alcumus is a game, but it's also a way to learn math.

Created and hosted by legendary website Art of Problem Solving,

Alcumus is a clever tool that can greatly accelerate any student's skill and interest in math.

What's so great about Alcumus?

It exposes students to new problems and teaches them math. 

The game pulls a math question from a large database, assigns it to you based on your skill level, and asks you to solve it.

Once you give an answer, it tells you if you're right or wrong — and it gives a full, detailed solution to the problem in paragraph form. You can look carefully over to check your errors or discover a new method to solving problems.

It categorizes math problems into subjects and topics.

When a problem is shown to you, it tells you whether it's a problem about fractions, 2-D geometry, exponents, or number theory. If you're struggling in a subject, it links you to optional (but handy!) resources, video tutorials, and more ways to learn or touch up on a subject.

It tracks your math level and progress. 

Your profile is given a full overview of your skill in Pre-algebra, Algebra, Number Theory, Combinatorics, and Geometry — the five pinnacles of MathCounts-level math. You can see your progress, as well as your strengths and weaknesses, in each subject.

Based on your playing patterns, it even tells you how good you are at cracking problems, based on your stamina, resilience, answer accuracy, and growth power. For example, if you tend to give up on problems easily, it will notify you that your resilience needs some work.

It is FUN!

Alcumus' system of quests and achievements makes sure you feel rewarded and motivated as you progress. Alcumus lets you have fun and get smarter at the same time!

How do I start?

Visit! You may need to create an account, but it is fairly straightforward from here.