Play & Learn DigiMedia
Online course for teachers
The Play & Learn Digimedia online teachers' training course has been offered from March to May 2019 with 500 participants from all over Europe. The course material is available for anyone interested, although you are not able to register on the course or to write blog posts. We will announce here when the course is open next time for interested participants.
For further information please contact:
- Carina Gräsbeck, Planning officer, Åbo Akademi University,
- Mona Riska, Manager of professional development, Åbo Akademi University,
Play & Learn DigiMedia is an online course that will provide you as a teacher with new tools and concrete support for using digital media more frequently and extensively in your own teaching practices and consequently improve the learning outcomes of your students.
The aim of this online course is to bridge the “digital gap” between the teachers and their learners by encouragaing you as a teacher to increase the use of digital media in education. We want to encourage you to take part in the whole course in order to benefit the most from it. The goal is for you to feel inspired to use playful learning methods in order to help your students to learn more efficiently and creatively. We hope you will be inspired to support your students to innovate more, to solve complex problems, to access wider and more up-to-date knowledge, and to have more flexible and accessible learning opportunities both inside and outside the classroom.
The basic principle for the training material is BYOD (Bring your own device). The course is divided into five main course modules and you will be encouraged through out the course to test, play, fail freely, try what you have learnt and then share it with other teachers on the same course. The main course modules are:
Video presentations and materials on Playful teaching and learning experiences
Presentation & workshop on Potentials of playful teaching and learning
Rikke Toft Nørgård, PhD, Associate professor, Centre for teaching development and digital media, Aarhus University
Piedade Vaz Rebelo, PhD, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Coimbra
Presentation (slides)
Workshop around Playful simulations and augmented reality in teaching and learning
Dimitrios Ntourakis, MD, PhD, FACS, Lecturer of Surgery, School of Medicine, European University Cyprus
Interactive learning materials
Mart Laanpere, PhD, Senior Researcher, Head of the Centre for Educational Technologies, Tallinn University
Presentation (slides)
Learning online and digital teaching - benefits and stumble blocks
Anna Sell, DSc, Senior lecturer, Information Systems, Åbo Akademi University
Presentation (slides)
Presentation of the Play and learn digimedia MOOC
Carina Gräsbeck, MSSc, planning officer, Centre of lifelong learning, Åbo Akademi University
Presentation (slides)
Time schedule: 13:00-17:00
Rikke Toft Nørgård, Aarhus University and Piedade Vaz Rebelo, University of Coimbra Dimitrios Ntourakis, European University of Cyprus Ilona-Elefteryja Lasica, European University of CyprusMart Laanpere, Tallinn University Anna Sell, Åbo Akademi University Carina Gräsbeck and Mona Riska, Åbo Akademi UniversityENROLLMENT
We have a limited amount of seats at the seminar. Please enroll for the seminar in order to reserve a seat.
Online registration to the seminar
by 24th of January 2019 the latest.
The seminar is open and free of charge for teachers, who are interested in widening and bringing their knowledge of digital media use up-to-date.
We are inviting teachers and educators, who are interested in digital media use regardless of which educational level they are working at.
We have a limit amount of seats at the seminar. The seats are confirmed to all persons enrolled after the registration is finished.
The seminar is taken place in room RENTO (2. floor), Messukeskus, Messuaukio 1, Helsinki
For more information, please contact:
Project manager Mona Riska,
The aim of this seminar is to provide hands-on experiences, tools, and material on using digital media in teaching. The aim is also to share positive experiences of using digital media in teaching practices and to share experiences of using digital media in a playful and joyful way.
Partnership meetings
Sixth meeting in Helsinki, January 25th-26th, 2019
The sixth partnership meeting of PlayLearnDigiMedia will take place in Helsinki, hosted by the Åbo Akademi University.
During the meeting we will arrange the seminar Playful teaching and learning experiences at the EDUCA fair in Helsinki on 25th of January 2019.
Fifth meeting in Estoril, September 24th-25th, 2018
The fifth partnership meeting of PlayLearnDigiMedia took place in Estoril, hosted by the University of Coimbra.
During the meeting we continued the work on the learning units in the teacher-training program (MOOC) and planned the Multiplier Event taking place in Helsinki in January 2019.
Fourth meeting in Tallinn, June 18th-19th, 2018
The fourth partnership meeting of PlayLearnDigiMedia took place in Tallinn, hosted by the University of Tartu.
During the meeting we worked on the learning units in the teacher -raining program (MOOC).
Third meeting in Cyprus, September 25th-26th, 2017
The third partnership meeting of PlayLearnDigiMedia took place in Cyprus, hosted by the European University of Cyprus.
During the meeting we created content for the learning units in the teacher training program. We are using Wordpress as platform for the (M)OOC.
Second meeting in Århus, April 3rd - 5th, 2017
The second partnership meeting of PlayLearnDigiMedia took place in Aarhus, hosted by the Center for Teaching Development and Digital Media at Aarhus University.
We finished at the meeting the methodological framework for the project. Further we discussed and decided on the platform and technological solutions for the MOOC and the topics for the learning units in the teacher training program. The results has been published under Material.
Kick-off meeting in Turku, October 17th-18th, 2016
The first meeting of PlayLearnDigiMedia took place in Turku, hosted by Centre for lifelong learning at Åbo Akademi University.
Here are all partners represented:
- Aarhus University
- European University of Cyprus
- University of Coimbra
- University of Tartu
- Åbo Akademi University
Welcome to join our Seminar "Playful teaching and learning experiences" on the 25th of January 2019
Welcome to participate in the seminar and workshops, to share experiences on using digital media in teaching practices at the EDUCA fair in Helsinki.
In schools, colleges and universities teachers and other educators have to make everyday decisions about the type of digital tools to use in various teaching situations, and to decide on how and why to use a specific tool or application. The aim of this seminar is to provide hands-on experiences, tools, and material on using digital media in teaching.
"Playful Simulations"
Have you ever thought of teaching using interactive methods such as complex patient simulation scenarios, augmented reality and simulations of an experiment process? This is your chance! Attend our workshop and you will get an idea of such an experience!
"Potentials of playful teaching and learning"
What are some of the potentials of playfulness in education? What is playful teaching and how do we do it (and why should we)? And what are some of the benefits, possibilities and challenges when trying to make learning more playful in adulthood? Attend our workshop and gain insight into knowledge, practice and educational activities in relation to playful teaching and learning. You will also get the opportunity to try playfulness out first hand as you, together with experts on playfulness in higher and further education, will explore magic circles, lusory attitudes and playful learning worlds. This is your opportunity to play!